Miss my ex hold me bros

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Imnatty7, Jan 15, 2018.

  1. Imnatty7

    Imnatty7 Fapstronaut

    I broke up for less than a week I know I will be better in maybe 2 weeks but right now its really hard, I just can't stop thinking about her, I miss spooning her and her smell
    I just miss her so much cause even tho I didn't want to break up it was a better choice for the two of us cause we are too different, its still so hard cause we both love each other but we can't be together for now
    but man im feeling so fcking lonely, I have a lot of friends but I just feel alone
    I really tryed to improve myself and just do the most things possible to forget about her but its so hard I just want to cry and stay in my bed all day feelsbadman
    THEBEATPOLICE likes this.
  2. Campos

    Campos Fapstronaut

    Well, sorry bro, it happens, time will help, but even if you want to stay in your bed try to go out with your bros more, now you have time for it, no thirst trap can substitute your bros and thats a fact, or gym, best way to spend your time, just do something and you will be fine.
  3. Porn Killer

    Porn Killer Fapstronaut


    Come get a big ol hug bro
    Campos likes this.
  4. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the humanity club son.
  5. KMPeanut

    KMPeanut Fapstronaut

    I went through a terrible one also man felt like my life was over for weeks lost my v card with the girl and thought she was the one. But time heals wounds and later on I met my now wife. You just have to let the experience strength you and take the positives from the situation. As the cliche goes everything happens for a reason. Hope we can help you through the healing process.
  6. Fuck her u dont need her. Remember there always a hotter one.
    Deleted Account and Campos like this.
  7. hej då

    hej då Fapstronaut

    Of course it feels like hell right now but you'll get over her.
    We never see the bigger picture.
  8. Imnatty7

    Imnatty7 Fapstronaut

    thx for the answers guys even tho I don't reply to every one of you I appreciate every answers, it really help me
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. Sananafraz

    Sananafraz Fapstronaut

    Yeah, man. I feel you. It physically hurts. It’s like a knife im my lower abdomen. My advice is to allow yourself to take your pain and find where it lives inside your body. Is it moving? Still? Does it have a shape? If you can find it, does it run away? It does hurt. It SHOULD hurt. Show the pain the respect it deserves and it will leave. I love you, bro.
  10. Imnatty7

    Imnatty7 Fapstronaut

    damn... reading this, I was already destroyed by porn, but... I was so full of life at the time of this post, I got over my ex after 4-5 months still think about her sometimes to this day, she was my best friend and still don't want to hve anything to do with me... I don't really miss her anymore but damn reading my old post make me want to cry it was less than a year ago and fuck im starting to cry, it was less than a year ago and porn did so much bad things to me, I was always laughing always talking to everybody, people who read this wont see difference but porn really fucked me up reading all my old things, im so sorry guys...
  11. hardowner

    hardowner Fapstronaut

    Almost 2 years after I broke up with my ex gf and still hurts. Every time I go to bed, I remember how she was sleeping in my hug. My mind has filled the gap, but I'm not healed 100%. Maybe finding a new gf someday will make me happy and optimistic again. The fact that I depend on women to be happy doesn't make my proud btw...