New to NoFap

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by runbull, Sep 14, 2018.

  1. runbull

    runbull Fapstronaut

    I have visited site many times in past and have even had some abstention streaks after reading some of the posts. I have been addicted for many years and have decided I must get free of the addiction.

    I am in excellent health except for some arthritis and feel I have many good years ahead of me and want to live them PMO free. So I will be accepting some of the nofap group challenges as incentives to reboot.
    Contentful T likes this.
  2. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

  3. Welcome to Nofap community bro:)
  4. runbull

    runbull Fapstronaut

    Thanks. I will give it a lot of effort but doubt I'll get to your level on first try.

    I was a 20 year smoker (cigarettes, pipe, cigars) and thought that was the toughest trail I had ever faced.
    I gave it up though with the help of my wife who pushed me through it. Problem is I can't tell her about this addiction;
    she just wouldn't understand.

    Heard an old song today (House of the Rising Sun) that has a line "Its been the ruin of many a poor boy" I thought
    myself isn't that just like porn.
  5. Welcome to NoFap. You've got arthritis so we are probably close to the same age...near sixty here. Married with four almost grown kids. Things good with that now...

    I joined NoFap about two and a half years ago. I did two, ninety day hard modes and my life changed. Everything better...not perfect, but better.

    I had alot of big issues that I had to work through...but NoFap was the key to starting this big change in my life. You get old and you think that no change is possible but this NoFap connection has been huge. It allowed me to deal with stuff ...decades of bullshit that I just got used to living with.

    I have recently started looking at the Forums again and am on another ninety day hard mode...nothing major happened that prompted this but I don't want to drift back into a bad habit. I like the retention thing...I feel stronger.

    (I am not sure why I had never deleted my account since I haven't been on here for over a year. I am really glad I didn't because I get to revisit some of the agony I went through initially. It's hard work but really worth it.)

    Keep journaling if for no other reason then to document your intentions to yourself.

    Great community really helped me out, particularly on the first leg.

    Day by day're not alone with battling this bullshit. Read all of the stuff they tell you to read, it helps.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 15, 2018
  6. runbull

    runbull Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your post. I know this is going to be difficult because at 5 days I'm really being hit with the old temptations but so far I have resisted. You would think it would be easier for an old f**t but it isn't. Old habits are hard to quit cold turkey. Prayer helps.