Political Ideologies?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Latin Wolf, Sep 18, 2018.

  1. Sure but none of this crap would have happened if they weren't admitted to the EU in the first place
    hardowner likes this.
  2. I just pointed out that you're being illogical. I don't give a damn what you Muricans do to your country.
  3. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    You do give a damn enough to reply, if you didn't you would not have. You also don't know squat obviously with what's going on in America.
  4. OK you got me. I only comment online when I'm deeply emotionally involved. And I very much care about politics in random foreign countries. So much that I cannot sleep in night.
  5. Ratmancampidori

    Ratmancampidori Fapstronaut

    Should’ve, Would’ve, Could’ve.
    They’re members now and this is a problem that needs to be dealt with.
  6. Latin Wolf

    Latin Wolf Fapstronaut

    No Im not a nazi haha in fact Im mexican. For me hard right is anti immigration, conservation of traditions, traditional family values, hierarchical, absolute objectivism. The thing is that we live in an era where what was considered center right 20 years ago is now hard right, and what hard right then is now far right. This is because the entire political spectrum shifted towards the left due to the normalization of mass migration, gender theory, lgbts, socialism, and anti western sentiment
  7. @Latin Wolf I agree that socially we have moved to the left, but economically we have moved to the right. The corporations are running the show now and the gap between rich and poor is growing.
  8. moonesque

    moonesque Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

  9. Ratmancampidori

    Ratmancampidori Fapstronaut

    Due to active conflicts taking place both Georgia and Ukraine are illelligable for NATO membership.

    However that shouldn’t stop us from fully supporting both countries, my cousin is currently serving in Ukraine helping to train their army.

    If Russia wants to restart the Cold War, then we should be willing to do the same.
  10. Ratmancampidori

    Ratmancampidori Fapstronaut

    I’d be really interested in hearing the political breakdown of this site.

    The only site I’m on is Alternate History Discussion which is pretty left leaning.
  11. 0111zerozero11

    0111zerozero11 Fapstronaut

    I think Trump is a genius & am actively a part of the MAGA movement. I'm scared to say that outloud, I really am. I fear I'll be labeled a Nazi sympathizer, racist homophobe, rape supporter, ignorant dumba**. Not one of those things is true about me.
    A great awakening is happening; American people are becoming aware of the false narrative pushed by both dems & repubs to keep the deep state in power. It's all about money & power. Trump wants the power placed back in our hands; that's it.
    Trump supporters are humble, hard working, human loving people.
    Trumps wall is equivalent to a porn blocker; keeping out the bad things while allowing the good. Makes sense, right? That's why it's impossible to support him & his ideas publicly because I will literally be told by libs I hate tacos & should die.
    Anyways, it's refreshing to see someone write what you wrote. Thank you
  12. SlaveMarkson

    SlaveMarkson Fapstronaut

    Thank you for sharing that insight. Im just a deeply concerned outsider looking in. Trust me bro, there are people outside of the US who know you aren't racist, sexist blah blah blah. Even though destructive media spews that 24/7. I see the right and left as more a reflection of the left and right part of the human brain. Liberals are more creative, imaginative, emotional, but when it comes to getting shit done, logic and objectivity that's where conservatives come in. The divide in America is like watching left and right brain fight each other, and no one wins, even though I agree more with right brain lol I'll take any patriotic Americans honest beer talk and jokes over a millionaire Liberal comedian making fun of how depressed he/she is because they're too pussy to accidentally offend anyone. But like Einstein said I firmly believe things won't be solved on the same level they are created, have to rise above the problem to find the solution. There is a book I highly recommend that has the method anyone can use no matter their political ideology, belief etc. work together towards a common goal for the benefit of all Americans. Its here https://www.amazon.com/Completing-Circle-Michael-Laitman/dp/1772280089 anyway good luck to you all and best wishes
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2018
  13. 0111zerozero11

    0111zerozero11 Fapstronaut

    I'm actually a female, but prefer to hang with the "bros" lol...
    That's what is awesome about Trump supporters; they are both the liberal you describe & the conservative. I'm an intuitive artist, who loves & is inspired by all humans. I also believe in everything my country was founded on, including God.
    Trump supporters don't see a problem with legalizing marijuana; they have no issue with gay marriage; they respect humans regardless of race/class/sex; they want due process in a court of law; they want Americans to prosper for themselves & their country. I don't think a Trump supporter even identifies 100% with any political party.
    It is difficult to watch a country you love so dearly be torn apart by false narratives. We have men & women out there fighting for us to live freely. There are people in this country that use these free rights to march in DC with pink hats on, because it's the "movement of the month". We're becoming a nation of sheeple. I pray people wake up
  14. And there are those who wear red hats...
    ...with tin plating.
  15. Marx was a genius to identify the problem and a moron to propose a solution.
  16. Ratmancampidori

    Ratmancampidori Fapstronaut

    Shit, I’ve never actually seen someone sum up my feelings about Marx so accurately before.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. Brookswho

    Brookswho Fapstronaut

    I’ve been leaning Bull Moose Party since 1912, lol.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. Porn Free Wanderer

    Porn Free Wanderer Fapstronaut

    I recently came back from vacation to find two letters in my mailbox. One said "Congratulations" as it was my turn to be Australian Prime Minister. The other (from the same place) said "Sorry it didn't work out". That must have been a fun day, I'm sure. The last election here when people from both 'sides' tried to shove voting cards in my face, I told them I was voting Cold Shower Coalition. I still don't know how we didn't win. If Australia's turn over of leaders in recent years wasn't farcical enough, our strongest conservative party is actually called "The Liberal Party". (I'm not making this up).

    To be honest I pretty much refuse to be labelled as a "liberal" or "conservative". I have equal contempt for both "sides" of politics, preferring to make up my own mind on individual issues. I regard both 'sides' as absolute scoundrels that are completely hypocritical and full of shit. I also notice with interest that the more extreme elements on both sides have a lot more in common with each other than either would care to admit. For instance, the conservative side likes to claim they want smaller government and all the rest of it, but that only seems to apply to allowing corporations to rip off their workers and do whatever the fuck they like to the environment. God forbid you want to marry someone they don't approve of. The people on the left have also talked about wanting to free people of tyrannical laws, but that only seems to apply to minorities, and if they get their way, the rest of us end up having to put up with more laws, including some largely pointless ones telling us what we can and can't say. So who's really pushing for smaller government here?

    I suppose I'm probably closest to 'libertarian', because I'm in favour of freedoms that would cause both "sides" to have heart attacks (not that this would be a bad thing), but while I'd have fewer laws, I'd want harsher penalties for those who did transgress.

    I also note with interest just how much being a 'victim' seems to be in vogue on both sides these days. It used to be just people on the left who did that, but I had a chuckle when all the conservatives in this country got their panties in a bunch because a 9 year old kid in the nondescript Brisbane suburb of Flyoverville refused to sing the national anthem at school one day. 30 years ago the problem would have been solved with giving the kid a detention, but some idiot conservatives decided to try to make it a national issue. God only knows why - all they did was give the kid more attention. Then again, some cartoonist did a picture of Serena Williams after her dummy spit at some tennis game recently, and the white liberals all got their panties in a bunch about it. Geez, if they'd just let it go, the chances of Serena Williams actually seeing the supposedly offensive cartoon would have been between very little and zero.

    I do often wonder why people are so politically polarised these days. Well, I know from a practical perspective -- people have more money and time on their hands now. Survival is easier than at any point in human history, and the Internet has pretty much given everyone a voice, so now any idiot can get up on a soap box, and can easily connect with other idiots to cheer them on. It's ironic -- the current period of history is probably the best time to have ever lived. People are healthier (judging by life expectancies), wealthier (judging by material possessions), and have more freedom than at any time in human history. Many diseases that were fatal 50 years ago have been eradicated. People have time on their hands to write long winded posts like this one. Yet despite all that, we have liberals who want to tear up society and start again, and we have conservatives who want to jump in a time machine and go backward 70 years. All I can say to that is: WTF????
  19. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    It's an exciting time to be alive, especially in the United States. With the latest debacle of the Kavanaugh accusations coming to a close, it should serve as a reminder that a giant Butthurtfest only hurts the detractors and garners more support for President Trump. They're worse than children.
  20. "Butthurtfest" :facepalm: I'm not sure what makes me sick more : the political tribalism that has politicians and their fans super moral and ethical but usually only when it's useful or the fact that every criticism is now treated as a cynical move or detraction and nobody gives a damn about truth or justice.

    I feel like puking when I hear stuff like 'good performance at the debate' or 'good ratings'. Who gives a FUCK? Isn't it important who's correct? Isn't it important to govern well? Why do you treat it like some kind of reality tv show game or horse racing or whatever? Why do you feel the need to shit on one side and suck the other side's dick at all times? This is why we can't have nice things, kids.
    SanSolo likes this.