Some motivation.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Apr 29, 2018.

  1. So recently I relapsed about 24 hours ago stress got to me and I PMO yesterday. But not before going 16 days without any porn or masterbation .
    I want tobtell you about this time I think it was day 15 I was stuck in traffic and decided not to stay on the road so I pulled into a mall parking lot and decided I was goona go grab a drink from this really nice restaurant till the traffic was done.

    There was a moment when I was in the bar with a few people around me and I started thinking to myself WOW this us what it feels like to be without porn truely. My mind was clear I was talking to all the cute girls and bar tenders even got a free drink. No thoughts of sex or porn or anything that was creepy.
    Just me my body my mind my heart all at ease.
    I started looking around the room and realized that people just pulled towards me and started conversation .
    Now understand I'm always in social places ...this is why I am cutting porn out of my life I need to be so emersed in reality to be at my best .
    .so guys YOU CAN DO it. Push through the relapses and feeling of failure.
  2. switex

    switex Fapstronaut

    Stay motivated

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    Lord of the Ocean likes this.
  3. Proud of u man! Just watch the drinks! Don't wanna have alcohol problem too!
  4. Than you brother. It was just to unwind never over board
    Lord of the Ocean likes this.
  5. Lord of the Ocean

    Lord of the Ocean Fapstronaut

    That's how it is until the poison pushes ya off into the deep end son.

    Just saying keep healthy and remain off PMO for better self-control and be aware not to exceed what medical professionals recommend in terms of alcohol intake if you must drink.
  6. jeremiah960

    jeremiah960 Fapstronaut

    16 is a good streak...that means you can do it again. Then ...go for 30! Think about the life you really want!