Tempation is driving me crazy (Help)

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by KingRecover17, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. KingRecover17

    KingRecover17 Fapstronaut

    I need help bad right now I just looked at a Porn video for two seconds but I closed it out, I don't know what to do right now, I'm on Day 27 and this whole week was nothing but temptation and urges. I need some advice I don't want to relapse I don't want to start over. I don't know what I should do. Please help thanks....
  2. victoryisnear

    victoryisnear Fapstronaut

    Cold showers, they help a lot. They don't have to be long showers (less than 3 min). And be careful. Intentional searching and watching porn counts as pmo, meaning you have to reset the timer. (that what I had to do) Be careful and good luck
  3. You're Not Going to DIE! Just Shut up your Mind and Be in PRESENT.Yes, PRESENT.Stop Thinking,just STOP and See Where you Are and Go For a walk or Something Else. It's NOT Difficult to deal with Urge.It's You only who makes it Difficult.
  4. crushurcravings

    crushurcravings Fapstronaut

    Hi KingRecover15,

    First of all I'd like to congratulate you for pulling through. It takes a lot to open up your favourite porn site to then shut it down immediately afterwards (I've been there myself repeatedly).

    With regards to your question, I strongly recommend you to have some sort of routine that you apply whenever you get strong urges (soft/medium exercising schedule followed by a cold shower). The exercising schedule doesn't have to be anything special - It is just important that you ensure the blood flow goes elsewhere. My personal exercising schedule is something like 30 situps, 20 pushups, 10 squats, 20 pushups, 30 situps (with 20-30 seconds of rest in between each of these sets).

    Also know that you're definitely in a slippery slope here and the chaser effect will, more likely than not, be rather persistent the next 3-5 days.

    I hope this helps, take care.
  5. KingRecover17

    KingRecover17 Fapstronaut

    Thanks I appreciate your support. Also prior to this week I didn't get any urges and if I did it wasn't strong. This whole been nothing but urges so its crazy to me because just last last had no urges I wasn't thinking about Sex not all sudden I urges, but it has do with withdrawals as well because I have been feeling down and my concentration hasn't been that great, again thank you for your support means a lot I won't let you and anyone in this community down. Peace
  6. MadFarmer

    MadFarmer Fapstronaut

    I think it's great that you jumped on NoFap and reached out. That's a great step. I think it could even help you more if there is someone you know who you can trust to not judge you, who could be your accountability partner. I find that when I have urges, if I reach out to my accountability partners it reminds me that i'm not alone, why I'm doing this, and why PMOing sucks so much. It really helps to bring the urges down. You just have to be committed to reaching out when you feel the urge.
  7. stinky635

    stinky635 Fapstronaut

    Agreed on the accountability partner. Have someone who is ready and willing to stay available for you when times are tough.

    Book mark the emergency prevention tool. Exercise when tempted. Go for a walk. Spend the energy elsewhere. Try not to focus on the temptation but something else like cleaning your room, read a book, build something. I read someone that dug holes. Do something else.

    Stay strong!
  8. KingRecover17

    KingRecover17 Fapstronaut

    I have a accountability group I decided to post here because I wanted to get different perspective. Also my accountability partners have helped me alot without them I wouldn't have gone a month without Porn.

    WHATTHEFUCK Fapstronaut
