Share your bullying story.....if you have any

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by u376, Oct 19, 2018.

  1. Meditation Monk

    Meditation Monk Fapstronaut

    My main focus is to reach and improve my relationship with my higher power. My race is a marathon and I focus on the life I have chosen for myself. It will help me see things from a different point of view and the more "educated" I become about myself. :) Reaching enlightenment.
    u376 likes this.
  2. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    I agree
    But my question is what if they turn into a physical threat......if they start attacking you.....
    Because for me that's the threshold
  3. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    Exactly.....back then I was angry with I think he punished me through bullies......and religion knowledge give me peace......
    That's why now I leave everything on Almighty now
  4. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    Yes.... because when we are calm and Happy we are able to control ourselves....
    So development is very important....
    And during those those days I was pmoing quite my stamina was very low ....
    For me the answer is Lord Krishna
    I am a Hindu......but I Believe and respect all religions
  5. Hmm in a sense you're making a good point but unfortunately you're victim-blaming and in a eay, glorifying bullies. Bullies are dominant and strong? Bullshit.

    Anyway, I'm done here.
    overclocked likes this.
  6. I did understand it, but calling people "weak" doesn't help anyone, except bullies and people who enable bullies.

  7. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    What was probably the worst bullying experience of my life to date, which really shaped the last couple of years for me was when I, as a religious soldier was placed in a team in our unit that was comprised of religious guys. Some of them used to mock me often for being more serious than they were, religious-wise; for not really tolerating music with bad language or walking away when I heard guys discussing inappropriate subjects. That led me eventually to move to a non-combat unit, sadly. I still have a very hard time coming to terms with that decision, despite already finishing my service. :(
    Deleted Account and u376 like this.
  8. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    It's people way of pointing the odd one out...
    I know some people who are religious....and don't like to talk anything regarding sex......which is good
    And I aspire to acquire that quality....
    So in my opinion don't feel bad....... you were right
    Hros likes this.
  9. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    I don't feel bad about that at all- never did and never will. What I meant was that I'm sorry it had to come to me leaving the unit and becoming a non-combat soldier. I liked being a combat soldier, and I had so many other problems in my second unit, it was quite horrible.
    u376 likes this.
  10. When I was little, around 7-10 or something, there was this girl that was a friend of the families, we were sort of on and off friends, but it was mostly her bullying me, she invited me to play tag in a tree ( I know it sounds crazy ) but anyways, they broke the rules we had or were unfair or mean to me purposely. that stung. it was three against one.
    she was mixed with black and I was darker, she told me to wash my elbows more often (because my skin tone was darker there ) because they were dirty. .. idk she would just do stuff to me, once she told me my nose was big even though her nose was bigger than mine (which i only concluded later in life)
    but the worst was when she was standing on a tree sstump at school and idk what we were doing but she pulled my shirt up revealing my entire bra..and I was just starting to develop and stuff..and anyone couldve seen in that moment, she didnt let go of me for a while, her brother whom I liked was around too, im pretty sure he saw that..I pedaled home on my bike and felt very violated and embarassed.
    She also, sort of excluded me from stuff, because I didn't know what sex was, and everyone was discovering except me, even though we were the same age pretty much...she almost explained it to me, but it didn't stick which I'm glad about, that I didn't learn it from her, she was soo pushy about it. Not only that, but since I'm adopted she would tell me I could kiss my brotherss if I wanted since we're not blood (luckily, I thought that was disgusting of her to say or even think from the very start) and a lot of girls would only be my friend to be around my brothers more...

    this girl eventually apologized to me though, so that was nice of her.

    Hm. when I was in fifth grade I attended public school and I sort of got bullied for staring at girls, though I wasnt aware that I was staring/didnt think i was staring, and I know that if I was I wasnt judgingly staring some wanted to fight me..but some other girls stood up for me..
    they would ask if my hair is a weave and I didnt get that girls even wore fake hair so early in their youth so I sort of thought they were trying to say my hair looked fake so I replied with a sort of attitude.. so that didn't help the way they perceived me.

    There were other instances where i was majorly excluded like when we were on a field trip, in i think 7th grade, and I had to sleep next to this big girl that didnt have the best hygiene and that noone including me liked( because of her personality) and she pushed me off the bed in her sleep allll night long, i even gave up and just slept at the edge..and I had to hang out with her since noone wanted to hang out with us. lol.

    & you know when girls are like what would you rate me? I would be the dumb ass that would be like "you're a 10, girl! "and then receive a 2 lol.
    what ever what everrr thoughh

    also in boarding school, everyone teased me about my (high pitched )voice, even the adults...

    but other than these things I don't really think I would consider myself truly bullied, I was pretty fortunate.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2018
  11. Minsc

    Minsc Fapstronaut

    I was definitely teased back in school, though I don't recall any physical confrontations. When I think back I can't remember speaking up for myself back then. While I believe it did help me avoid physical altercations and larger scale verbal abuse it also likely stunted me socially. Some non-verbal things that stand out to me are being squeezed out of the seat on the bus, someone shaking up my 1/2 Lune Moon that I had in a container into little crumbs, and getting the laser pointer in the eye while sitting in the cafeteria. This may, or may not, have been an accident but I remember standing by the window in the classroom when I heard someone say something like "look out". I start to turn around and proceed to have a football smack me in the side of the face. For the end of grade six we all went on a trip where we toured places locally and stayed in the dorms at the local university. One troublemaker took my mattress and bedclothes and threw them in a closet.

    I know I did start walking down the bullying path since I have a memory of insulting this red head kid back in grade nine who I perceived as weaker than myself. Then there was the joining in of the teasing of my younger brother.


    I suppose I shouldn't say I never stood up for myself. Back in elementary school there are some fuzzy memories which may or may not be connected. There is this sense that I had an altercation with another student just outside the school. Next there is a memory of sitting in the office. Then I remember reading a letter at home where it mentioned I had gone to the office (what stands out to me was pronouncing the word in my mind as "off ice"). If these three events are all linked, I can not say.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2018
  12. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    This is very wrong
    Having faced bully yourself.... you should be sensible enough not to trouble someone else.....
  13. Minsc

    Minsc Fapstronaut

    I don't claim it to be right. I just made a decision based on what I learned and deemed it the right thing to do at the time. It's the same as how I made the decision to soak up what I received. While those decisions may have been influenced by those around me I aim not to blame anyone for them.
  14. Rocketman10

    Rocketman10 Fapstronaut

    I got it a lot. in school i had a speech problem and had to go to speech class for it. i got pushed around and beat up so much. i finally thought that i deserved getting beat up and put down.I to this day am haunted by thinking i do every thing wrong
    u376 likes this.
  15. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Michael Vulker, 6th grade. After I popped him a few times, he left me alone.
  16. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    The one bully i had.
    I nearly drove him to suicide. :oops:
    He started cutting his wrists in class with a compass and everything.

    (Four years later) He's currently addicted to weed and I still remember to turn his life upside down once every 2 years or so lol.

    Actually, thanks for reminding me lmao

    Good times :D
  17. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    its not good to drove someone to that extent.........but still he is an a**hole in first place to bully anyone..........
    but how you did that?
    thats some badass skill.......
    you play mind games a lot......i think...
    teach me :p
  18. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    No actually i completely agree with this. It isn't. But I really like to fight fire with fire so it was quite entertaining to see him squirm.

    He started off as a great friend actually but he was never quite smart. Because of that and his insecurities, he started to hang out with the wrong crowd. Well, not exactly. He just wanted to be accepted and popular and the only means of doing so in an all-guy school were through porn jokes and bad behaviour. More or less the entire school (and at large, the comminity itself) was to blame.
    So he started picking on me and ridiculing me out of the blue.

    I remember in one maths class, he shot a rubber band right at my lip from a few seats away and I stood him up on it right then and there. The teacher got really angry at him, moreso because I was an ace student, and threatened to suspend him and put him out for the rest of the afternoon. After class (basically school, because maths was the last class that day), once the teacher left the class after shouting at him some more, he tried to grab me but I ran away. He kept on chasing me but I can run damn fast and so got away. I couldn't fight him either because it would get me suspended as well; not to mention that guy was twice my weight. But yeah. After that day, I took a particular pleasure in seeing him squirm.

    I turned his friends against him.
    The teachers naturally disliked him.
    I framed him for a dope shit.
    And his parents conveniently divorced at the time.

    Those were really fun 5 years, at least for me. He tired a few things on and off, like trying to diss me and stuff but I shat on him right then and there and that pissed him off really bad.

    I won't lie. I'm generally a huge stuck-up smartass to people with no purpose in life and he got a full taste of that treatment. I'm damn sure he cried on more than one occassion.

    Being evil feels goooood man, especially when it's about revenge. I wouldn't recommend it though. It's way too addicting to be good and I've hurt more people than I care to count. For a while it became a part of my personality but nofap rather (in?)conveniently gave me the benefit of developing really strong emotions on my longer streaks, which kinda really made me tone down my habit at stabbing at anything I didn't like.

    Work in progress still...
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2018
    u376 likes this.
  19. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    I think we should fight with fire by throwing water at it..... Or rather sand :p
    Actually ..... sometimes our own so called friends starts bullying us....... basically they do it in a fun mood.....but sometimes they cross the limit......
    Most of our opponents are either tall or heavier than us.....
    And I think we both have similar physique .....5'8 and slim....
    You are a good runner..... This is your second incident of running hahaha....
    That divorce thing is sad shat on him......this is one funny line
    Your descriptions are always hilarious bro
    Ya.... sometimes becoming evil(aggressive) is the only way out......but we should follow it only when all other ways have failed......
    Ya I can remember you telling that long streak helped you in realizing these emotions.....
    Actually I have also become more sensitive or you can say expressive than before.....
    And you know I met a psychologist....7 days back.....I told my complete story including this pmo......since then I am feeling much better and clear....
    I have a list of do's which I am following on daily basis
    CTRL + DEL likes this.
  20. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    Omg you finally met her!!
    I'll PM you!
    u376 likes this.