Story vs video, do they have same effect? Mentions p so caution

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Benny Oakley, Apr 11, 2019.

  1. Benny Oakley

    Benny Oakley Fapstronaut

    So I’m addicted to p and m but more specifically story Porn has been a big problem for me. My question is does it have the same effect on my brain and body as watching a video.. is it better, worse or the same?
  2. You can say they do have a similar effect. The actual need of brain is to release dopamine, which is fulfilled in both cases, story n video. My advice should be to quit that....and for the rest goodluck.
  3. To understand how something affects you, you need information.

    We humans are very bad are estimating things and even faster to forget, so my suggestion is to first start a private journal where you track your sex interactions and porn use. Note your desires, urges and how you felt before after etc. Also include how your mood and productivity is during the day and important events,
    After you do this for a week or longer you can begin to look back at it for statistical info, this takes time and dedication but it provides allot of insight in to cause and effect.