I stopped PMO but now I'm incapable of sex

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by ewqghr, Jan 19, 2018.

  1. ewqghr

    ewqghr Fapstronaut

    So I've only really stopped watching porn and everything as I felt it wasn't healthy, and previously before I did I had no problem getting it on, sometimes it was a bit too easy.

    So I've stopped for the past 3 weeks, and before that for a good few months I've probably watched porn maybe once or twice in a fortnight, but I haven't had sex in about a year. Now I met a beautiful girl the other week, we jump into bed and I find I'm completely uninterested, literally like I was looking at a potato and not a nice woman. She tried a few things, unsuccessfully, and then goes oh yeah no problem whatever.

    Yeah, whatever.

    So not only does it make me feel completely useless, it's probably going to make this happen again due to the mental block. I feel like she's going to loose interest after that too, although somehow I doubt it was sex she was after in the first place as I'm ugly as hell, which if I think about it probably doesn't help because I don't feel attractive to her at all, if people say someone's out of their league, I'd say we're not even playing the same sport, this girl is stunning.

    Is this a normal problem? I expected it to be like a pocket rocket and go off in seconds, instead I wasted like 20-30 minutes feeling like a fool. My sex drive is definitely less than what it used to be, I almost never get random erections now nor look at women and get distracted, is this healthy for a 20 year old male? The only thing is for the last week I've been absolutely exhausted as I've been going out a lot and my personal life is pretty hectic and stressful, but somehow I doubt that's what's making the difference with a girl like this.

    If I masturbating and watch porn a few times is what fixes this then that's fine, I know myself that now that I've stopped so long I can do it for a week straight then just stop, I've done it a few times over the last year when I'd go out and get wasted at the weekend and not really care, but I still feel bad about it so would prefer avoid that if at all possible.
    I'd try imagining the same girl and doing it but I can't hold an image or a thought for that long before it changes into something horrible, so I'd have to use porn.
  2. Kurenai

    Kurenai Fapstronaut

    It seem you are just flatlining! It happens to a lot of people. Read about it here or on your brain on porn.
  3. ewqghr

    ewqghr Fapstronaut

    Reading about it on your brain on porn makes it sound like it's going to last for a while, I recon this girl will have lost interest by that point, fantastic.

    I've been going in and out of this no libido for a while now, sounds like it's only really made the situation worse, it's a shame this isn't more generally known or talked about outside of communities like this.
  4. Kurenai

    Kurenai Fapstronaut

    Read also about "rewiring", maybe that's what you need now. To get in touch with the real thing. And one night will not be enough for that, probably.
    Anyway, it seem you are really worried about what this girl thinks, and that's perfectly understandable. But if you hope this can become a real relationship, why not talking to her about this? Maybe you will feel better after that, and if it isn't the point, at least she will not feel bad to not be able to arouse you.
  5. ewqghr

    ewqghr Fapstronaut

    She's foreign on an exchange program from another continent for a few months so I won't see her for very long, not to mention her English isn't the greatest so it's kind of hard to explain things, be even harder to explain this, I can barely even make a joke understandable at times.

    As for her feeling bad I never really thought about it that way, maybe it would be worth saying something, I don't know. It's literally the most annoying thing to happen at the worst time, I barely even have a want for this girl although I can see she is attractive.
  6. Ashish333

    Ashish333 Fapstronaut

    That's normal bro after quitting porn u are flatlining now.in a few weeks or months u'll be back i guess your morningwood too would have dissapeared.am too flatlining btw after a while u'll get your morning erections back am in this stage right now sooner or later u'll be back with after completing the flatline journey.don't get discouraged or depressed now you have no interest in porn or M so just use that energy and your brain in what you are passionate about.flatline will pass one day.goto gym and lift weights it helped me alot.
  7. The Wrestler

    The Wrestler Fapstronaut

  8. ewqghr

    ewqghr Fapstronaut

    As shallow as it comes across there isn't really that much of a point, to reiterate she is only going to be in the same continent as me for 9 more weeks. If she was here to stay I totally would but she's not so that would only really end up hurting people 9 weeks down the line, and let's be serious who could keep up a long distance relationship over the other side of the world with two people both so poor they could never see each other again.
    I'm not saying I have zero attachment, I like her but we're not really going to be doing anything beyond those 9 weeks.

    Edit: should probably also add we have spoken about it
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2018
  9. Avias

    Avias Fapstronaut

    It doesn't mean it's a bad thing. When addiction stops it happen. If you quit any kind of drug, at first you'll want it very much, but after a time you'll see it was bad for you.
  10. You must quit porn forever.
    Hobbsy21 likes this.
  11. Dan84

    Dan84 Fapstronaut

    Man I've been there and I know the feeling. im still somewhat in the same boat but making strides in changing certain aspects of my life. I'm hoping nofap will be the final step to finally become normal again.

    There's more than just one issue (based on my own experience) and they are interrelated and compound the problem. Obv there is a self esteem issue at hand, in how you described yourself and making the assumption there's no way she can be into you based on how you look or being out of her league etc. That messes with your mind and adds to the anxiety. You gotta think of yourself to a higher standard. Women see see certain things in men beyond appearance (not trying to judge yours, I think you're just hard on yourself and maybe suffer from some body dysmorphia), obviously she's into you. Sometimes putting on exaggerated confidence can actually artificially boost your self eateem. The other side to this is the PMO and side effect based lack of libido/interest in general. And of course, after the failed attempt and now fresh performance anxiety setting in, with our minds being our own worst enemies,it makes for a self fulfilling prophecy. I certainly don't have all the answers as I'm on here for my own issues, but I can relate and would say an option is to be open and upfront if you get the opportunity next time, that you might be anxious because of the failed attempt the first time and it should be a no pressure situation if you hang out again, meaning we may or may not have sex but not stress over it. Don't focus so much on the potential for sex at the end of the date.