How big is P problem globally? Really

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by xeon1993, Mar 19, 2018.

  1. xeon1993

    xeon1993 Fapstronaut

    I really apologize if this kind of topic already exist or existed.

    Though, I am starting to not believe anything media covers as for me it feels like it is one big propoganda filling our minds constantly, especially on this kind of sensitive topic related, so I am not going to dig deeper using google, because of those P sponsored topics written on magazines.

    Everytime I walk on a street there are always most of the people watching you directly, not feeling akward and just act natural, like there are no P habit to hide. It just feels like I am the only weirdo having this addiction (can anyone clarify that as a bullshit?). Even younger ones, they seem aware and not ashamed and just living the random life.

    So it gives me a question;

    Is P really a problem on global scale for almost everyone (married, single, polygamic, asexual, homosexual, etc) or is it just for small amount of people like, lets say, 0.5% of population who have had some trauma, etc?

    Basically, I came to conclusion, which might be wrong, but almost everyone (except, really succesful ones) watches P here and then, even when on relationships. And there is a small thin line between watching PMO and having addiction as a lifestyle of PMO. And if you lift towards rarely watching PMO, then there is nothing what impacts your sexual life. And opposite for the lift on the other - addiction - side.

    All thoughts are welcome!

    Edit: I am so sorry for my arrogance posting this on a wrong section. Can any mod relocate it in a proper one? Thank you!
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2018
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    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    If a country has an Internet connection, it most likely has a porn problem.
  3. xeon1993

    xeon1993 Fapstronaut

    So, basically, it is assumed that everyone, depending of their status (married, single, not looking, etc.) all of them are somehow violated with P issue?

    I was wondering, how big is possible target audience for this movement, who don't realize the existance of this movement. Personally, I don't know anybody who knows about it, nor that I told them, still having depression and are PMO users daily even with relationships inbetween.
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    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Not everyone, no. But it depends on what porn is defined as. You can argue that some bouts of passionate kissing (like the ones on the bed, etc) on a TV series can fit into a type of softcore category.
    xeon1993 likes this.
  5. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    My theory is that porn is problem for everybody who did not have sexual relationship properly from teenage years. If they had, they learnt to be in relationship, get sexual release from there, and even if they broke up and fapped half year before another relationship, they have already their brain programmed correctly and that fapping time is too short to develop an addiction.
    On contrary if somebody just fapped through their teenage years that plays crucial role in their psychical development, their programmed their brains for fapping and created these wrong brain pathways that end they just reinforced it year after year. This is particularly true in the age of high speed porn with various kinkys that fuckes you up exponentially faster.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2018
  6. I think porn use is just as prevalent if not more so than alcohol use. Basically all the guys I know use porn and most talk about it quite openly. As far as addiction goes, I really wouldn't know since none of these people ever admitted to being addicted. But if I had to guess, I'd say that most of them are and don't realize it. I doubt that we'll ever know since porn addiction is something that most people will suffer with in silence due to the embarrassment of being found out.
  7. How much of a problem is porn globally? Who knows. I’m sure in 1st world countries where people start threads about their problems which include: “I was rejected by a girl” or “uni is hell” probably have a bigger porn problem than 3rd world countries who’s threads (if they had a reliable internet connection) would read: “day 3 of no food” or “fresh water supply is gone, again” or “drone strike took out my fiends house by mistake”.
  8. xeon1993

    xeon1993 Fapstronaut

    So, basically, me. You got some good points there. Even though, I have kissed several girls during my teenage years (PMO was active) and been in a "relationship" for 1 month w/o sex long time ago, I haven't been any further. And I think I messed it up by having a too much of a P time gradually changing my point of view of seeing life.

    I wonder is it curable then if you messed up big time your youth by simply waiting for brain to rewire or do you need to dive right in?

    Imho, there are huge difference between those who have been single all their lifes without any P and those who have been single all their lifes as a PMO user and damaged their view of anything phyisical.
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  9. Out of the Furnace

    Out of the Furnace Fapstronaut

    hey there,
    i believe a lot of people out there watch porn. now there is a line between someone who does it random and someone who is addicted to it.
    i believe most of us here on this platform had something happening to them in their early life, something they couldn´t process until now. something like a trauma (like you mentioned). people suffering from trauma are a lot more likely to fall into addiction. i´m basically addicted to porn, alcohol, video games, movies. it´s a reaction of our mind, to not process the painful things we have been through. therefor we look for distraction. but there is only so much we can take.
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  10. xeon1993

    xeon1993 Fapstronaut

    Good points out there. My parents went to divorce when I was about 12 (no HSP back then). That is the only thing I could recall as trauma. And of course, all my best friends split up and went to different schools, so we disconnected. And that was a huge lost for me. Then years after years it all got messed up so bad, and I can't recall it why. Maybe because of loneliness, even though there were always "friends" around. Therefore, I understand why I am still a huge craver for nostalgia, for times when everything was easier and grass was greener, music was better, etc. And indeed, PMO is a fast way to cope with sudden negative emotions, which is fake ofcourse and makes you feel 10x worse after all.

    Thank you for your insight.
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  11. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    Very same story too mine, I have kissed several girls in my teenage years and was in only one relationship for 3 weeks without sex but that was it. My real life and experience started only when I was 25 years. However I think that at that time of that relationship (20 years old) I was still alright despite couple years of fapping already, the worst addiction came0 imho in the next 5 years afterwards.
    xeon1993 likes this.
  12. Honestly, it's not. I think it's going to rise throughout the years and typically young kids will be more prone t watch it bc irresponsible parents are buying more 8 year olds tablets and smartphones.

    But everything "bad" is fine in moderation (drugs, alcohol, porn, cigs, tv, junk food, etc). We just overused porn and that's when it becomes a problem.
    xeon1993 and Deleted Account like this.
  13. I read on ybop, however, 30% of young men have pied. I don't really believe it, but something to think of
  14. For real though. It's humbling to admit that you dont have your shit together and I think thats why there are so many people that personify porn into this huge demon that society made them jerk to. It's easier than admitting you fucked up, didnt show proper self control and developed a bad habit. I'm quitting porn because there is nothing positive about it, there is def some negative spiritual consequenses and I've used it as crutch in the past. I've seen some real extreme threads where poster go the fuck off about banning porn like the Pope getting people hyped for the crusades.

    I can count the number of drinks I had on my hands this year so alcohol abuse is no issue for me but its the worst think in the world for some people like some people can jerk in on occasion and not have an issue but not many of us.

    People develop bad habits and they have the option to either let these habits destroy them or quit and improve their quality of life. Some people will have problems with food, drugs, porn or TV like you mentioned. You cant make people live healthy or do what they are supposed to do so you shouldn't go all crazy. If you think porn is bad, quit jerking off, donate to nofap and or support some anti porn movement and leave it at that. Theres no need to make this into a bigger deal than it is.
  15. xeon1993

    xeon1993 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for different insights. Indeed, depends on the parenting at early age and other factors. Why I was asking. Because, in my opinion, P material (minimal nudity) appears more and more often these days on tvshows, movies, ads, basically everywhere. I can't recall that kind of sex material activity 10 years ago. It is just growing and growing.

    Personally I know 3 friends, all in their relationships and using PMO frequently, and I just feel like their relationships slowly but visibly fading. P is definetaly killing every single drop of emotions. Frequently, infrequently, imho doesn't matter. And the most funny part is they don't find PMO as a problem so they blame in their inability to cope in relationships to low incomes, lonely feelings, nostalgic thoughts, no energy, seeing world in grey shades, etc.

    That makes me think, that PMO problem is active on most of the relationships between 2 individuals. Atleast for those, "unstable" ones. And only the most happy and satisfied ones can live and love without P.
  16. Really I don't think it's that new. Centries and centuries ago there were paintings of naked women. Nowadays we can such paintings art. While it's true P tube sites have given us faster access to any kind of P this is not new.

    But the availability doesn't necessarily make it a problem, it's how people respond to it. Lust isn't what drives a PA, a lack of connection and shame is what drives PA.

    xeon1993 likes this.
  17. xeon1993

    xeon1993 Fapstronaut

    Yes, you are totally right, though I might admit that nudity quantity has been reaching top of the top with each and every year. Nudity art centuries old I woudn't consider a strict spotlight to getting yourself inside a P circle. It is marketing, ads, music videos (lets take a look at those videos made 20 years ago and content these days) and movies, who are the author of P invitions sent towards brain and those who are the most lonely are the most vulnerable for it to become an addicted. Showing clear signs, that everything is around sex (which is right, but lets call it "love", which is more approriate). And if you have nothing with it happening in your life and you are at lowest point somehow in your life, it is like a gasoline on fire to just find a way of alternative to cope with this suffering.

    I guess people are different and there are those you can be easily trapped on "lust trap" as you say, and those can be clearly selective. I just don't know why.
  18. I hate porn more than alot of things, it fucked me up. But the most important thing is to keep moving forward.

    If you keep looking behind you, you'll trip going forward..

    I have a problem more now of fantasies of relationships and HEALTHY sexual encounters. However, these are not real and am working on that. Sometimes I'll get a thought, not an urge, of porn still lodged in my brain and it's annoying. Porn to me now seems so fake (which it is) and kinda outlandish. Porn is a kid's game, and it's time to move on.

    That being said, I do believe in free speach and the ability to express yourself, so, sadly I don't think it should be against the law or anything. But we should have outreach programs, making the effects of PIED, etc more mainstream. Have more publicity for YBOP & NoFap
  19. xeon1993

    xeon1993 Fapstronaut

    Do you think NoFap or anything related with this lifestyle changing movement is still under water?

    I hate myself for not taking a look in this on a deeper scale like many years ago, while community already existed. I have always thought life struggling is been connecting with anything but PMO. So, yeah, I have always thought that PMO is ok and acceptable, because, hey - everyone does it, media shows that, and even your doctor and friends say that and it is normal to release your anger, pain, in this way etc. "That is why P is created for". So glad, my eyes finally opened. So sad, I wasted so many years out of that not knowing the real issue behind all this awkward, anxiety, confidence issues nonsense I have been struggling through.
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  20. Previous generations have had pornography, but it was so much harder to get. Just think if the only pornography you had came from sticky magazine. And just think if you had to go to some sketchy store downtown to get and risk being seen by someone you know; or if you order your magazines through the mail, you ran the risk of someone in your family discovering your dirty mags. So, maybe you built up a stack of mags that you look at in the garage or whatever. The point is that the internet has made it so much easier to tap into an endless array of pornography. It's 24/7/nonstop. So, you practically have to use web with blinders on to avoid it.
    xeon1993 likes this.