Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by uiop2, Jun 14, 2019.

  1. uiop2

    uiop2 Fapstronaut

    For those of you who got this disorder, how do you cope with it? Especially if you don't have just one obsessive thought about a certain topic but plenty of them, like on different topics as if your mind reacts obsessively on everything you do, think or see...
    I mean, it's hard to just let the thoughts flow go sometimes because you are too scared of it and feel like paralyzed...
    Even if i try a breathing technique after a few time my ocd tells me "don't go any further with it, you know well that nothing is ever going to change" or when i'm running so i give up usually. Then start over, then give up again.
    Thank you.
  2. You just have to deal with them honestly, I mean it’s called obsessive compulsive disorder for a reason and isn’t usually just limited to a single topic. You can try medication but that stuff is honestly rubbish, and the safer/better route in my eyes is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

    Breathing exercises in combination with closing my eyes and letting go helps, but you have to find a way to train yourself to let go of thoughts and not so much as fight them, but rather just not paying any attention and eventually ignoring them. The more you give in to your OCD the worse you make it in the long run, it’s kind of like an addiction in the sense of the weakening of pathways. While it may bother you slightly and even have urges flair up after stopping, they won’t be as bad as before.
  3. uiop2

    uiop2 Fapstronaut

    Feeling a bit better, i'm trying hard to just let go and breathe without answering the perpetual questions it makes to me cause i know it's pointless but it's really hard since my body reacts to them with lots of anxiety and it gets out of my control. I tried for a long time to find a way to completely get out of it but i guess there's none so i gotta just ignore everything and keep going. Yes i don't wanna get medications since they don't really fix the problem imo, i just wanna find a way to cope with it without letting it blocking me everytime but staying calm instead of taking pills everytime i feel like i cannot deal with it anymore.
    What about you? Does it still bother you or you found a "balance"? Thank you.
  4. Strength And Light

    Strength And Light Fapstronaut

    OCD has a lot to do with certainty. With OCD behavior, you're constantly checking and rechecking for certainty, even though there's really no such thing as 100% true certainty.

    Did I lock the front door? I'm not certain, better check. Ok, it's locked....I think. Did I really check thoroughly? I can't be certain. I better check again. Ok, it's really locked....or did I only imagine that I checked? Not certain, better check again.

    And so on.

    We expect that the next "check" will alleviate uncertainty once and for all. But it can't, because certainty can never be permanently removed. You only become more and more chained to the checking behavior - the leash becoming shorter and shorter and shorter.

    The way out of OCD behavior is to allow uncertainty. Is it possible that I left the front door unlocked? I can't be 100% certain but I remember locking it a minute ago so I'll just accept that and choose not to recheck and re-recheck and re-re-recheck. I'll accept to live with a small degree of uncertainty and just go about my day. After you choose to live with uncertainty you will build up a tolerance for it, the same tolerance that everyone else has, everyone without OCD.

    That's a pretty boiled down explanation, but hopefully you can see what I'm getting at.
    uiop2 likes this.
  5. uiop2

    uiop2 Fapstronaut

    Thank you, yes of course i get the point.
    And of course i'm not good at allowing imperfection, i know it's something i have to work on but it's really hard when you are under such pressure...
    When i decide not to answer one of its questions and manage to deal with the anxiety rush i start feeling better but it's a never-ending cycle, i mean a few time later you find yourself again dealing with another thought...
    I know i'm pretty stressed out lately and i should distract myself but i don't always feel like that.
    Plus when i give up to PMO after a few days of it i feel like drained, that i failed and ashamed cause i actually never really liked it. Ok when i first started up it was something new but i don't like it anymore, even because i use it to relieve my stress and not because i enjoy it. When i quit it i feel better, it's like having balance in my brain again. Thank you again by the way!

  6. OCD is unfortunately one of those things that you have to live with, I continue to have problems with sounds, peripheral movement and thoughts. The difference now is that I’m at least trying to not let it get to me as much as before, it’s difficult but can be managed in a way.

    You have to find a compromise to the best of your abilities, not by necessarily fighting your thoughts but try to let them pass by, acknowledging them and letting them be. The more you react to your anxiety and let it flow the worse off you’ll feel, when you feel the angst build up try telling your mind you’re not interested in it’s games and find something to occupy yourself with.

    It’s like an addiction in a way, the more you pay attention to something the longer it’ll stick around and more severe it’ll feel, when you stop giving it attention it’ll diminish. A lot of things don’t bother me now and while I can’t get rid of my other symptoms, at least I can manage them unlike before.
    uiop2 likes this.