Anybody else a recovering drug addict on here too?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by UnbrokenChain$95, Jul 23, 2019.

  1. UnbrokenChain$95

    UnbrokenChain$95 New Fapstronaut

    Been clesn for multiple years, noticing the eerie similarities between the first drink or drug of the day, and first fap. Once i start, im fucked! I just want more and more and more. 3-4 times a day is the new norm. I feel so fucking gross. Any advice please! Im at my witts end. Had 3 days entering today but have already fapped 2 times. This sucks!!!
    Jwarrior77 likes this.
  2. Issues with drinking... I get it.
    I don't have much to add. Hopefully you find some comfort in knowing you're not entirely alone.
  3. Jerky

    Jerky Fapstronaut

    Alcohol and marijuana. Clean 10 months.
    PMO, food, gambling and spending money. If it's not one thing, its another.

    Addiction is addiction, no matter what we use. There is no such thing as moderation. It's all or nothing. I choose nothing.
    UnbrokenChain$95 likes this.
  4. UnbrokenChain$95

    UnbrokenChain$95 New Fapstronaut

    Right on brother. I started using drugs when i was 14. Began with herb, ended up smoking crack and shooting heroin. OD'd a couple times. So grateful to be free from that garbage. But i think my brain has been rewired into always looking for that quick hit regardless of longterm consequences. Yes, a person in the depths of their addiction is the filthiest i have ever seen. Its like your not human or something. I wish i coukd say i had a choice. I reached the point of no return and said 'fuck it' lets see how far we can go.
  5. Kieran1

    Kieran1 New Fapstronaut

    I had a terrible gaming addiction when i was younger.
    Got to the point where i was peeing in bottles instead of leaving the room.
    Though my arena rating was about 30th in the world at the time on world of warcraft. so you know a huge amount of pride and shame attached to that one.
    i still have to be careful the type of games i play now to make sure i dont fall off the deep end again.
    Not the same as drugs sorry but addictive personalities all round here i think :)
    Mr. McMarty and Jerky like this.
  6. UnbrokenChain$95

    UnbrokenChain$95 New Fapstronaut

    Right on Kiernan. I have found myself peeing in bottles too. Although it was beacause i was high AF on cocaine and didnt want to leave my room for fear of running into roomate, house mate,or parents. Addiction dehumanizes us. I am still suffering today. Have FAP'd 2 times today. Its just so fucking insidious.
    Jerky likes this.
  7. Welloiledmachine

    Welloiledmachine Fapstronaut

    Me. I had a big weed problem to the point I'd get sort of dope sick if I didn't smoke. Had an alcohol problem too. Took some hallucinogens once had a bad experience went into panic mode for weeks got on xans and other pills for about a year to help me calm down. Cold turkeyed off them without tapering and I've been fried ever since. About 4 years now I've been mentally gone. Cant smoke anymore either or do anything except beer. Everything else sends me into sick mode or trip/paranoid mode. Wish i had my life back. Don't do drugs kids
  8. Jerky

    Jerky Fapstronaut

    Had this happen to me when i was 18 but it still didnt stop me. I was primarily a drinker and weed smoker who tried acid, and acid screwed me up bigtime. I eventually picked up drinking again but not weed. When i quit drinking i picked up porn. Then i picked up weed again, then drinking. When i quit drinking and weed again i was fulltime porn. Its always something.
    The cycle is neverending until we ask for help.
  9. Welloiledmachine

    Welloiledmachine Fapstronaut

    I'm done this time for good. I want my life and my quick wit intelligence back. Did you ever recover from the acid fully?
    FX-05 likes this.
  10. Yes and I completely agree with the wanting more after one fap. I’ve been addicted to alcohol, coke, crack cocaine, molly, and opiates etc. I’ve been sober from those for about two years now, but the PMO, that still lingers hardcore.
  11. Jerky

    Jerky Fapstronaut

    Yes. When i started drinking i was able to distract myself long enough to feel normal. Eventually it faded but It was unbearable in the beginning. Like writing with the hand i don't write with and feeling like everything is off balance and wrong, plus crippling anxiety that lasted over 1 year. Also i tried to convince myself that there with nothing wrong me but i felt so strongly that there was. That was pure hell. I recovered from it but i will never forget what it felt like.
  12. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    Ugh, I finally won my war with opiates a short time before I quit porn. In short, no, you're not alone and yes you can beat this thing.
  13. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    Did you have a bad trip or were just the after-effects bad?
  14. Jerky

    Jerky Fapstronaut

    The 'trip' itself was terrible. No noticeable effects other than the paralyzing fear of absolutely nothing and the feeling that everything was fake, and that something very bad was about to happen at any moment. Also had clouded thoughts, and body tremors, like having the chills but i wasn't cold. I remember a deep regret saying to myself over and over, "i could have avoided this nightmare, why did i do it". The after effects were similar, minus the acute freak-out. Foggy thinking, anxiety and phobias. I couldn't stop my brain from reliving the experience. It stayed with me and i was unbalanced for a considerable time afterward, to the point where discussing the events of that night would send me straight into a panic attack.
  15. I’ve been an addict of quite a few things that I have proudly beaten (except PMO so far), and while I wouldn’t say I was addicted hardcore to it I, had a horrifically bad trip with skunk one time.

    I used to use it once in a while for relaxing, as it helped a bit with me anxiety as at the time it was awful. The last time I got a batch I felt something was wrong after smoking, turns out from what the bloke I got it from at the time said it was possibly laced with what he believed was PCP from his dealer, bloody plonker. I was fucked up after that, the trip lasted at least 3 hours and it was a nightmare, I guess I was somewhat addicted as I relied on it too much as a crutch to numb my pain or frustration when I used it.

    My anxiety issues increased after that and have stayed with me since, but the good thing that came out of it was I quit, I have no interest in drugs, and am naturally trying to better myself instead of relying on things to make me feel better or numb my sorrow. Glad everyone here is finding the help they need.
    Jerky likes this.