PE & ED due to thoughts

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Logan1, Oct 11, 2018.

how many of times have had wet dreams(nocturnal emission) during your 90 day challenge?

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  1. Logan1

    Logan1 Fapstronaut

    I have been watching porn for about 18 years I'm 32..I have decreased it significantly over the last month however I have replaced it with looking at escorts/massage parlor sites..Porn has led me on a negative path, specifically this year.. I have visited massage parlors and spent over $1500 this year alone.. I realized that after these visits I would feel ashamed because I would have PE or ED or combination of both. Now i'm worried as to why I can't hold an erection or have PE(not sure if its anxiety or this is due to porn).. I'm looking for a change and this would be my day 1..I would like to take a series of steps to alter my lifestyle..if someone is going through this or has had full recovery please help..
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2018
    Commuter likes this.
  2. Logan1

    Logan1 Fapstronaut

    Day 2, i'm thinking about joining a gym, fitness club to keep me busy...i deleted social media(to prevent any triggers)..deleted my email account which i used for adult content
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. I feel you man. I too am 32. And I to experience the same thing....the thoughts trigger anxiety and then the ed arrives. I've been diagnosed with all kinds by doctors.....since I stopped taking their advice I came to my own conclusions..... that I do indeed have issues.....OCD I believe. Where by I have distressing or intrusive thoughts. Which is any thought that triggers or causes anxiety.

    I also have made more progress with the steps in stopping this...... although incredibly difficult.

    In my case The way OCD works....

    Obsessions followed my compulsions = no change in results.

    OBSESSION: I will have a thought and instantly obsess over it. Like i smell bad or oh no im going to lose my erection. This causes distress and anxiety.The thought content is irrelevant but the obsessing is the important part.

    COMPULSION. The response to the thought. The compulsion my brain knows is to fight the thought in my mind to try to calm myself to make the anxiety go away. Desperate to make the anxiety stop. Which creates more of it in a similar loop. Because what This high level of anxiety does is diverts blood to our muscles to fight.....away from our penis. We don't need that In a fight.

    The key with OCD is to change the behaviours of the compulsions and do the opposite. So naturally you want to make it stop. And fight the thought
    You can train yourself to say to yourself " ok I'm having and obsessive thought and the compulsion is to...........whatever it is. Run away or leave the situation. Whatever you do to make the anxiety fall.

    By staying with it the brain will recognise that with no intervention anxiety reduces on its own with no help from our conscious mind.

    If there's no anxiety there's no fear and if there's no fear there's no problem..

    Hope that helps.
    Logan1 likes this.
  4. Logan1

    Logan1 Fapstronaut

    thanks I hope nofap will cure this!!!
  5. Logan1

    Logan1 Fapstronaut

    day 3 joined a fitness club.. I'm planning on going 4 times a week right after work to keep me occupied. this also gives me an opportunity to connect with people!
    Deleted Account and Immature like this.
  6. Logan1

    Logan1 Fapstronaut

    day 4, kept busy by cleaning the house, played some ps4..nothing too exciting
  7. Meditation Monk

    Meditation Monk Fapstronaut

    good job mate, keep up the good work. Stay busy and preoccupied with your time. Do not be in neutral gear so to speak.
    Logan1 likes this.
  8. Logan1

    Logan1 Fapstronaut

    day 5: nothing really new to report, worked 9-5 then kept busy at the gym for 2 hours..starting a new 8 week workout/weight loss challenge(this means meal prep/ intense workouts) paid for personal trainer as well..figured if i'm spending this money on escorts/massage parlors..might as well put it towards a program that will be self beneficial
    Immature likes this.
  9. From my experience, the more I thought about it and worried about it, the harder it was for me to become hard. Don't stress out about sex and do the best you can. Anxiety about being able to pleasure a partner is a large cause of ED, again just don't worry about it and do the best you can. My internet research and personal experience with PIED says that it takes more than a few days for erections to come back like normal and to be aroused from non-porn sexual things. It's going to take between several weeks and several months for PIED to wear off (which is what I think this is), but it's worth it once you're able to get an erection and keep it anytime.
    Logan1 likes this.
  10. Yuro1111

    Yuro1111 Fapstronaut

    Im going through the same thing at the momemt, had a bad experience recently with a girl and couldn't get erect at all! she was stunning and I thought there was something wrong with me, then I discovered PIED and this site. I really hope this cures me aswell because I used to have a healthy sex life with my ex girlfriend and I didn't watch much porn then, only started big time with it because of the break up. Im interested to know how you go aswell mate because I didn't realise porn was so damaging.
    Logan1 and Deleted Account like this.
  11. I had same and my pied was gone in 90 days after nofap no pmo
    Yuro1111 and Logan1 like this.
  12. Logan1

    Logan1 Fapstronaut

    that's amazing! i hope the rest of us who are going through this will be cured as well!...1 day at a time
    Yuro1111 and Deleted Account like this.
  13. Logan1

    Logan1 Fapstronaut

    "thought" process is the the biggest thing to overcome..i feel like the key is to keep your mind pre-occupied with other things..completly forget about porn, maybe forget about sex for 90 days as well and see what happens after
  14. Logan1

    Logan1 Fapstronaut

    day 7: I'm definitely feeling more positive compared to a week ago. Joining the gym definitely has helped me as I have put my full focus into that..even though this is a 90 day challenge, i'm taking this week by week!..other than joining a fitness club, I have deleted instagram, been eating healthy, started using ps4( when free time is available)
  15. Yuro1111

    Yuro1111 Fapstronaut


    Im day 7 aswell! I am feeling more positive aswell and ive been trying not to think about it. Been doing big days at work so its keeping me busy. Its making me positive because I keep thinking about the outcome and also seeing the success stories so im kind of excited. I just don't want to ever experience something like that with a girl again. Keep me updated how you are going and I will do the same!
    Logan1 likes this.
  16. Yuro1111

    Yuro1111 Fapstronaut

    What was your experience? and how did you know you overcome the pied problem?
    Logan1 likes this.
  17. I did pmo from about 13 to 26. After I decided to stop for at least 90 days. I went for 90 days no pmo. Then I had sex without any issue with someone I found attractive. In college I missed out on a lot of opportunities because the pied made me apprehensive about meeting girls.
    Logan1 likes this.
  18. Logan1

    Logan1 Fapstronaut

    day 8: typical 9-5, went to my friends gym today for about 1 hour..went grocery shopping(trying to eat healthy), going to meal focus right now is 100% fitness which has helped me thus far.
    Yuro1111 likes this.
  19. I m on my day 8 and i very super horny... Anyone could give me a support and help me... Thanks
    Logan1 likes this.
  20. Logan1

    Logan1 Fapstronaut

    FOCUS on something other than women,get rid of social media so that you don't come across any half nude pics. be pre-occupied with your time, if you sit around the house all day in front of your computer, you will get bored and eventually and give in to PORN.. Take up a class(in my case fitness classes)...I'm not far enough in the PMO challenge to give you advice but so far this is what my mindset has been.
    Sefz33 and Deleted Account like this.