A thought about lonliness in a relationship

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by samnf1990, Oct 31, 2018.

  1. samnf1990

    samnf1990 Fapstronaut

    When I use P, i feel lonely. Despite it being my own decision and my own fault, seeking sexual gratification alone makes me feel alone. If I have the patience, strength and discipline to channel all of my sexual impulses where they belong, into my relationship with my wife, I do not feel lonely, even if I have to go longer between orgasms. 'Self-love' just makes me feel worthless, alone and lacking in loving attention. But it is my own fault when this happens. I am not even trying to have what I really want and need.

    Even if you are single, continuing to seek your own touch and wasting your time in front of a screen is denying yourself of the opportunity to find real love, real intimacy and interaction with another person who want the same things, rather than a non-relationship with the most selfish and destructive partner of them all: the porn industry. You all deserve better, and your lonliness will never be addressed by giving in to the urge to pmo.

    Stay strong, and good luck in your own journeys.
  2. Karimtolstoi

    Karimtolstoi Fapstronaut

    Thank you man. It feels good to read such words.
  3. countitjoy5

    countitjoy5 Fapstronaut

    Don't see orgasm as something you seek, it's just something that happens during intimacy with your wife. Outside of that context it will make your life a hell of isolation. Don't pursue it and make an idol of it, even in the context of intimacy.
  4. samnf1990

    samnf1990 Fapstronaut

    Interesting perspective, but I prefer to see orgasm as a positive and healthy experience that really is the climax of passion and physical love. Away from intimacy it is soiled and robbed of its purity and potency, sure, poisoned with the guilt, shame and loneliness of solo sex, but orgasm is not the enemy. Just as an obese person should not make food the enemy, they should instead seek to improve their relationship with food, so should we seek to improve our relationship with our sexuality.
  5. AUTiger7222

    AUTiger7222 Fapstronaut

    Call me insensitive, but how in the world can you have a beautiful loving wife and want porn over her? I have no freaking idea how that is possible? If I had someone I wouldn't need porn. I'll never choose porn over a real life beautiful woman. I've been on the other side of that coin. I was once in a relationship with someone (only serious relationship I've ever had) and she rather watch porn than have sex with me. She rather watch porn than cuddle and let me love her. I can't begin to express how hurt that made me feel. This just blows my mind. You are so blessed to have a wife (something that I'm not blessed with) and you're throwing it away on porn? That's shameful!
  6. Marcelo48

    Marcelo48 Fapstronaut

    It's called being addicted to porn. It's that simple. It makes you do awful things that you know that you shouldn't do but do anyways. You regret doing those things but you'll still do them next time, over and over again.
    That's why a lot of people are here, me included. To get help to fight this huge demon inside us, as doing it just by ourselves is much harder than most people think.
  7. AUTiger7222

    AUTiger7222 Fapstronaut

    I'm addicted to porn. I'm addicted to masturbation. Otherwise I wouldn't be here. But I still don't understand this. If I had a woman who was willing to have sex with me then why wouldn't I do that? The problem is I don't have that so in order to get my rocks off I turn to PMO. When I was with my girlfriend she wanted porn over me. Made me feel like complete crap. That is definitely one of the worst feelings you could ever give someone. I know exactly how that side of the story goes.

    I'm sorry that I don't understand your side of it. I should be more sensitive, and I apologize for not being more sensitive, but I just don't understand it and I have hurt in my past because of it that just comes out when I see things like this.
  8. Marcelo48

    Marcelo48 Fapstronaut

    The big awful reality about real life relationships is that while at the beginning its all fun and games, over the time it will lose its novelty. It will get messy, you'll go through rough and hard periods and if you don't put down the work to keep the spark going, to spice things up, the sex will just become boring over the time. That's where porn comes in. Porn is easy, and more importantly, porn is always exciting. And if you don't take care of your relationship, many times porn will just be more interesting than real sex.
    Regarding your story, I'm sorry what happened to you and you don't need to apologize. My guess is that your girlfriend is on the same situation as many of us are. She hurt you but that's what happens when you're an addict, you hurt the people closest to you.
    I hope it helps.
    AUTiger7222 likes this.
  9. AUTiger7222

    AUTiger7222 Fapstronaut

    Yes, relationships are hard work and it takes both parties putting in the work to make sure that spark in the bedroom stays great. Sadly, one or both parties aren't willing to put in the work. Or they seem to not be comfortable with the idea of trying new things so that the excitement stays fresh.
  10. Meditation Monk

    Meditation Monk Fapstronaut

    got my own bedroom bro and I feel like a prince, lol.
    AUTiger7222 likes this.
  11. AUTiger7222

    AUTiger7222 Fapstronaut

    Meditation Monk likes this.
  12. Meditation Monk

    Meditation Monk Fapstronaut

    lmao, lol.
    AUTiger7222 likes this.
  13. samnf1990

    samnf1990 Fapstronaut

    Are you pornogamous? Isn't one piece of erotica enough to get off to? Then why do P users continually seek out new material? The same parts of your brain that make you look for new or different porn are the parts of my brain that give me the urge to use it in the first place. I know that sex with my wife is more fulfilling, more satisfying, and more in so many other ways than porn, but to tell yourself that once you have a woman that your problem will go away is nonsense. The part of you that finds every attractive woman attractive will always be there. The part of you that seeks out novelty will always be there. And these PMO behaviours are long-standing and deeply ingrained, as the vast majority of us will M and start using P long before having sex with a partner.

    Yes, I am in a position where I have found love and happiness with a partner who means the world to me. I couldn't ask her to be any more. And yet the vestigial aspects of male human biology that lust after all attractive potential mates are not going anywhere. You don't simply stop noticing attractive women because you have one by your side. Falling in love is not going to eradicate your lust for other women. That is something you have to transcend. You need to make sure that your actions and behaviour are properly in line with your morals, goals and best interests. In line with what you truly want in life, not in one moment of greed and indiscriminate lust. Easily said and easily done in moments of clarity and lucidity. Very difficult in moments of weakness or after rationalising the behaviour as normal etc etc.

    I don't mean this to come off as an attack, but rather it should serve as a warning. If you find yourself in a loving relationship but still have urges to watch porn, it does not mean that the relationship or woman is wrong for you. It means that you have found something worth struggling for and going through the difficult process of ridding porn from your life in order to protect it. The depictions in porn are all based around male fantasies. The reality is different. Sex with a loving partner does not always begin with receiving oral and end in a money shot. Intercourse is never solely about the man's needs, as it so often is in porn. Sex truly is better than porn, but there is a reason that P has such an appeal. It is designed to offer exactly what men think they want, and deliver in many ways that real women are unwilling or unable to do. How else is it meant to stay profitable? Being the best possible partner and lover means putting your own desires second, of hearing and accepting the word 'no', of learning how best to please your partner, not yourself, and being thrilled when and if they want to meet your own needs and desires, in the ways that they are comfortable.

    I also don't mean this to come across as overly defensive, as you are totally right that it makes no sense to PMO when you have a willing, loving partner and se is so much better than porn. I have been stupid and misguided whenever I have gone back to P use, but it is not as simple and obvious as you seem to think, and certainly have implied in your post.
    AUTiger7222 likes this.
  14. AUTiger7222

    AUTiger7222 Fapstronaut

    I understand what you're saying and it makes perfect sense except for the fact that my only motivation to look at porn is because of my loneliness and the desires I have to be with a woman and those things aren't an option right now. When I was in my only previous relationship I barely watched porn because I didn't need it. She was the one that had the porn issue and would rather use porn than have sex with me. I was the one that was completely unwanted and unloved.
  15. AUTiger7222

    AUTiger7222 Fapstronaut

    You are correct in everything you said which is why I issued an apology for not being sensitive and understanding of the issues you're dealing with.
    samnf1990 likes this.
  16. samnf1990

    samnf1990 Fapstronaut

    Do you see that? I 'barely' watched porn when I was in a relationship (meaning that you did watch porn while in a relationship), because I only watch porn when I want to be with a woman. Being in a relationship does not entitle you to sex whenever you feel like it. Consent is important. I can want to have sex with my wife and be turned down. This can happen quite often. Rejection or feeling unwanted by your partner can be frustrating and cause that same loneliness that drives you to porn. The assumption of rejection can also feel this way. A wife is not the ever-wet and ever-willing nymphomaniac that the women in porn are paid to behave as. You already admitted that you did watch some porn when in a relationship. Despite wanting to rid myself of this behaviour, I understand why you did.

    I'm not on this site because I have a problem with excessive overuse of porn. I am here because I don't want to ever use it. But situations occur when I feel like I want to watch porn. It is easier, quicker, never says no and is always willing to show me what I want to see. The problem is that P is toxic. It does not give me any of the things that make sex great: I do not feel wanted, loved or respected. There is no intimacy, no reciprocated desire or love. It is an empty, hollow experience that causes me great pain because I know how my wife feels about seeking a physical release this way. To choose to pmo is to choose to hurt her. Despite this being illogical, it has happened in the past. By your own admission, you have done it yourself, however infrequently. How do you think your pmo habits would have changed in a relationship that lasted for over a decade? If you already pmoed in a short relationship, where the initial excitement of meeting a partner is still having a profound effect on your hormones etc, then what do you expect to happen when that wears off? That you will suddenly have fewer urges to pmo?

    Try to be more supportive and understanding. Especially when you are criticising behaviour that you have also participated in.
  17. AUTiger7222

    AUTiger7222 Fapstronaut

    I issued you an apology in my other post. I realize I was way out of line and I have tried to apologize for that.

    Also, my situation was a bit different. Turns out the woman I was with was only using me. She never really loved me. So of course she turned down my advances of sex and rather masturbate to porn instead. What was I supposed to do? I did the same thing since she gave me no choice.
  18. Marcelo48

    Marcelo48 Fapstronaut

    The moment she chose porn instead of you was the moment you should have gotten the fuck out of the relationship. You had a choice and you chose to stay with her, so please don't blame her for your actions or your unhappiness when you could just have left. I know it's harsh to tell things like this, especially to someone inexperienced, but you really need to know how life works.
  19. AUTiger7222

    AUTiger7222 Fapstronaut

    Don't you think for even one second I don't regret sending her packing right then and there? I wish I would have. It was just one of my painful life lessons I've had to learn and wish I could change.