hello fellow fapstronauts

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by karla, Feb 10, 2015.

  1. karla

    karla Guest

    This is karla. Yes the same from tinker, tailor. Soldier and spy.
    For the past 13 years i have been under the shackles of pmo addiction. I am an emotional wreck, no confidence, zero self esteem, under depression for past 3.5 years, unemployed (though I graduated from most sought after school), have attempted suicide once and prayed to god to end this misery once and for all.. .all of this I believe is because of my pmo addiction........... I have tried to quit this addiction cold turkey yet regret every single time I relapse.

    I have seen my peers virtually leaving me far behind in every way imaginable.

    I have some deep regrets and believe salvation lies here.........

    My goal is to be celibate for 1 year. So god help us all.
  2. doubledee

    doubledee Fapstronaut

    Hey Karla! Welcome to nofap :) I'm sorry to hear you've had a rough time in the past but I'm glad you have chosen to beat this!! This community really does help we are all from different backgrounds , but this vice we all share. You will find people that share your experiences and lend you a helping hand whenever you need it. Let's do this !:)
  3. db_dan

    db_dan Fapstronaut

    Hey, sorry things have been so rough. I remember in 2013, I made the same promise to myself: 1 year of celibacy. And in an ultimately ironic twist, I got married August that year. So good things can happen when you commit yourself to self improvement.
  4. karla

    karla Guest

    Thanx for your kind word of support. This time I ve become really serious to beat this once and for all.
  5. karla

    karla Guest

    Thanks. I believe with firm support l will beat this shit.