
Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Freakan, Aug 16, 2018.

  1. Freakan

    Freakan Fapstronaut

    Hello All,

    Looking to escape from this trap since long time. Even though not an hardcore addict. Have issues watching attractive women unable to control gaze and also masturbating watching attractive women in videos or so.

    Hope to travel the journey with you all and escape from the trap in real.
  2. Welcome here! You've come to the right place to find the tools and support you need. I'm still pretty new here too. We need each other to encourage each other and help each other out. All the best to you! :)
    Freakan likes this.
  3. Freakan

    Freakan Fapstronaut

    Going Strong without much distractions. Even though there were some minor temptations was able to overcome those .
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Freakan

    Freakan Fapstronaut

    Lost it after Staying Strong for 22 Days due to some Stress and being lazy for the past 3 - 4 days
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. That sucks man. I feel for you. I know how bad that can feel. I've been there too. I hope you can stay positive, and not binge to make matters worse. I know all about binging after a reset too, and that sucks even more. Two steps forward, one step back. Sounds cliche and trite, but it's true. We don't lose our progress when we slip up, if we manage to learn from our mistakes. Don't quit quitting! :)
  6. Freakan

    Freakan Fapstronaut

    Yes the Guilt makes you feel worse.
    Unfortunately relapsed again yesterday.

    Starting New Streak from today Again
  7. Freakan

    Freakan Fapstronaut

    Getting the urges to relapse.
    Having dreams of intimacy with some women i know or relative :(

    Once relapsed earlier i was able to stay strong for few days. This time the urge is coming back in the next days itself.
  8. Sounds like chaser effect. The urge is to binge now that you've had a setback. That's the difference between a reset and a relapse, basically. A relapse often involves binging and returning to old habits. I've been there too. But if you can manage to not binge, you'll thank yourself.
  9. Freakan

    Freakan Fapstronaut

    Mild soar throat since few days and not feeling like waking up early. Is it something related to this ? :confused:
  10. I don't know about the sore throat, but the sleeping is a classic example of withdrawal symptoms, I believe. Either sleeping too much or not being able to sleep well or long enough usually accompany trying to quit something you're addicted to. Also, since addiction is usually tied in with emotional well-being, and addictions are often in some part at least a coping mechanism for handling stress and depression, taking away the addictive behaviour will leave you feeling depressed for a while, and depression will make a lot of people want to sleep longer (sleep is a form of dissociation--an escape from reality). Hang in there: it WILL get better. :)