female attention

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Selix, Aug 10, 2019.

  1. Selix

    Selix Fapstronaut

    since I changed my clothing style and found fitting glasses combinded with confidence I get so many looks from girls.... its so ridiculous

    I tapped into something big and now I have to improve my "flirting game"

    its really incredible how big the effect of fitting clothes with confidence is
    Patillitas, Aloha, Gideonite and 6 others like this.
  2. Dat95

    Dat95 Fapstronaut

    Do you have any tips regardingg clothing and glasses and such?
    Selix and ForeverChanges like this.
  3. ForeverChanges

    ForeverChanges Fapstronaut

    No baggy/saggy pants
    No hoodies
    No beanies
    No male cleavage
    No wifebeaters
    No cargo pants
    Lets beguin there..................
    Well fitting jeans or informal chinos
    To give attention to your body shape to understand what fits you well is Basic
    What fits well on one person looks horrible on others.
    Nice shirts. Even if they are flashy but please, well fitting.
    Nice shoes, not super formal, but good.
    Forget about wearing trainers all the time!
    Well trimmed beard.
    Never ever goaties or weird beards unless u are a hellraiser or shite.
    And the main thing:
    Once u find what makes you feel good when you wear it, feel proud about your style.
    U wanna wear a tien in an informal style?
    Thats cool.
    U wanna wear a vest?
    Thats cool.
    Fedoras? No way José. Thats a turn off

    It is all about attitude and a little common sense.
    Thats my opinion my friends.
    And (in my case) it works!
    The ladys notice=like you and wont feel awkward beside ya.
    Carry on men.
    The worlds waiting for you!
  4. attempt45001

    attempt45001 Fapstronaut

    .....I like fedoras... I think they mean a guys has co evidence to wear what he wants
  5. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    Go get 'em mate! Very true, fitting clothes are a piece of the puzzle with this thing.

    You may enjoy reading 'models' if you haven't already. All about honestly attracting women, with one of the points being to dress in fitting and fashionable clothes.
    Selix likes this.
  6. I think it's more the confidence than the clothes. Style is highly overrated.
    Reborn16, Selix and Powerous like this.
  7. Powerous

    Powerous Fapstronaut

    I honestly think it doesn't matter one bit what you wear when it comes to picking up girls...
    If you want stares then yeah good clothes are important... other than that just your pure personality and confidence can pick up girls.
    If you have good clothes and style and cant even form a sentence when talking to her she is simply not gonna be attracted to you
    Gonarth and ForeverChanges like this.
  8. Powerous

    Powerous Fapstronaut

    Exactly my thoughts...
    Girls are intuitive they subconsciously like authenticity and real confidence.
  9. Selix

    Selix Fapstronaut

    get yourself a personal shopper.... they cloth you like the way you are and dont "costume" you

    you are right, confidence is key.... I recently found out that women dont place looks on top but confidence... I'm lucky to be a muscular guy around shoulders (never really worked out and have a fat stomach) the style just gives you an edge

    Powerous likes this.
  10. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    Agreed it's more about the overall confidence/expressions than any materialistic stuff.

    However, wearing nice fitting clothes can give us just that 20% extra good vibes about ourselves. We may get 10% extra attention from women walking past. Just one element of being attractive I guess, but worth keeping in order IMO.
    Powerous likes this.