I am afraid of sucess !..!

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Nov 24, 2018.

  1. Hi everybody, i hope you all are good, actually it's very weird for me, but i am afraid os sucess, i can not imagine myself without pmo facing the world, i am afraid of having a normal life, i am used to mental struggles of post-pmo, i can not imagine my self as a normal guy stessed, although PMO transform my life as hell, always trying to quit but this fear ia making me relapse each time, any suggestions guys? Thank you in advance
    soldier2806 and Badme like this.
  2. What, specifically, about success are you afraid of. And, why?
  3. Amends25

    Amends25 Fapstronaut

    Hey dont be afraid man...
    But its ok to be afraid sometimes
    It means ur human and most times the things u fear the most is best for you...
    So embrace the fear and face it...
    What if i told that ur success may give u the opportunity to have sex with porn stars of ur choice in the long run...
    I mean if u want of course...
    But imagine being so confident...
    So sharp that any sexy girl u like u cam easily impress and they'll do wat u want because ur an awesome guy...
    Hey man...
    Head up...
    Try 3 days no PMO...
    And talk to a girl u lile on the third day
    Jus say hi or make smn happen...
    U can do it bro
    Badme likes this.
  4. Thank you for the reply, but my goals are not to have sex, but only to have a normal life, to enjoy normal activities, to not being stressed all the time, to not have a chronic headaches because of overthinking
    Badme likes this.
  5. Thank you for reply, i am afraid of being sucesseful, because every time when ibam happy i am afraid from something bad that would happen to me, so for me being sad is a secure feeling because things can not go worse than that, i am Sorry if i am not that clear but it is a complicated feeling which is torturing me
  6. Amends25

    Amends25 Fapstronaut

    The same thing happens to me when i get caught up with PMO.
    I know the feeling...the moment things start going good u question it because it feels new and u think ur not able to maintain the good thats happening and keep a smiley face.
    Awesome...it happens to us bro
    I overthink a lot.
    Because i give myself the chance to.
    The worrying, the doubt, the fear, the oppression of the disease we have.
    All for us to not believe in what we deserve.
    Here's what tho.
    You will stumble, u probably fall.
    Great!....it happens to me too.
    I mean as soon as things start going good you start feeling unusual because its kina new.
    Ur so used to things going south that u assume the worse in advance.
    You overthink, you worry, you doubt.
    All these are effects of the oppression of the disease we have.
    But i will tel u this,
    You will stumble, probably fall, probably not.
    But you owe it to yourself to see how good it feels when u become a new person.
    And soon being happy will b the norm for you.
    Just try it.
    One step at a time.
    Let good things happen. Yes u will be scared during the early stages, and you might not react to it because you dont know how to. But eventually u will break free and you will know what happy and progressive is.
    So go ahead an be afraid. Watch things go south, because they will and nobody's perfect. But u have to tel urself you are a warrior fighting a demon and the true happiness comes from overcoming PMO not being brave or worryless.
    Afterall, part of being normal is making mistakes. But after PMO is gone, you will learn from mistakes, correct them, and the reward is happiness.
    Don't Be afraid, your greatest challenge is you.
  7. I think Amends25 said it best, you will stumble and you will fall. There will be many things that happen that you'll perceive or believe to be failures. Look at them as teaching tools instead, it's just life telling you to try it a different way. Take a look at the attached meme. It's meant to funny, and oh so true! If success were simple, the whole world would be successful and that would be rather boring. It's a challenging game and it can be fun if you want it to be.

    Every day you make it PMO free is a success so be proud and celebrate it cause you made it. Be proud, feel worthy of everything you want and go get it. Nobody else is going to care about you (in terms of your personal success and happiness) except for yourself.

    Attached Files:

    Amends25 likes this.
  8. Amends25

    Amends25 Fapstronaut

    Exactly!...Mind Over Matter bro.
    You got this
  9. Thank you so much for the reply, i think you touched directly the problem, so i will just go through this and hope that i will be used to this life style of a successful man, Thank you one more time man !
  10. Thank you very much for the reply, actually i am aware of all the effort i should make, for me it is just an empty cycle, because pmo make my will weaker day after day
  11. KennyCZ

    KennyCZ Fapstronaut

    You should not care about your streak because streak means nothing let me tell you something when you get into it and remember it, because that is mistake that so many people here do and they relapse. It's not about streak, it's about mentality example: Guy that is on 90 streak and still have urges and want to pmo all day is not more healed than a guy who relapsed several times and is on DAY 0. He felt the pain and after that realization of what PMO done to him he never wants to PMO again, because that is the key. I respect people who are on 90-365 days+ but if they have urges every day or want to PMO, they dont truly overcome this addiction, because in order to overcome this you must go several times a dark path to get to the right path that will make you stop forever. Because of that one realization.
  12. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    I felt the same way in the beginning. I decided to start with 90 days of hard mode, but I found myself often wondering: so, what'll happen after that? Will I "reward" myself by "non-addictive" PMO? There's no such thing.
    If you push through, you'll realize that you no longer have what to look for in PMO.
    Don't forget that an important part of the reboot process is filling up that void with new things to do, exactly for this reason of not knowing how to deal with life without PMO.