How to know if I addicted?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Guest 7896, Aug 5, 2018.

  1. Guest 7896

    Guest 7896 Fapstronaut

    Hello to everyone, I am new to NoFap and I am noy sure where to post this so if this thread doesn't belong to here tell me.

    I don't know if I addicted or not. How can I tell if I am addicted or not?

    It my first time that I actually asking about it and I fell embers to even write it.

    Sorry for bad writing.
  2. I would argue that if you've pmo'ed at least once every 2 weeks for at least a year, that would be a good reference in terms of real addiction. Addiction to porn and masturbation doesn't happen overnight but it can quickly become a "need." So you have to ask yourself, do you feel as if you need porn and masturbation to feel okay? This is a very tricky matter because addicts often deny they're addicted. I once told myself I wasn't addicted, but I did it enough to to totally depend on the habit in terms of energy and feeling well. This can be very hard to determine on your own. Another good reference could be wet dreams. If you haven't had one, or don't have them frequently enough, that can be strong indicator. .
    Hope it helps
    RingoRules and Jason_Tesla_19 like this.
  3. Jason_Tesla_19

    Jason_Tesla_19 Fapstronaut

    If you have to ask yourself if you're addicted, that most likely means you are!
  4. A346

    A346 Fapstronaut

    Basically if you m at every given chance, you have a strong case!
  5. Guest 7896

    Guest 7896 Fapstronaut

    I am not m at any opportunity but I like it starts to be a "need". I know that people that have addiction don't admit it but I aware of my self.
    I like m once a day and it feels to me too much. I hope that this information is helpful to under stand my case.

    Sorry for bad English.
  6. Uncomfortably Numb

    Uncomfortably Numb Fapstronaut

    IMO you are addicted when your porn use and masturbation starts to have any effect whatsoever on any other task or responsibility you need to perform
    RingoRules likes this.
  7. Guest 7896

    Guest 7896 Fapstronaut

    I am not in this level of m. So does it means that I am not addicted?
  8. I didn't really consider myself addicted until I seriously tried to stop.

    Then after a while of doing NoFap, I realised I was addicted.

    Even if you're not "addicted", whatever that really means, everyone is better off away from PMO.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. Iwannaquitplz

    Iwannaquitplz Fapstronaut

    Best way to tell - quit for a month. if you can do it, you're not an addict. If you can, then you are
    Either way, why did you come to NoFap if you don't think you have an issue with pmo?
  10. There's no certain answer for your question, most of us simply came to the realization that we are addicts. For me, I knew I am an addict when I tried to quit several times but I couldn't reach more than a week. Try to stop for a month and see what happens. That said, there are some simple tests that you might find useful like this one
  11. Iwannaquitplz

    Iwannaquitplz Fapstronaut

    I scored a perfect 12/12! I never did so well in a test in my life before!! ......... oh wait :L
  12. Octoling

    Octoling Fapstronaut

    I'd say if you can last 2 weeks the first time with no strong urges or resets, you're not addicted. I had to ask myself if I was addicted too, but 28 days ago I started my first pledge and I haven't had a strong urge to PMO since, just one or two light cravings that were easily dismissed. So I'd say I was never addicted.

    I'd also say, if there's an emotional reason attached to your PMO (like most people), you're ten times more likely to be addicted. Do you PMO when you feel stressed, sad, lonely, inadequate, or angry? Or are you like me and only do it when you're horny or bored? If its the former, the urge to PMO will be that much greater when you're feeling vulnerable. If its the latter, then all you have to do is keep yourself busy, and replace your boredom with other timewasters or actual productivity.

    Only one way to find out. Try a pledge! Even if you're not addicted, PMO is still a bad habit and you'd be better off without it.
  13. :D
  14. Guest 7896

    Guest 7896 Fapstronaut

    I here because I don't know if I am addicted or not.
  15. Guest 7896

    Guest 7896 Fapstronaut

    Some of those questions are about relationship and I never been in one.
  16. Guest 7896

    Guest 7896 Fapstronaut

    Most likely that I m when I board or just horny. I just finished school and now I have even more time for myself so I don't know if in the future it will be worse or not.
    Btw where is the NoFap thread that guide what to do?
  17. Octoling

    Octoling Fapstronaut

    Then in my opinion, you'll have an easier time with your pledge.

    Most threads here are journals and random discussion topics. If you want more professional information, this seems like the place to go, and I've seen a few link this site as well
  18. Once a day is serious addiction. The problem is that at first you do this for fun, and don't think of yourself as an addict, but if done enough times in a row, the body starts adjusting and needing this habit.
    Like someone else said, one of the best ways to find out is to abstain. If you don't have any withdrawal symptoms if you do abstain, consider yourself lucky, and never look back, because this vice is capable of shrinking your brain (much like cocain). It sounds as if it's already getting the better of you, eating away at your happiness, don't allow it.
  19. Guest 7896

    Guest 7896 Fapstronaut

    I am now trying to not m for like 3 days and I all ready felling that I am not calm and I thinking about m more at the evening when I don't realy have what to do.
    I don't realy fell that it eating my happiness but maby it does, what can I do to stop be addicted?
    How can I start NoFap and where?
    I started to be in a big panic when you wrote that it can eat my happiness.
  20. SensualLettuce

    SensualLettuce Fapstronaut

    I think a lot of people hit the nail of what you should consider. All I'll really mention is that you should evaluate particularl feelings and reasons for Porn. I ultimately think porn isn't necessarily generally, but establishing whether it acts as a crutch, whether it reduces your emotions, affects your train of thought, etc are things to evaluate.