From Catholic to Orthodox

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. The context of Revelations 3:20 is the message of Jesus through the Holy Spirit to the Church of Laodicea. The Church of Laodicea was a a lukewarm church that was neither passionate for the Lord (hot) nor refreshing others (cold), and thus it incurred the wrath and judgment of God on her disgusting lukewarmness (v. 16).
    Misquoted Verses: Rev. 3:20 - puritanreformed
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  2. Does God need to keep his promises? Can God make a rock too heavy that he cant lift it?

    This is the argument you are getting closer and closer too. Of course God needs nothing. So how do you explain how things happened the way they did? His will? If it's his will that we help him is he wrong? If it's not his will that we help him then who even did the arresting, whipping and nailing? Non sentient humans made as puppets by God to complete the crucifixion?
    Mr. McMarty likes this.
  3. God does not will sin but he allows it. It was Gods will for Jesus to be whipped but it the soldier is responsible for the sin.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Good answer. So he willed we (humanity) participate in our own salvation but crucifying Jesus. Just as he willed we (humanity) collaborate with Him in publishing the Bible, preaching the word that saves others, baptizing ect. Just as he willed I (personally) take an active role by "finishing the race". He wills we help. No one says he needs it though. No one took His life. He gave it up right?
  5. people do have free will to do some things but because of origional sin we can not choose god for ourselfs he must give us a gift of grace to receive the holy spirit and want to be saved. thats all calvinism says if im not mistaken.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. That's almost what I'm saying. I'll play the hyper Calvinist! You can walk me back to the truth.

    God MUST do something. He is not Sovereign! He is not God. He needs nothing....

    Ok now I'll answer this truthfully as a Calvist....

    We cant choose him. He chose me to participate in his plan of salvation. I preached the word and those who heard, believed yet it was not my work but Gods. I was the "how" God was the "what" and the "why". Grace comes to us in the form of time which God extents to us before judgement so that we can come to know him IF we are his elect. How we come to know him is through his will and the use of real living breathing humans and the Bible they penned for him or him through them (either way). They completed no work they personally can claim credit for "apart from God you can do nothing" BUT despite this God willed that they do the things they did to help him call the elect to himself. Not help he needed. Help he willed.

    Now the Catholic conclusion and the fullness of faith IMO

    "Apart from God you can do nothing...SO remain in me (our participation)."

    I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.
    Mr. McMarty likes this.
  7. @Max Fisher you know more theology than I do Haha. I'm just some extremely attractive guy who likes to facilitate conversation. I'll have to read what you wrote three times to follow it.
  8. I dont know as much as I pretend to know. Stay classy! Don't let those good looks get you in trouble!
    miXhal likes this.
  9. This kind of aggravating language is often used on the Internet by self-declared members of "the one and only" Church. But I never heard it from gentle and humble Catholics I met in real life as a Christian. These people are completely different.

    That leads me to questioning how many of these anonymous or pseudonymous accounts stirring up discord represent actual church-going Christians.

    It doesn't mean that everyone on the Internet is an Anti-Christian sock puppet controlled by the devil, but I can imagine some people might fall for those diabolic influences and adopt their language and talking points.
  10. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    Seriously, @Mr. McMarty is one handsome dude. Anyone that handsome definitely doesn't have enough time to study theology :p
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. I get that his language could be upsetting but nevertheless the accusation is still valid. The beliefs Protestants hold were non-existent for 1500 years. Now most Protestants will argue there was a great apostasy and that the truth was always around in a hidden/underground Church. The issue with that claim though is that those same Protestants can never prove that position even through their own in-house source, meaning, if such a claim was true then their own churches should have some type of historical record of their interpretation of the scriptures being held by the early Christians prior to Luther, Calvin, etc.

    At the end of the day the only way to find authentic Christianity is to find out which interpretation has the historical record of being held by the early Christians. Unfortunately for Protestants their historical record is nonexistent prior to their inception. As an ex Protestant minister and convert to Catholicism once put it; “to be deep in history is to cease to be Protestant” -John Henry Cardinal Newman.

    I’ve always wondered how anyone serious about being a Christian could reconcile the complete gap Protestants have when it comes to Eastern Christian Churches. Anyone ever heard of a Byzantine Rite Evangelical? lol. Better yet let’s throw another one into the mix, how about a Coptic Calvinist? :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2019
    SolitaryScribe likes this.
  12. That question wasn't even part of the discussion I started and I'm not interested in arguing about it for the reasons I stated.

    Fact is: The Church-attending Catholics I got know through my journey, as well as priests, bishops and other dignitaries I know don't accuse Protestants of being heretic. They are humble Christians like one would expect, even when dealing with people not in the Catholic faith.

    These "accusations" are something I only see happening on the Internet. And it's a recurring pattern in all social media, regardless of forums like these, Twitter or elsewhere. That makes me question, if these anonymous "Catholic" crusaders really exist or if they are just someone else with an agenda (or followers who fell for those).

    From my Christian PoV this behavior is unjust and I doubt people posting this kind of language into forums have properly internalized Christian values and follow the Lord's commandments. But that's not for me to judge that. I'm just stating my opinion on how these threads get derailed rather systematically.
  13. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    Ironically enough, it was this mentality that began Mormonism and Jehovah witnesses. I'm pretty sure everyone here can agree that those 2 religions are heretical and are in now way mainstream Christianity.
  14. Right, but I don’t consider Mormons and JW’s to be the same as Protestants. They are their own thing, which also lacks a historical record.
  15. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    It's only a matter of time before you have a large portion of protestant denominations straying away from Christian orthodoxy. There are some denominations that really freak me out and are actually outright heretical.
  16. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    I don't care how beautiful your history and traditions are, I want the Biblical truth, and I discovered you can't trust roman catholicism for that, nor eastern orthodox. None of these two have the Gospel.
  17. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    If I wanted to feel cool about mysticism religion, I'd be a neo pagan dharma punk, they got the eastern orthodox bearded priests beat. lol
  18. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    You keep repeating this over and over again, but I don't think you really know what it means. I think what you want to say is, "I want Calvinist truth". If you really wanted biblical truth then you would study about the people who wrote and put the bible together, ie the early church and church fathers.

    If you believe in the trinity , that's all thanks to the orthodox and catholic bishops who fought against the Arian heresy... Your not going to find anything about the trinity in the bible.
  19. I think it’s the difference in the platform. It’s easier to get frustrated online and vent it out than face-to-face. Having anonymity allows people to fall into this easier which is why you see more of it on forums like this and social media.

    Staying on topic is an art form and one I’ve yet to master when it comes to a heated discussion with multiple people chiming in. Lol
    Eoghan mac Phádraig likes this.
  20. And for this reason I discuss these theological matters with real life Christians including those of other denominations and simply discard whatever crap gets posted online.

    If this is the devil's way trying to make me hate on Catholics or Orthodox, he won't succeed.
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