Thinking to start PMO reboot

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Discipline Is A Virtue, Jan 29, 2019.

  1. Discipline Is A Virtue

    Discipline Is A Virtue Fapstronaut

    Hi all, brand new here.. I just finished reading all the getting started guides and introductions.

    I'm not sure yet if NoFap is right for me but I want to try 7 or 14 days PMO and observe the effects on myself.

    I don't think I have any of the main physical symptoms that NoFap aims to solve, but there is.. probably a mental issue among others.

    I M once or twice a day, and my primary concerns are that I've gotten into spending money on the habit.. thousands over the past two years. I can afford it but looking back I feel awful and stupid about it.

    Beyond that, I don't feel much incentive to find a girlfriend. I also struggle with discipline in life so maybe this can help that.

    So . Here I am, I don't feel fully committed yet, but I liked what I read so far, it's making a lot of sense to me, and I'm thinking to try a short term PMO reboot.. And if I can do it, maybe a longer one.
  2. Alpha Romeo

    Alpha Romeo Fapstronaut

    but if you can't do it wouldn't that show that you really have a problem thus making you wan't to continue trying?
    and if you can do it then why not keep doing it ?

    I like your name tho It is definetly a virtue and an important one at that I hope you gain success in what you aim to achieve.

    Quick tips no more last time its either one day or today !! and don't test yourself that always ends pourly.

    Welcome in the comunitee brother I hope you gain what you seek here.
    Do you have any plan on how you wan't to go about this ?
  3. Plucki

    Plucki Fapstronaut

    Hi and welcome! I think this sounds like a fantastic idea. I'm struggling but hoping for a 90 day personally (can't seem to make a week yet but I'll get there). You could also just try for PM which would give you the option to orgasm if you find a girlfriend (which could also serve as incentive). But that's something that's up to each individual, of course.

    Best of luck, my friend!
    Alpha Romeo likes this.
  4. Discipline Is A Virtue

    Discipline Is A Virtue Fapstronaut

    Heh, you have good logic, if I can't do a 7 day PMO, then I definitely should do a 7 day PMO. Nice, well.. I think you are right, thank you for your wise words, I will commit to 7 days today.

    I don't have any plan. I need to delete all the triggers and things I have saved. Is there some official way to count/track days or should I just keep track of dates?

    Thanks for your welcome and time.. :)
    Alpha Romeo likes this.
  5. Discipline Is A Virtue

    Discipline Is A Virtue Fapstronaut

    90 days seems like a pie in the sky goal to me right now, even 7 days seems daunting. I wish you good luck and be strong as well thank you for welcoming me.

    Definitely PM is the reality, if I get a girlfriend. But until then it's PMO ;)
    Plucki likes this.
  6. Alpha Romeo

    Alpha Romeo Fapstronaut
    There is the in site counter but you might be able to set an app or something I use to have that.
    have you though about doing a log where you write updates daily ? I find it always helps me to put stuff down on paper

    Ps PMO means porn masturbation orgasm we are trying to avoid that, not do it :p
  7. Alpha Romeo

    Alpha Romeo Fapstronaut

    Just take it one day at the time the ultimate goal for me is forever but I only think about reaching tomorow.