Political Ideologies?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Latin Wolf, Sep 18, 2018.

  1. Latin Wolf

    Latin Wolf Fapstronaut

    I'm curious about everybody's political views. As for me, I would consider myself hard right and libertarian.
  2. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Are you a Trump supporter?
  3. SlaveMarkson

    SlaveMarkson Fapstronaut

    I'd say since Trump won I've become more right leaning. His victory really opened my eyes to the manipulation of all mainstream media, and political correctness prevalent in western civilization. But honestly I've come to care less about politics, there's so much division in a time where we need more connection. People addicted to their phones, social media, not looking at each other eye to eye, its just "oh you're a libtard" "oh you're a nazi" "oh you're an uncle tom" "all liberals are pedophiles" "all trump supporters are racist". It honestly scares me even though I'm more right leaning. Sorry I'm going off on a tangent.

    EDIT: just to add, people think all our problems will be cured politically, and the problem with politics is it will always be "if only everyone voted for _____ everything would be fine", which stems from our ego "if only everyone were like me everything would be fine".. We will never agree on everything and constantly try to shape the world in our image because we're not meant to all be politically, religiously, culturally aligned, we have to find a way to connect/unite above our beliefs. Then we'll find the answers there in our connection, and build a world around those solutions for the wellbeing of the whole and not just me. And then nothing has to change in this world, because right and left will work together much like how our left and right brain do, and all the organs in our body function harmoniously together to keep us alive. Or we can continue the way things are completely annihilate each other. Either way we'll reach same conclusion. But we don't have to suffer to get there if we don't want to.

    Highly recommend this book: https://www.amazon.com/Completing-Circle-Michael-Laitman/dp/1772280089 about how we can use our qualities and individuality to work together rather than against each other for the benefit of mankind.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2018
  4. Latin Wolf

    Latin Wolf Fapstronaut

    I wouldn't say that I support Donald trump as a person, I recognize that he is very emotionally immature and probably not the best person for the presidency but what I do support is the growing movement of the reactionary right that got him elected. I believe that the liberals and left in general have been edging closer and closer to tyranny and just blatant insanity these last couple of decades. In my young life of 20 years I have witnessed the complete demographic shift of my home city, I have been called a race traitor by liberals, and I have been witnessing the moral decline of my society.
  5. KS1994

    KS1994 Fapstronaut

    I'd say I'm a socialist, but that is a broad term these days. I believe in government controlled infrastructure and utilities, direct democracy and civic nationalism.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. This has gotten me to distance myself from politics. I don't think there is anything worthwhile to gain when people see each other as some archenemies. In many cases it seems that they don't like to think their "opponents" as humans, but as some inherently evil creatures.
    SlaveMarkson likes this.
  7. SlaveMarkson

    SlaveMarkson Fapstronaut

    Absolutely...there is a real dehumanization going on on both sides, and people are so surprised when protest get violent and people die. And who wins out of all this?? The last few survivors of a post civil-war?
  8. Voluntarist, libertarian. Borderline anarchist, as long as personal liberty is respected, taxes don't exist and the government is smaller then the local school board I think people can either share what they want or sell what they want...freely.
  9. ROB999

    ROB999 Fapstronaut

    my political views are very complicated, but usually I lean right, i go left some issues, I consider myself a outsider when it comes to politics, but I do vote for who is the best option, Trump won and I'm happy he did, in my opinion he was the best option, so far he's done a great job.
    I don't like how parties will vote against something just because the other party votes for something, I think the political system has allot of flaws
  10. hardowner

    hardowner Fapstronaut

    I'm a nationalist...
    Deleted Account and ROB999 like this.
  11. I think it's pure idiocy to put a label on yourself and then just blindly follow the policies proposed by your "team". Any dogmatic ideology will fail in some situation. Why are you setting yourself up for failure?

    Couple of things I believe
    • Both Adam Smith and Karl Marx were crazy. Don't be an extremist. A mixed economy is the way to go. If you don't like being completely centrist, you can lean to one side but don't overdo it.
    • The choice between mostly laissez-faire or mostly socialism is as arbitrary as the choice between kittens and puppies. Proof-of-concept governments exist that show both styles can lead to a prosperous and free country. The key is to elect honest and competent leaders and let them work more than just one election cycle to avoid the neverending pass-repeal craziness.
    • Even though you can have a tiny government, there is a basic set of regulation that's necessary if you want a happy population.
      • The government has to enforce the law and protect basic human rights - freedom of speech and democratic elections.
      • Oppression of the free press and mixing religion with the state is unacceptable.
      • Mandatory school attendance and mandatory health insurance are vital.
      • Stopping people from killing themselves - requiring a driver's license, restricting access to guns and drugs.
      • Anti-trust laws to let the market work.
      • And to the libertarian who came up with the idea of privatized police and jails - you're fucking crazy.
    KS1994, Latin Wolf and JoePineapples like this.
  12. Also, this impending shitstorm a.k.a. climate change won't prevent itself.
    JoePineapples likes this.
  13. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    A liberal. And no, not the crazy, Marxist-corrupted “liberal” ideas (that have been proven time and time again to not work) that plagued the world for 100+ years. I mean the liberalism of John Locke, Milton Friedman and other greats. Where the government’s only job is protecting the rights of its citizens from both foreign and domestic abuses, as well as providing services not well-delivered in the private sector.

    Governments can barely run themselves, and they’re always in debt; why would anyone want the gov’t to make their financial decisions for them, or run businesses for them (which the gov’t can then easily seize)? That’s that we call tyranny.
  14. HereAndThere

    HereAndThere Fapstronaut

    I dont know what i am, i never voted in my life. Im from a country in Europe where there is two options: quasy-socialists and conservatives who are just two power tribes basing their popularity on inciting political conflicts stemming from WWII. Its a tribalistic shitstorm here and i feel uneasy with participating. But in general i have been slowly pushed to the right in last couple of years. Left in general have started to degenerate into screaming children and as i get older i appreciate conservative values more.
  15. I am not a Trump supporter by any means, but I think that the media has played a big part in the disintegration of political discourse in my country. Political correctness is becoming more like censorship, and this new wave of feminism is becoming increasingly misandric. I am all for equality, and I am all for society becoming more inclusive of transgendered individuals, gender neutral individuals, and gender fluid individuals. If you are an American citizen, you have the right to pursue your destiny as you see fit. Americans have had to fight for everything. We would still be a British owned territory had it not been for Revolutionary War, but there is still the glaring contradiction of being a country founded by slave owners who claimed that all men are created equal, and the descendents of those slaves are still fighting for equality and inclusion.

    I am very much a centrist, politically. I disagree with many things on both sides. I think that same sex marriage should have been discussed from a centrist point of view, rather than both sides distorting facts and exploiting the issue to further their agendas. I think that marijuana should be legalized, but you should still obey traffic laws and not drive impaired. I support the 2nd Amendment, but I think that all gun owners should take courses on firearms safety, and be required to take courses every year. A gun isn't a toy, after all, and I think it should be stressed that if you buy a gun for the purpose of home/personal protection, you could potentially use that weapon to end someone's life. It's far too easy to buy a gun illegally, so tightening restrictions and gun control aren't going to stop the trafficking, but I think that the responsible gun owners should be informed of their rights, and informed of what to do if they are in a position to where they would have no other option but to use their weapon.
    MLMVSS, KS1994 and Deleted Account like this.
  16. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Welp, the level of butthurt with the left is at World record levels. For this reason, I enjoy seeing them continue to weep and gnash their teeth.
  17. Center/slightly left leaning libertarian. Mostly libertarian on social issues and slightly more conservative on fiscal issues.
    MLMVSS likes this.
  18. I try to keep as far away from it as possible!
    MLMVSS likes this.
  19. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    I try to avoid being politically labeled, but the most accurate one would be a libertarian