Hard mode is killing me phisically

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Marcothebest_1995, Jan 31, 2018.

  1. Marcothebest_1995

    Marcothebest_1995 Fapstronaut

    Ok, I managed to gest to day 31. This should be a success story but it is not.
    It is instead a request of help, because I really don't know what is the best for me.

    I forbid myself the use of PMO, because after 22 years of this life (I am 22) I got tired of this being my only way to live my sexuality. I said to myself "I am 22 and I am living the life I did not want to live, my sexual life is going a total failure".

    On 19th of February, it will be 4 years that I do not have sex. I had sex just twice, and it was very low quality sex...
    I was nervous as it was my first time, I suffered of fimosis (needed circumcision) and for sure my use of PMO did not help.
    After that, nothing.

    I live a life that a lot of people envy, I have friends and good grades, I go out, my social life is very active. When I have been in Erasmus in Spain I was the guy who knew everyone.
    No one imagines this complete failure in my intimacy.

    In these 4 years we can count a story with a girl I did not like phisically and a one-night kiss during my Erasmus. And I struggled massively to get to a kiss.

    Why this? I suffered of abuses perpetrated by girls when I was 11-13, and my teachers - women - did not do anything to help me. These were not sexual abuses, it was bullying.

    I am always afraid that girls now want to hurt me and that if I fail I will be joked by them.
    This blocks me, I can't interact with a girl if it is for sexual purposes.

    I am attending to a therapy. The situation is worsening because I had removed my past of abuses and I remembered it two months ago.
    My therapist wanted to do a simulation and saw that I am completely unable to speak to a girl if interested. I can't even start a conversation.

    We will work on the trauma, then she is recommending me to her colleague to improve my social skills with girls, and I have complete trust.

    But now I feel unmotivated to apply with girls, the blocks are surrounding me and I find no way out.
    My needs are of intimacy with a significant other.
    PMO was a way to control these urges, just to not make them overwhelming me.
    Now I removed PMO, I feel far cleaner but a whole area of me is denied. And this is caused by my total lack of other means.

    I am physically suffering withdrawal from this. Not always, but once a day. And it gives me depression.
  2. diogo431509

    diogo431509 Fapstronaut

    You could post on success stories. I reached 30 days several times, about to reach the 4th time. Give yourself more time and put effort in NoFap, you'll reap benefits accordingly to your decisions. Therapy is good, but NoFap is something you can do for yourself, you don't need anybody for it, so keep the therapy and keep believing in you.
  3. Marcothebest_1995

    Marcothebest_1995 Fapstronaut

    Yeah but there is nothing to celebrate about.
    It is part of the therapy, my therapist said that this is very good. She gave me the input before to remove chats like kik, I decided to extend it to NoFap. She always agreed, so it's like an order now.

    I am doing orders, I reached 30 days, but last 14 days have been harsh and I am suffering a lot for my sexual needs
  4. Marcothebest_1995

    Marcothebest_1995 Fapstronaut

    I already do that, the problem is that every day carries its burden of depression and frustration of desires
  5. Avias

    Avias Fapstronaut

    Depression is caused by many things and it won't go away if you won't do something
  6. Marcothebest_1995

    Marcothebest_1995 Fapstronaut

  7. Abird

    Abird Fapstronaut

    Do you talk with your therapist about it? That this is killing you physically? If so what did she say? If not, what is holding you back?
  8. Avias

    Avias Fapstronaut

    Depression comes when you spend most of the time in home, try to get some sun, walking is also good
  9. Suck it up. PMO will not fix your problems. You are not dying.
  10. Marcothebest_1995

    Marcothebest_1995 Fapstronaut

    It started in the last 10 days. I'll meet her next week, now I have to focus on my exams, which are not affected at all by this status
  11. Abird

    Abird Fapstronaut

    Good luck with your exams!
    Marcothebest_1995 likes this.
  12. Marcothebest_1995

    Marcothebest_1995 Fapstronaut

    Thank you. One tomorrow.
    I wanted to write that I will for sure talk to her about this issue of my reboot-induced bad conditions and my demotivation with girls
  13. MarinoBigFan1984

    MarinoBigFan1984 Fapstronaut

    NoFap is not a cure all for emotional problems.
  14. somegermanguy

    somegermanguy Fapstronaut

    Hey man :)
    I am a lot like you in a lot of ways! In a scaring way lots of things actually lol. I too have what would generally be considered a really good life, I am a med student, have a lot of friends, I am going to Spain for Erasmus next year and I suffer from PIED, for 4 years now. With 17 I wanted to have sex with my girlfriend and it didnt work ever since. I want to get rid of my PIED because I just want to have normal sexual relationships with pretty girls and not be afraid everytime I notice a girl is interested in me. I have not been bullied though, my PIED is purely addiction-based, but I still think I can understand a lot of things you go through.

    As a med student my question is have you been seeing a psychiatrist? Meds for depression often work very good and often show quicker and better results than psychotherapy (which is still very good and helpful very often!). Also, parts of what Avias said has a true point. Activity, fresh air and sports can help with depression. It's obviously not a cure, but it often helps.

    Try to do your best and stay away from PMO! This shit is really bad for your brain, it fucks lifes up in so manyy different ways. Stay strong man, I know you've got it in you to stay clean and overcome your depression :) Feel free to hit me up if you need anything!