
Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Karthick 70o, Nov 7, 2018.

  1. Karthick 70o

    Karthick 70o Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone nightfall is making me to loose my confidence. I have completed a month in nofap challenge but 3 times i suffered from nightfall. So somebody please tell me the name of a tablet or medicine to stop this nightfall problem
  2. dont worry about it wet dreams are 100% natural, its your bodies natural way of relieving itself, wet dreams are actually a very good sign of recovery.
    Estel and Low like this.
  3. wetdreams
  4. Karthick 70o

    Karthick 70o Fapstronaut

    it causes depression and makes to feel bad
  5. why be depressed i just said its 100% natural, literally no reason to be depressed, you can either masturbate to get rid of them, or let your body do its job.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2018
    Hitto and Deleted Account like this.
  6. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    No, they are not natural. It's a sign the problem is still there. And usually, if you sexually fantasize and drool over women/pictures during the day you are more likely to get wet dreams.

    Stop saying it's natural. It's something that healthy adults should not and do not have. At most, it's for teenagers who don't have control over their newly developed reproductive system.

    @Karthick 70o Don't fantasize at all when you're awake and you will stop getting them after a while
  7. Xhiddy

    Xhiddy Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Doing regular Kegel exercises would help.
  8. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    Doing kegels actually made things worse for me, as they tense the pelvic floor even more. I think doing nothing or doing reverse kegels is actually better.
  9. Xhiddy

    Xhiddy Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    In my case, before I started doing regular kegels,anytime I dreamt of my favorite porn scene, I would always release. But now after about a year of on and off regular kegels, there's a 80% (much room for improvement) chance I would be able to stop a wet dream subconsciously, just before I go over the edge.
  10. Karthick 70o

    Karthick 70o Fapstronaut

    what are kegals?
  11. Xhiddy

    Xhiddy Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Kegel exercise, also known as pelvic floor exercise, consists of repeatedly contracting and relaxing the muscles that form part of the pelvic floor, now sometimes colloquially referred to as the "Kegel muscles". Wikipedia.
  12. Sorry but I would keep researching on this I think you have a bad source of info. you are making this harder than it needs to be. You cannot control what your body does you can only control your decision to pmo. Being sad because of wet dreams is like being sad because you need to poop.
    Quiet warrior, Hitto and Estel like this.
  13. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    No, one is a physiological need, the other one is not. You don't need to ejaculate.
  14. You cannot control when your body decides to ejaculate during your sleep. It's like getting mad when you sweat or yawn or sneeze or digest food.

    Whatever you want to believe is up to you
  15. Towards Freedom

    Towards Freedom New Fapstronaut

    I am having nightfall once in 2 months max or min once a month. How to stop it completely? Btw, I broke my streak of 6 months last sunday and having bouts of urge to fap again, maybe i opened the floodgates. Now feeling some slight abdominal cramp possibly due to edging. But I'm keen on resisting my temptations. Suggestions to recover my energy and prevent nightfall, please!
  16. Estel

    Estel Fapstronaut

    You should read any credible source of information on porn like the website or book "Your Brain on Porn".

    At least, read the NoFap Foundamentals :
    It clearly explains nightfalls. Bottom line. @Karthick 70o You're fine, calm down.

    Wet Dreams (Nocturnal Emissions)

    [​IMG]Male rebooters who are used to ejaculating frequently might be surprised during a reboot to wake up and find that they’ve had a wet dream. This is completely natural; our bodies need to get rid of excess fluids somehow! Wet dreams are NOT grounds for a reset, nor can they ever be considered a kind of relapse! Like most obstacles in the rebooting process, they will likely not keep happening forever. Your body should soon acclimate to ejaculating less frequently, and the wet dreams should reduce in frequency and in many cases go away completely.

    Since the advent of Internet porn, boys have started masturbating and using porn at earlier and earlier ages. For rebooters who have been masturbating since puberty or earlier, rebooting might be the first time in their lives that they’ve had a wet dream. In their cases, wet dreams are a positive sign that their recovery has begun