Day 27 Benefits

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by TheMan333, Feb 5, 2019.

  1. TheMan333

    TheMan333 Fapstronaut

    I’ve made in the past like 2 or 3 years of NoFap hardmode, not even masturbating or watching porn; how did I make it? I still don’t know. What I think, is once you get rewired, you get excited and get the fact, that living life is better than PMOing 24/7 and not truelly living.
    Back to the point, I relapsed like 1 year and a half ago, and by then, I relapsed again every week, until it became again an habit.
    I went to a trip in Panama, and purposed to never fap again ever until june (tricking my brain, in reality I won’t fap ever again), so yeah, now I’m in day 27 and here are the most remarkable benefits, that you’ll start experiencing overtime more strongly:
    • Once you start the NoFap journey, you start experiencing more “natural” attraction to girl, what do I mean? You don’t look at her body like an object, or simply you get attracted to a smile, a intelligence capacity, a personality, etc... Most of men of my age (I’m 16) tend to view girls as an object, they look at their body as an robot, that you use to have sex and that’s it. NO, girls are humans, are a whole, that you shall respect always; they have the right to.
    • Confidence rising, unless you have like serious low self esteem problems, for sure you’ll get confident enough to talk to women. You feel like you’re “attractive”, you start to having some sort of “self love” or self appreciation.
    • Less teenage acne.
    • More girls staring at you; seriously, I go to the streets, and suddenly I notice girls staring constantly at me, and I’ve received compliments of “How handsome you are” or “You should have a girlfriend right now” In the vibe of (You’re so handsome, that you should find a girlfriend)
    • Better hair looking
    • You start being a winner in life, getting high standards in life, fighting for being great and better everyday, getting the girl, etc... I think this translates to “Willpower” that you are capable to do anything you purpose to.
    In conclusion, NoFap is not a journey or a period of time in your life; it’s a life style. Enjoy it, it’s worth everything.
  2. The relapse is never worth it...
  3. Not to mention, the low testosterone levels.
  4. control your life

    control your life Distinguished Fapstronaut

    congrats on your nofap time ,well done !
    J-CAT, Srisurya and Shoto Jaya like this.
  5. amazing! You are making a GREAT start in your life to be having such insights at 16!

    Proud of you buddy keep rocking it
    J-CAT and Shoto Jaya like this.
  6. lipfaster

    lipfaster Fapstronaut

    Keep fighting Mate!
    Shoto Jaya likes this.
  7. molotrap

    molotrap Fapstronaut

    Very nice to hear, you are motivating me. Even on my short journey right now I recognized the same how random people tell me good things that are giving me good vibes.
    J-CAT and Shoto Jaya like this.
  8. xxmemel0verxx

    xxmemel0verxx Fapstronaut

    Congrats dude, I'm 15 trying to stop this habit. Just wondering how did you pass the first week because I find this part the hardest.
  9. drkrishanarora12

    drkrishanarora12 Fapstronaut

  10. TheMan333

    TheMan333 Fapstronaut

    Yeah, the first week is the hardest.
    Be directional. I know the temptation of “I’ll enjoy now and start tomorrow” is strong, but just do that one more time, and start imagining your future, thinking that with NoFap, your dreams will be closer.
    xxmemel0verxx and Buddhabro like this.
  11. I'm on day 11 and have all these benifits already. Especially the confidence level is super height. Congratulations on your 27 days stay strong my friend
  12. congrats on hitting a high streak
  13. xxmemel0verxx

    xxmemel0verxx Fapstronaut
