Problems with Society?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Son_of_Iroquois, Dec 4, 2018.

  1. Son_of_Iroquois

    Son_of_Iroquois Fapstronaut

    What do you think are some problems with our current society? Your thoughts here...

    A couple of mine:

    1.) Everyone is supposed to be rich, or to become rich in their lifetime. If you're not rich then something is wrong with you and you don't matter.

    2.) Unless you care about superficial material things (iPhone, brand name clothing) you are weird.
  2. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    The list of issues with society is so fucking long.
  3. Everyone's offended by everything....i don't know if it's funny or sad.
  4. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    I'm offended. Check your privilege.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. Son_of_Iroquois

    Son_of_Iroquois Fapstronaut

    Name a few things.
    • The collapse of the nuclear family
    • The erosion of traditional values
    • Promiscuity for both men and women being the norm
    • Family court's doing everything in their power to screw over any man regardless of whether or not it is justly deserved.
    • This generation taking no responsibility for their lives, and choosing to be a victim.
    • Leftists in general.
  6. [​IMG]
  7. Society is fine. Judgemental self righteous ex-fappers need to figure out how to deal with reality.
    CarP likes this.
  8. Son_of_Iroquois

    Son_of_Iroquois Fapstronaut

    vikingsarehere, Rehab101 and Randy like this.
  9. Yes
  10. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    - obsession with sex/pornography
    - people are way too invested in social media
    - radical feminism/sjws
    - having a different opinion than someone else can be considered "oppressing" them
  11. Son_of_Iroquois

    Son_of_Iroquois Fapstronaut

    I'll have to disagree with you there. Young men and women overdosing on opioids in records numbers. Massive wealth and income inequality that increases with each passing year. Multiple wars across the globe with innocent people dying in droves. Outbreaks of disease and pestilence ravaging hapless communities. The looming threat of climate change which is already wrecking havoc with massive wildfires, flooding, and hurricanes. Mass shootings occurring with startling frequency in the US.

    You must not pay attention to the news.
  12. -NickTheGreekBoi-

    -NickTheGreekBoi- New Fapstronaut

    TWO WORDS: Political Correctness

    That's the answer you are looking for...
  13. You are correct. I don't pay attention to the news.
  14. Unlike other answers, which are silly, this one describes real problems.
    1. What stats do you base your claim about opiods on?
    2. Inequality is a big one but it's mostly limited to the US (that will change though). The Great Recession was an opportunity for a New Deal 2.0 which would even out the playing field but Obama failed to deliver.
    3. Wars: the big players are fortunately reluctant to take part directly. The proxy wars in Yemen and Syria are disgusting but overall I'm pretty sure that compared to the rest of history, we live in a peaceful period.
    4. Again, I think you're too pessimistic. There is no huge epidemic right now and diseases are getting eradicated. Polio is almost done and malaria numbers are getting down each year afaik. But it's true that thanks to growing population and more migration/travel than ever before, an infectous disease's potential to spread is much higher.
    5. Climate: absolutely agreed. More than anything, the massive migration stemming from soil becoming unusable for agriculture and/or flooded cities later is going to be real fun to deal with...
    6. Mass shootings: that's on you Yanks, that shit is not popular elsewhere. I hope our psychos don't start copying your psychos lol
    It doesn't seem that muricans specifically care too much about any of these given how they vote.
    Randy likes this.
  15. Intelli Gent

    Intelli Gent Fapstronaut

    The problem with society is everyone wants to talk about it, but noone wants to change it.
  16. Son_of_Iroquois

    Son_of_Iroquois Fapstronaut

    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. You're right but talking about it is important since the problems need to be identified and then everyone needs to be made aware of them... however, yes, a lot more action needs to be taken.
  18. Son_of_Iroquois

    Son_of_Iroquois Fapstronaut

    True. Talking about them is better than ignoring them in my view.