60 Days: A whole two months!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Ridley, May 16, 2018.

  1. Ridley

    Ridley Fapstronaut

    As of today, I'm two months clean from Porn. It's been quite the journey so far, and I never imagined life could get so much better without porn. Here are some changes I've noticed in my life. I'll break them up into two separate categories:

    1. Changes that I had to make in order to get this far
    • I shifted my perspective on quitting porn. In my early attempts to quit, I always thought of quitting porn as a sacrifice, as "giving it up". However, now I see it as giving myself the gift of freedom. Porn is slavery, which makes quitting the best gift you could give yourself: freedom!
    • I started exercising more.
    • I started eating healthier foods and eating three meals per day.
    • I started going to bed at more reasonable hours and left my laptop out of my room (I wasn't just using it for porn at late hours of the night, but for other mindless internet browsing as well)
    • I started meditating for fifteen minutes every day after work.
    • I started reading more (both fiction and recovery-related material)
    • I started practicing music more.
    • I started working on some personal projects
    • I started seeing a therapist (I know this one isn't an option for everyone, but it's really helped me in my recovery)
    Even those changes above should be enough to convince you that I'm a better man now than I was two months ago, but there's another category of changes as well:

    2. Changes that are a result of quitting porn
    • I feel better about myself
    • I feel like I have nothing to hide, and that I can be fully honest with myself, my girlfriend, and anyone else important to me.
    • I feel less misogynistic
    • I started having sex dreams again (I missed those)
    • I enjoy sex with my girlfriend a lot more, and it feels more special instead of just another sexual experience in a sea of meaningless porn experiences
    • When I have sex, I find it easier to stay in the moment, breathe calmly, and I don't really think too much about orgasms anymore
    • Orgasms don't really seem like a goal to me anymore. I get much more pleasure from just being close to my girlfriend than I do from an orgasm
    • I feel like I can continue to be free from porn
    I truly believe I will make it 90 days and beyond, and I can't wait to live the rest of my life free from the slavery of porn. If you're in the middle of a reboot yourself, just remember that it's worth it, and celebrate the fact that you are free, no matter what stage of recovery you are at.

    Good luck, everyone! I'll see you guys at 90 days and beyond!
  2. Atrium_Guy

    Atrium_Guy Fapstronaut

    Congrats brother! Great stuff.....keep going, and ill see you at 90 :)
  3. SilentPrayer

    SilentPrayer Fapstronaut

    Awesome stuff! Keep it up my man!
  4. Nate1879

    Nate1879 Fapstronaut

    Congrats dude, amazing.
  5. I'm very happy for you! You may have broken orbit but keep those shields up! You're probably past the point of no return from possible relapse (Tremendous!) but always be ready to crush those unwelcome situations. Victory is yours!
  6. Ridley

    Ridley Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the wise advice. I have definitely started to "put my addiction gremlin to sleep" as they say, but I'm aware that it's still a part of me and could easily wake up if I let my guard down. I think relapse is always a possibility, so I'm going to stay recovery-oriented for as long as I can. Thanks for the encouragement.
  7. Nasagy

    Nasagy Fapstronaut

    Congrats on your achievements so far, you will get to 90 days just stay focused.