Conspiracy theorists

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Jan 29, 2018.

  1. How do they form?
    Where do they come from?
    Can we save em?

  2. How do they form? Where do they come from?

    They are people with opinions.

    Save them from what?
  3. "Argument Versus Opinion.
    As indicated above, the key difference between academic and personal writing is that whilst the first should always present an argument, the second is more likely to express an opinion.

    An argument involves arriving at a judgement which is based on an evaluation of relevant ideas and evidence.

    An opinion, on the other hand, is a point of view formed without sufficient evidence to support it. It tends to reflect an individual's instinctive reactions and personal experience.

    Consider, for instance, the difference between the following:

    Children who have seen violence at home repeat it when they grow up - a friend of mine from school whose father was violent is now in prison for attacking someone during a night out.

    International studies of sizeable prison populations demonstrate that significant numbers of violent offenders have witnessed violence in the home as children, though the influence of other environmental, and genetic, factors must also be considered."


    Opinions can be biased. If we let people discredit important facts they might get hurt, not talking about flat earth here, talking about some religious fake medicine practices, anti-vaccines and people that think that the climate change is some conspiracy to make they waste money os whatever. Those are dangerous, do you agree?
  4. One teacher of mine believe that Bush did the Twin Towers and that someone wanted to use nuclear bombs to wipe all humans. So yeah, a feeling of paranoia hit me and took me some reasoning and critical thinking to overcome.
  5. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    That is a conspiracy
  6. Is that a question
  7. If you look at the roots of most (if not all) conspiracy theories you'll they are started by an American (even the Shakespeare conspiracy theory was started by an American). It shouldn't be a surprise since the decoration of independence even contains a conspiracy theory. I would say no United States no conspiracy theories but America isn't going away so they're here to stay (not that I want the US to disappear anyway).

    Why would we want to save them? If they would all disappear I'd be very happy. One of the reasons I left my church is so most much of what was being preached was just conspiracy theories. Sometimes I wounder if Christianity is nothing but a conspiracy theories, but since so much of Christianity is influenced by the US it probably has nothing to do with Christianity in of itself.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    There are conspiracy theories that actually ended up being true. “Conspiracy theories” get negative views because they’re anything that go against what Government tells us is correct, as if the Gov’t is some fair, unbiased source. Of course some will be wacky, but others are viable.

    For example, my gov’t lies about the number of car accidents on the roads nationwide. During any week period they’d say there were 6 deaths or something, but if you count up the total from every city/town from their own records, it’s at least 7-8x that amount almost every time.
  9. What?
    Alligator77 and MLMVSS like this.
  10. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    I wonder, too, how the US influenced Christianity more than Martin Luther, John Wycliffe and John Calvin.
  11. Right?! I get saying Christianity influenced the US, but to say the US influenced Christianity? Joel Osteen must have been a major player, lol.
    MLMVSS likes this.
  12. Climate change is most likely not true. That's a theory that I actually have.

    In support of climate change is also a theory. There's not enough "facts" and data.

    What would you be saving me from?

    Also, just believing whatever "factual information" is thrown at you is horrible. Maybe you may need "saving" as well.
  13. Christianity influenced America and then America influenced Christianity. I used to work in the UK Christian retail industry and about 90% of products were American. Most of the companies we dealt with were American. My boss would fly out to America 2 or 3 times a year to conferences in America to make deals with America companies. He never visited any other country that much. Christian radio and TV mainly air American Christians preachers. The Christian retail and media influence many Christians. Joel Osteen and other American preachers are big players. Many people around the world read his books and watch his TV show and therefore are influenced by him.

    Of course the founding fathers (of Christianity) weren't Americans, but America has taken Christianity and transformed it into something that is only based on what Christianity's founding fathers taught. So much of Christianity nowadays is Americanised and Westernised.

    Not saying all American pastors and teachers are bad, I think there's some good ones. Just think Christianity today and Christianity when it first started is very different. And of course before America got their hands on Christianity Constantine got hold of it and changed it as well.
    Paperweight likes this.
  14. Could it be he did more business with the US because the US is bigger in size than the other countries?

    Do you have examples of these changes which differ from the ones of Luther, Calvin, Wycliff and etc? What are the changes preachers like Osteen have brought that have differed from the reformers and Catholics?

    What changes did Constantine make to Christianity other than making it legal to practice in Rome? Constantine himself didn't even convert to Christianity until shortly before his death when he was baptized.
    MLMVSS likes this.
  15. GeneralismoKilgore

    GeneralismoKilgore Fapstronaut

    Ok, man, ok, what if they don't need saving because they're like the only ones who are like seeing reality for what it is man, and its like all of the other sheeple man who can't break themselves out of this matrix that they're all like stuck in just droning on and on man. I mean I used to be like all of them, then I stopped taking the pills the man had prescribed for me, and like all of a sudden I'm like seeing all of this stuff now man, and its like my eyes are open to the world. Come with me bro, see how deep things go!

    To answer your question conspiracy theories are usually born out of a lack of feeling of control over life, and a need to explain a situation in sometimes overly elaborate detail, rather than actually view it for what it is, something often normal, mundane, and unexciting.
  16. I think this post addresses the question perfectly

  17. TheLoneDanger

    TheLoneDanger Fapstronaut

    Yeah, the troll in the flat brain thread is a perfect example of this!
  18. todaysresolution

    todaysresolution Fapstronaut

    martin luther believed the earth was flat and called copernicus evil essentially

    usa probably has distorted Christianity into a do good works to be saved mentality
    MLMVSS likes this.
  19. todaysresolution

    todaysresolution Fapstronaut

    not sure if you mean me but im not trolling im trying to bring awareness
    remember everyone believed the earth was flat longer than they believed it a sphere so its not like im making up nonsensical stuff
  20. todaysresolution

    todaysresolution Fapstronaut

    a conspiracy is when someone conspires against people or propaganda occurs etc

    nazis spread propaganda to teach jews were bad
    watergate was a conspiracy
    current politics is a conspiracy whether youre a republican or a democrat you have some conspiratorial belief against one of those candidates aka russia or emails