Has porn increased the prevalence of homosexuality?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, May 9, 2016.

  1. NightReaper775

    NightReaper775 Fapstronaut

    I must say to you, Buzz, that I am with you in regards to seeing humanity as a whole, but I know it is a social construct that if anything has to be reinforced if we seek to prevent great contradictions in our societies (war, class warfare, elitism). I seek to resolve the main conflicts, but at the same time to help difference grow in the channels where it is crucial like politics. There, the otherness comes in relationship with ideas, and not sexual identity, maybe that is the real problem of SJW's or identity politics, that they appear to be feeding the conflicts by returning to the binary concepts that separate people, and so they reinforce the "victimizer-victim" mindset, the same that Spaniards had about Aztecs, for example, when they treated them like children who did not know what they were doing, or as the English with African populations, which the first thought the second needed help from "enlightenment" Europe.
  2. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    The huge elephant in the room I'm seeing with your argument, Nightreaper is that you are assuming all these people you mentioned are honest and that they are honest with themselves.

    The guy who "tried" homosexuality probably didn't want to be "homosexual". Had he wanted to be gay he likely would have enjoyed it more and found he was homosexual. The mind deceives us and is a powerful influence. If he was fuckin' like a rabbit non-stop for a year I bet he would find out that he is "homosexual". He had reservations about it, though. To give you an example I don't like wanking off to porn [ it makes me feel horrible ] yet I struggle with it because my mind keeps craving it. Our minds can be conditioned to crave anything. The PC response to this is in the typical bullshit fashion and of course, the answer is always "oh, you must be bi, sexuality is on a spectrum" Then, of course, they just bounce right back to the whole gay and straight identity.

    You are skipping past that most gay men were sexually abused as children and they were raised by single mothers. That doesn't sound like "born that way". When your head is all fucked up because of abuse as a child you might not just try it, you may find things very confusing and have a tendency to get addicted to and to be excessive with sex.

    I didn't like heterosexual sex the first time I had it. I've never enjoyed it all that much since either. I still find women attractive, though. Is gay sex always awesome the first time?

    The believe that sex is awesome is a lie, IMO. For me and for most people it is not awesome.

    The modern belief is that you have to have sex. This whole it's who I am thing. A gay guy thinks " he is gay". Sex is who this guy is? What a pathetic existence. I would rather play world of warcraft all day than have sex all day.

    Homosexual men don't need sex. You and most of the people of this society have been lied to and think you need sex, but you don't. Gay men don't get each other pregnant there is no need for them to have sex.

    To paraphrase from a famous Greek philosopher. Sex between men is unbridled and ugly lust. It is too strong with nothing to check it. You can see this in gay communities. It is not a healthy lifestyle these guys are the worst sex addicts of all, fucking in parks, out on the streets, endless anonymous sex all day long. Obviously never satisfied rabidly chasing after more worse than crack heads. It's a worse sex addiction than PMO. You may know some gay guy who isn't like this, but your friend is the minority. What I described is the vast majority. If some blind PC fuckheads could pull their heads out of their asses and think about it. Imagine women were like men, could not get pregnant, and like men, they got hornier after every orgasm [ your DHT [what testosterone converts to make you horny] increases]. You would all be fucking in the bushes and out in the open too. But no you will get butthurt that someone disagrees with you and call it hatespeech. How can anyone ever prove you wrong if all disagreement and other points of view are hatespeech?

    Lastly. Even a blind man can see that homosexuality is being pushed on us! They are not being honest, and even a blind man can see this. " Aids is not gay disease" is a lie that was pushed on us in the past and is still pushed today. In America, Aids is very much a gay disease. Born that way is another lie pushed to make us accept homosexuality. Lots of gay guys I've talked to knew this. They didn't think they were born that way [ what they told me] but they made a united front to push the acceptance of homosexuality and that lie was part of it.

    Is foot and ass fetish, shit eating, sex slavery " a natural orientation" more importantly is it a healthy "orientation" ? No it isn't and it should not be encouraged. Gay men cut their lifespan by over 20 years it's not healthy.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2017
  3. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Ingenious ideology, always morphing, creates 'the other' that is dehumanized, irrational, and to be ostracized.

    Perhaps today's 'other' is the 'homophobe'. This is the scary thing I find about contemporary discourse at the moment.
  4. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    I would split the above. Ideology is a perversion of language, in the etymological sense of a turning away from its natural object. Language turns in on itself, and analyzes itself in terms of concepts. Kant best outlines this process. Linguistic analysis/ post modernism became conscious of this fact, but mistakenly applied it to all language, over and above ideological/ perverted language.

    What art does today is not only restore language to its natural function, in the escape from concepts, but reveals that there is something peculiar about language... from a naturalistic point of view; language also has a symbolic function. I consider myself a sober symbolist here... as opposed to a drunken French one. Language is nothing but signs of that signified. But the really interesting thing happens when what is signified itself further signifies in turn a symbol. Here there is a super-abundance and flux of meaning, that scientific/ ideological man is uncomfortable with. For he wants the imagined power and control that comes with stasis [and only given to the species in some Faustian pact]. But it is only imaginary, and in his mind; in reality and in practice, this kind of mass-produced man lacks all self-determination. It's a paradox, we only become freely self-determined in our lives, when we enter into the flow state that is art. The original perversion was that of language.


    On the horizon low
    A sun soft-burning glows
    On twigs and branches full
    Of intoxicated birds
    As numerous as
    The leaves once were

    In a delirium
    They give their requiem
    Of rambunctious noise
    On their fallen world
    A protest of sorts
    That yet retains a poise

    And on the side-line stream
    With thin slivered ice
    Glistens the silvered sun
    Telling of a dream
    And thoughts that will entice
    Which of the world outruns
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2017
    NightReaper775 likes this.
  5. Child of God and Buzz Lightyear like this.
  6. NightReaper775

    NightReaper775 Fapstronaut

    Well, there is a lot to answer here. I like to confront ideas and to revisit my own.

    It is true that I did not take into account the plasticity of the human brain, according to modern science. But if your argument were to be true, what about the assumption I have that psychological treatment for homosexuality is futile or severely traumatic? Do you have any proof that it is not? In other words, any proof of the possibility of turning homosexuals into heterosexuals via conditioning? This is primarily why I doubt that it is something reversible. Also because I see it as violent and unnecessary also.

    I know a man that was abused by his father when he was young, but at the same time I know many bisexuals or homosexuals that do not present any symptom of trauma nor ever mentioned such an experience. I cannot say anything about single mothers.

    I am very pleased to read someone who views sex as I view it, that is the reason why I became bored with porn, it seemed so deprived of anything meaningful (maybe the need for stasis that Buzz is talking about?) that I just could not stand it, nor my thoughts about sexuality as a whole. So I seek that "something more" in the form of "inner" beauty, romance, etc. signs being thrown all around to achieve some state of "peace" or "great moment"... But, why not make the case about heterosexual people engaging in sex too? Reproduction wise, there is a lot of time in between children conception, that "needs" (presumably) to be filled with sex, we all heard the say that goes about not having a healthy relationship because of lack of sex. Is not sex as a whole, sex views in general to blame for the promiscuity of certain communities? I will explain this further.

    The point is that you may be emphasizing on the LGBT+ people, as they call themselves, because of higher rates of promiscuity (which I do not deny), but the problem relies in society itself accepting sexual degradation and prostitution, and not really in some naturalistic fallacy about all gay people being promiscuous, for example. You accepted that I may have friends who are not promiscuous, I do. I think that gay people (in general terms) developed these behaviors as part of social ostracism, and they carry them on because of many reasons. Postmodern society not being helpful.

    I tend to agree with you that if it were not for women being less attracted to sex than men, and also the act of conceiving, there would be very little room for any real development of art, science, philosophy, etc. There is this Norwegian documentary (Hjernevask) that states how women are less prone to sex and this helps in developing certain traits, competition between males. I do not know if this tells the full story though, there is a lot of symbolism to be discussed too.

    @Buzz Lightyear Your comment is really vast and I have to find more information about philosophy of science and language (some do not like to call it this way, like Wittgenstein). But I can understand it a little, and I find it fascinating.

    Yes, the homophobe can take many forms, and demonization of certain positions, like @Themadfapper's one, without further reading, can lead into heavier burdens, like the ones we discussed, in the future. Orthodoxy and dehumanization of otherness (largely within opinions) is to be confronted. I think he is wrong though in focusing on homosexual promiscuity, as I said before; but the underground message is really attractive.
    Buzz Lightyear likes this.
  7. NightReaper775

    NightReaper775 Fapstronaut

    I cannot find the words to discuss it in a simpler manner, I am sorry. I am not intellectual nonetheless, I want to think of humans as holistic creatures that can develop themselves in many areas.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. overclocked

    overclocked Fapstronaut

    Porn creates/ normalizes a lot of issues.
    I do not think porn increases the prevalance of homosexuality. We even have a few gay rebooters who escelated to straight porn haha. So You could also claim that porn could increasse the prevalance of heterosexuality.

    I think since the gay lifestyle gains more followers and acceptance many gays will not stay "in the closet" but choose to live that kind of life openly. Also the media loves gays and "non binary" people. So it looks like there are millions of genderfluid people, when in reality it is rare (have in my entire life only seen a few genderqueer people, most of them were not voluntarily androgynous. Those that lived the queer lifestyle eventually abandoned it).

    Btw I do not believe homosexuality is a learned behavior/ mindset. I am not sure about transsexualism. We can just be glad that we are priviliged to comfortably live as biological, heterosexual men and women. And we understand that this does not make us better. Straight people are sinners, too.
  9. It's a pity that this topic has died out, and I hope still someone will stumble across it and revive it with me.

    As I had mentioned in my "main topic", https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/a-story-slightly-different-than-others.198538, I've struggled with unwanted same-sex attraction ever since it occurred. I have some views on the topic as I'm unfortunately and involuntarily involved.

    I have been struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction. Until earlier this year, noone knew about it, apart from three priests who had the "honor" to hear it during confession. Still, outside of clergy, there's only one person that knows about it, but more on this later.
    Why do I say "struggling", and "unwanted"? There are multiple strings attached, and each would probably require a separate topic and would call for a discussion which is not a point here, so let me just list those:
    1. I don't want to be gay, plain and simple. I desire a healthy family life and children.
    2. I believe gay acts to be filthy, disgusting, unhealthy, I don't want to engage in them.
    3. I don't believe there's a possibility of any sort of loving relationship between two men. I believe homosexualism is all about possession and force on one side, with submission and weakness on the other (active vs passive).
    4. I'm a devout Roman Catholic, so sodomy is a mortal sin.
    5. Being gay or even coming out as what I am now, would effectively destroy me professionally, financially, and would probably tore many of my relationships apart, including within my family.
    6. There's a slight hint of heterosexual attraction I sometimes feel, which is very faint but gives me hope.
    Because of my strong homosexual attraction, I've never been able to form meaningful relationships with women, and I never pursued those with men (nor do I believe those exist, see above). Until last year, when I had thought I did form one with a girl, but when I decided to come out to my girlfriend, she left me shortly thereafter. And that's why I'm alone again.

    Needless to say, I've never engaged in any sexual act with anyone, male or female, and I don't want to engage in one with a man.

    Here is a couple of points:

    I believe there are three possible primary causes:
    1. Genetic disorder/mutation
    Why am I calling it a "disorder"? Because, logically speaking, if it was a natural occurence rather than a mutation, it would've died out by now, or at least the number would've been largely reduced. Why? Because gay people don't reproduce. So I don't think there's a specific "gay gene" which can be transferred from generation to generation, because it wouldn't be transferred, or it would be limited due to limited procreation. Why could it be limited? Because I think sexual orientation is a continuum, so there might be people who feel strongly attracted to one or the other gender, but act only on one part of their instinct. However, the probability of heterosexual behaviour among people who have a stronger homosexual desire is smaller than those who have a stronger heterosexual desire.
    2. Environmental and societal factors - psychological disorder or a disease
    I have seen some research which points to a number of external factors which can induce homosexuality. As most of you have heard, these include child molestation, lack of a father figure, apodictic mother, relationships with older homosexuals, etc. etc. I think there might be also some environmental factor not yet discovered (substances which can also lead to homosexual behaviors), so that would mean it might be a disease.
    3. Self-induced
    And here we go on to a risky ground because I don't know if there's much research on the subject yet. However, I believe I might be a part of the third group, and more on it later.

    I think all three causes exist and I don't know which might be the most prevalent.

    I believe sexual orientation is indeed a malleable thing, however noone yet discovered a good way to manipulate it. I think people can move along the spectrum of sexuality for various reasons and with various causes. And that in part is also something that gives me hope for my change.
    And from the belief of it being interchangeable comes the fact that I think there might be also a possibility that your orientation changes in the direction you hadn't anticipated nor wanted.
    There's one more dimension to homosexuality, or one more spectrum/continuum to take into account, and that is the continuum of active vs passive. I think that if one's at the lateral end of the spectrum as 100% passive, it is much more difficult for this person to embark on a journey towards heterosexuality. I mean, again, logically speaking - if you get sexual arousal entirely from others penetrating you, do you think it's easy to teach yourself to get sexual pleasure from penetrating? Fortunately for me, I'm at the very other end of this spectrum, without even a hint of versatility.
    I know for a fact that you can train your brain, and train your psyche in a number of different ways. You can manipulate, cheat or push yourself towards both good and bad stuff. If you then train yourself in one thing subconsciously, you might end up believing that it was natural or external (as your conscience was absent), but if you identify that it might not be the case, you should be able to train yourself in the same thing but in the other direction.

    I hope I haven't offended anyone or otherwise broken any rules here. If someone says that I'm a homophobe, I will just laugh, because mind you: all this comes from someone who has homosexual attraction :D
    I would be glad if someone revived the discussion along with me.

    ivanhoe and Deleted Account like this.
  10. Excellent post, thanks for sharing your story. I agree with you on malleable orientation, I'm just really cautious talking about it because I think some people get really offended if you suggest they could 'correct' their orientation. Nonetheless endeavouring to search for the truth is more important than protecting individual people's feelings in my opinion.

    About a year ago I experienced HOCD for a while. I think the reason for it was just thinking about homosexuality too much, and struggling with porn. It worried me a lot, but it went away after I stopped worrying about it. I know this is nothing like what you have gone through though. I'm really sorry to hear what happened with your girlfriend. I hope you find a way through this, that you can learn how to be straight again if thats what you want, and that you find an amazing woman who accepts you no matter what.
  11. Thanks for responding.

    Actually my former girlfriend argued that my confession to her had nothing to do with her dumping me. However, I am pretty sure it did - and since she has a ton of emotional issues herself, while having trouble overcoming any problem in her life due to a complete lack of ability to change, she most probably decided that she's too weak to fight this problem along with me.
    However, I don't think we were meant to be together anyway.
    A month later I got rejected by another girl.
    And due to the complexity of my physical problem as well as lack of prowess with girls, I'm not even actively looking right now... I hope times change.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. marcosantana72

    marcosantana72 New Fapstronaut

    quero aqui deixar minha opinião, sempre me senti bissexual mas com mais vontade de ficar com homens e isso foi se agravando devido a pornografia gay que mais fazia sentir imensa vontade de sempre sair com homens.
    ao parar com a pornografia que qualquer especie e masturbação que era pouca, o que eu ando sentindo é que os desejos homossexuais estão lentamente acabando, e isso é um fato que estou notando em mim hoje com 46 anos. desde os 29 anos que comecei a ter relações homossexuais e consumindo muito pornografia desde então o que criou grande confusão em minha mente. já fiz antes retenção por 3 meses mas via muita pornografia gay , mas agora estou fazendo nofap hard mode a mais de 10 dias e já sinto as mudanças... espero ter contribuído .
  13. StonePlacidity

    StonePlacidity Fapstronaut

    porn makes you feminine because you are just stroking your dick while you watch 2 people fking each other
  14. hehe