I want to forget about her

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Arbiter, Oct 28, 2018.

  1. Arbiter

    Arbiter Fapstronaut

    So basically, few weeks ago I met some new friends through a friend of mine, and she pretty nice, and really, really attractive. She was clearly my type and taste.
    She was drunk af,

    We sat with a bunch of friends on a roof and we decided to give each other hickeys and she kinda kissed me on the chick too...

    I know it sounds pathetic to say but I havent had that kind of attention from a girl in a long time ever since I broke up from my last girlfriend ( it was my first, and the only one for now) a year and a half ago. And it made me feel very special and got me driving with excitement, you know, and especially so because my last attempts to ask girls out were failures.

    I have some female friends but thats about it.

    We met with the same friends a couple of times after that and with her too when she was sober, and she was still a nice person and talking to me.

    But I noticed that im becoming so obsessive with her, talking about her to my friends, always watching her stories in the instagram, and I just find myself spending so much time thinking about her. Ugh.

    And no, I dont want to ask her out because:

    A) Im just 100% sure it will be a no, (I like you, but as a friend -> is what i always what got).
    And my intuition never failed me on this one. Every time I tried to ask a girl out I knew deep inside that its not going to work and that I will get rejected, but I was just stupid enough to listen to my friends or for some unknown reason.

    B) I would much rather keep her as a good friend, I know she is a attractive and all of that, but I really would rather keep her as a good friend, I think it has some potential.


    Oh boy.
    I just wanna forget about all of that and stop being obsesed with her so much, because in the end, she was drunk and I just got excited because I havent had that kind of touch in a long time, and let alone from such a beautiful one.
    Any of you have any experiences like this one? What do you think I should do?
  2. bleong1234

    bleong1234 Fapstronaut

    I totally get what you're saying and probably had experiences like that a few times. First of all congrats of posting and understanding you have a problem. Don't obsess about her because you're putting her on a pedestal, even if she's really attractive be careful of the fantasy stuff, just like porn addiction if you don't even know this girl that much she's a normal person just like you and me just happens to be the opposite sex.

    The one thing I can say when I look back on my past is don't live with regrets. Take chances, you don't want to be looking back on this years from now and say what if and telling yourself she's the girl that got away because it just leads to more self confidence problems. Take the chance, find out more about her. One thing I can say is don't be desperate girls seem to be able to sense it and don't be overly romantic, keep it casual. Ask her to a drink during the daytime that you want to try a new brewery or a bar. You can add something like I found out this bar and you came to mind, idk something like that. All I know is you got to put yourself out there.

  3. Arbiter

    Arbiter Fapstronaut

    I guess ill just need to focus on doing my stuff and on myself, let some time pass by and it will just go away naturally.

    The more you hold into it the more it hurts.
    Kman20 likes this.
  4. Zephon

    Zephon Fapstronaut

    I read your text and thought about your situation. You have 3 options:
    1. I know you won't ask her for a date, but consider this thought too because you'll show braveness with this step. Take the chance if you get one. But if you unsure about it, then go to point 2 or 3. Else:
      Make the first step and ask about a date. The worst case you get is a no, but you cannot say it if you don't try it. In which mood have you been, that she kissed you? Try to get this mood again when you are near to her. In vacation I got some kisses from girls, just because I was in a great mood and appeared as a person, who has no worries and just wanted to have fun. But don't worry, it didn't/doesn't work in my home-country because they suck very badly there. Or do you have worries about her, does she maybe show some negative aspects (on instagram etc.)?
    2. Act normal to her without showing your feelings - like you mention in B. Ask her about doing something you like /she likes. Wandering, drinking in a pub, climbing a mountain whatever. You'll get your first impressions how is her behaviour, how does she act etc.. Instagram or another social platforms are no platforms for knowing someone or communicating, maybe except she lives far away from you. But if you meet her in RL you'll know her better then on a social platform. It is because social media are great platforms to hide the true identity of the own, so don't believe everything she write on instragram etc..
    3. Let her go. Don't make suffer yourself that she could be the right one for you or the bad one. Anyway outside there are millions of women, she is not the last one. Don't focus too much on her and make something else instead, for example learning a new language or making some gym.
      In the worst case block her on instagram to avoid her.
    And the case of "Forgetting her":
    The first crush I had was similar and I couldn't get rid of it - I asked her about a date and she refused me hardly. This made me sad for a whole time. Later after a year I got over it and was later happy, that I DIDN'T get her. She got uncomely because of her nutrition and I heard other bad things about her. It doesn't mean that this could happen in your case with this hot woman but this one was my experience I made.
    Another example which is more similar to your case is: At the moment I have a similar situation about my tutor from 1 year ago. Everytime I saw her, I got this feeling in my heart. She looked at me often, but I think she does it because I look similar to my brother (my brother is a fellow student of her in the master studies). We said hello to each other when we saw us somewhere in the university - nothing else happens, one time I talked with her about doing a semester on a university in a different country. And I cannot say anything about her because I know her just as my one-time tutor. I decided to avoid her because I wanted to focus on my studies. But now I realize that I repent it that I didn't even tried to make her a compliment or ask her about to do something (visiting a concert, playing escape-room, making a LAN-party or something else).
    You can see on the last one that it can have cons, if you don't get the chance.
  5. When ever thought came about her in your mind say "BLOCK" after few days you will no longer want her. It's work try it