What porn did to me... I REALLY NEED HELP :'(

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by ayman003, Jan 5, 2019.

  1. ayman003

    ayman003 Fapstronaut

    First time I watched a porn video when I was 7 or 8 years old... I found a video in my home computer, it was shared computer and when I played it I couldn't believe what was in the video and I asked my brother that I found these videos by mistake. he said it's a virus and he removed them.

    After 3 years when we got a high-speed internet connection, I was curious and I started to search randomly with any English word came to my mind until I discovered keywords like porn, sex ... etc ( I am not an English native speaker )

    I was downloading, watching, categorizing and storing porn videos on my device since age 11... I was good enough to hide any trace or any data on my computer.

    I watched all the porn categories that you can imagine I could stay for hours searching for a specific porn video to satisfy my addiction... And I tried too many times to stop that but without any success.

    Now I am 24 years old... and I couldn't date any girl or even be just a friend to any girl in my whole life.
    Even if I tried to pick up a girl I have no idea what to say to them... porn movies really destroyed my self-esteem and my self-confidence.

    And most of my friends watching porn and they think it's normal and it's not an issue and no one trying to stop that... even if one of them tried.. he failed.

    In my country most of the divorces because of men watching porn and cannot satisfy their wives (sexless marriage), because the porn went viral and it's also not open-minded country and you cannot just pick up a girl and sleep with her... you have to get married to do that for even first time.

    I am a successful man in my career and motivational man and I even changed the life of too many of my friends and non-friends to better... I even tried to make my own business before...

    But I feel I can do more if I stopped watching porn but I don't know how. I watched too many Ted talks and I read too my articles and I know how porn effect our brains and I experienced all of them. I even may prefer to stay at home watching porn instead of hanging out with my friends.

    I really need help :'(
  2. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

  3. good luck quiting! if you need help or advice message me I'll try my best
    ayman003 likes this.
  4. ayman003

    ayman003 Fapstronaut

    Buddhabro likes this.
  5. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Ah, I see. I had no idea. Welcome bro and I hope you find the tips a good starting point.

    Also check The Glossary at the top of the page to explain the unusual words and abbreviations you will see here.
    ayman003 likes this.
  6. seanc

    seanc Fapstronaut

    Brother. First let me tell that you've come to the right place. You will find a lot of support through these forums.

    The first piece of advice that I can give to you is not to beat yourself up too much. It is true that porn can destroy your self-esteem and self-confidence but you can make the situation worse adding your self pity to it. It is also good to keep in mind that you have formed this habit over the course of 13 years and you have grown somewhat attached to it physically and psychologically. You can't destroy the habit in one day, week, or month. You have to give yourself time to heal and recoup. From my own experience it would be best for you to abstain from porn and any sexual activity. It seems that outside of porn this shouldn't be difficult to do because of the norms of your home country. While you're abstaining you have to transmute this energy (sexual energy) into your personal development and pursuit of your goals. You have to make a hard and fast decision to abstain from porn and weaken this habit and instead focus on building your life.

    Now as you go through this process you would want to do you best to abstain but if you are to relapse do not fall into self-pity and do your best not to binge. If you spent the past 13 years bodybuilding a month or two off of working out will not make you a weak man. So it its with this habit that you have been building over the same length of time it will not become weak after a month or two of abstaining. Weaker yes but not weak. As you break down this habit and build new and healthier ones think of it as a traveler on a horse headed to a known destination. If the rider falls off he doesn't sit and cry in self-pity and he doesn't decided to go in the opposite direction on foot because he fell off his horse. He dusts himself off get's back on the horse and continues to his destination. Also, think of a person who is a cigarette addict. If they were smoking two packs a day and now they're down to two sticks a day isn't that great progress? Hasn't the addiction lost much of it's strength? It's the same with us. Even if you relapse you have made progress if you go from watching porn many times daily to once a month. Even if it takes you 1 or more years to complete suppress and replace the habit it is well worth it. Think about it. Even if it takes you two years you will be 26 or 27 years old and will have many more years of sex and marital bliss ahead of you. Not to mention the improved confidence and self-esteem. Discipline yourself my brother. Make a decision, set your goals, and go for it! God Speed the NoFap community is with you!! Many positive vibes your way!!!
  7. ayman003

    ayman003 Fapstronaut

    Thank you John for your support and your offer to help me
  8. ayman003

    ayman003 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your advice and the motivational reply I really appreciate your support :)
  9. ayman003

    ayman003 Fapstronaut

    it's a long list but Thank you for mentioning and your support :)
  10. exito

    exito Fapstronaut

    hey welcome, youll definitely succeed in your goal
    ayman003 likes this.
  11. PathOfReform

    PathOfReform Fapstronaut

    ayman003 likes this.
  12. ayman003

    ayman003 Fapstronaut

    PathOfReform likes this.
  13. ayman003

    ayman003 Fapstronaut

    Sometimes while I am using my laptop I found an ad or popup that contain nude photos and I close it immediately and I found my heart starts beating very fast and after 2 minutes or so it goes back to normal beating and I cannot get the photo out of my head but I try to calm myself and wash my face and start walking around for few minutes.

    What should I do to get them out of my head and not to see popups contain nudes?
    Mo1989 likes this.
  14. Clarke

    Clarke Fapstronaut

    Consider taking a break from the internet or making a white list with only a few sites that you know are safe. A few weeks won't kill you and you'll enjoy the sites you stay away from more when you go back.
    Woodcutter74 and ayman003 like this.
  15. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut


    hmmm i dont know why, but are we leaving in same countries ? Mine in south east asia, in case u have simmiliar country as mine
  16. ayman003

    ayman003 Fapstronaut

    Not really... I am from Egypt
  17. Woodcutter74

    Woodcutter74 Fapstronaut

    ayman003, I can give you advice that helped me and that I often repeat to others.

    As mentioned above, it is a good idea to be offline and keep yourself busy with reading books, exercising , going out or practicing a hobby.

    If you are online or need to be online, what you can do is put your safe search engines on strict safe modes. This will make sure you see no sexual content. If you think of nude women, look at pictures of baby animals, puppies and kittens. That always calmed my sexual urges.

    As for picking up women, I encourage to improve your social skills first, like all of us did. Speak to women you are not attracted to make communication something natural. And speaking to a beautiful woman you like, speak to her like you would speak to someone you are not interested in. Do not use pick up lines or fake compliments, but say something honest and with confidence. Ask her to tell you more about herself so you don't have to do the talking. Women love talking about themselves and showing interest who she is instead of just a sexual attraction will help you score bonus points.If there is anything else you need as advice, we are here to help.
    ayman003 likes this.
  18. ayman003

    ayman003 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your advices... I will try them all
    Woodcutter74 likes this.
  19. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    i see ur muslim then? Or at least living in muslim country

    No wonder i think we have simmiliar situation