Efforts to regulate free porn distribution

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by mjones050505, Jul 1, 2019.

Would you support the regulation of "free porn"?

Poll closed Jul 8, 2019.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. mjones050505

    mjones050505 Fapstronaut

    Anyone know of any legislative efforts (Bills in progress, etc.) which would regulate the distribution of free porn? I'm not an advocate of governmental regulation of the Internet in general, but I think making porn a "pay-for" would help with this epidemic we're all facing... Free porn is too easy to get to, in my opinion. Thoughts??
  2. Indurian

    Indurian Fapstronaut

  3. Indurian

    Indurian Fapstronaut

    The UK are looking to put an age verification system in place. The link above should explain. I'm not sure if it will catch everything but it seems a step in the right direction
  4. ZenAF

    ZenAF Fapstronaut

    Bad idea. You're just going to push it underground. Besides, what's wrong with porn? Just because all of us here can't handle it, why do you want to take it away for the rest of society?
    need4realchg likes this.
  5. Indurian

    Indurian Fapstronaut

    I have children so if this puts a barrier between them and porn then that hopefully reduces the chances of exposure and addiction.

    I get what your saying but porn use is so prevalent just now. I would guess nearly every guy uses. At the same time they are probably unaware of the consequences and what it's probably doing to their brain.
  6. The Lone Ranger

    The Lone Ranger Fapstronaut

    What is right with porn?
    Jerky, randomname3 and miXhal like this.
  7. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    My view on efforts to legislate porn are somewhat differentiated:

    1) Banning
    I'm strongly against any attempts to ban porn alltogether. Banning something never worked as a way to help people, who struggle with it. It didn't work for alcohol, it didn't work for drugs, it won't work for porn. Secondly, we have to realize, that there are a lot of people, who can use porn in a controlled & moderated manner. Not everbody, who uses porn, is an addict. In fact, the majority of people don't have problems with porn (e.g. controlling their use) or problems because of porn (e.g. sexual dysfunctions). We here at NoFap tend to ignore this fact, since we have a lot of problems with porn. Altough there is a significant potential to develope problems with time, I strongly believe that everybody must have the right to take that risk. It's not the goverments job to regulate, how people want to spend their time even when it can cause them problems.

    2) Regulated Access
    Altough porn is widely considered "adult entertainment", the daily use of porn by children is reality. I generally support efforts to protect children, but the problem is mostly about how this protection is implemented: Obviously, asking "How old are you?" in order to get access to a pornsite like it's currently done, is not enough. We need something more effective. One could think about a age verification via your ID or something along those lines, but the privacy concerns are just to big. It's nobodys business what pornsites I visit, how long I stay, what I watch, and when I do it. The danger of institutions collecting this data is real and should be avoided as much as possible. So, how could an effective protection for children look like? I don't know. Maybe there is no effective way. Maybe there is. Until we find one, it's even more important to educate people about the potential negative consequences of porn use, so that they can decide for themselves whether or not they want take the risk.

    3) Regulated content
    Should porn producers have to follow specific restrictions as in what types of porn they can produce? I don't know that either. I'm currently thinking about it. Are there really any benefits of raping porn being produced for example? I don't know, probably not. But the big problem with attempts to regulate the content of porn is this: No matter what rules you set, the then forbidden types will still get produced. You simply push them into the criminal spectrum of actions. This could possibly result in negative consequences for porn actors and actresses (e.g. worse treatment, no legal options available) or in worse porn content-wise because the the producers are already a few steps into criminal behavior ("Ah fuck it. I'm already doing something illegal. Might as well produce XY type of porn, which is even 'more' illegal."). We must be very careful with such laws, so I think I wouldn't support such efforts as of right now.
  8. Doupleastronaut

    Doupleastronaut Fapstronaut

    I agree on banning porn, if something is forbidden it is less accessible.
    we can set up a non-profit company
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2019
    randomname3 likes this.
  9. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    That assumption is not particularly true. We've seen it with drugs in the past.
  10. Doupleastronaut

    Doupleastronaut Fapstronaut

    I didn't see anything
  11. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    Well, you haven't looked into the topic then apparently.
  12. ZenAF

    ZenAF Fapstronaut

    It's very fun and exciting to watch beautiful people fuck.

    Most of what's wrong with porn comes out of our own greed.
  13. Doupleastronaut

    Doupleastronaut Fapstronaut

    if you masturbate in front of a phone, teach your brain that sex is done in front of a phone. you will become powerless and you will not be able to have sex in real life
  14. FYI voyeurism is listed as a psychiatric disorder under paraphilia in the DSM V. nuff said I reckon.
  15. ZenAF

    ZenAF Fapstronaut

    That's ridiculous. People can have a healthy sex life and still watch porn. Just because we nofappers have inclinations towards addiction doesn't mean everybody else is the same.
    Watching porn isn't voyeurism. Unless you want to tell me that you hide behind your couch every time you watch a war movie because you're afraid one of the bullets is going to hit you.
    andi1987 and need4realchg like this.
  16. Doupleastronaut

    Doupleastronaut Fapstronaut

    you are ridiculous
    Master Chips likes this.
  17. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    I usually really like your postings and agree with most of them, but this statement is kinda strange. Watching porn is voyeurism per definition:

    - Source: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/voyeurism

    Or here:
    - Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/voyeurism

    Or here:
    - Source: https://www.lexico.com/en/definition/voyeurism

    Watching porn is exactly that: Getting pleasure by watching others in sexual context. Voyeurism.

  18. "Besides, what's wrong with P̶o̶r̶n̶ cocaine? Just because all of us here can't handle it, why do you want to take it away for the rest of society?"

    This is just a personal opinion.
    What are the chances that porn is addictive in nature; Just like cocaine and heroine?

    Whats the percentage of porn consumers who develop further this routine into an excessively used routine?
  19. mjones050505

    mjones050505 Fapstronaut

    I never suggested banning porn altogether. I just think it's too easy to get to free porn. If it requires paying for it, that might be enough of a deterrent to keep some people from being tempted. I never went to sites where I had to pay or give my CC info. It would certainly help keep kids out of it; I'm saddened by all the posts on NoFap by young teens who are already fighting addiction.
    randomname3 and Doupleastronaut like this.