Do you secret dopamine just THINKING about porn/sex?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Dreww, Aug 18, 2019.

  1. Dreww

    Dreww Fapstronaut

    Does your brain secrete dopamine just thinking about porn or anticipating real sex, when you're mentally fighting urges or aroused for the real thing? I've read that's the case, and if it is, would it not stand to reason that even ridding yourself of the act of watching porn or having sex isn't going to cure your problems? If you have a naturally high sex drive, there really isn't much you can do about having mental episodes thinking about it.
  2. I don't think I secrete dopamine from my brain while fighting the urges to think sexual thoughts...that would be's possible since winning a challenge secretes dopamine. Fighting urges and winning is challenging so I consider it a challenge..

    However of course it secretes dopamine thinking about pornography, anticipating real sex andwhen I am aroused for real things. Thats why I don't do it/try not to do it.
    Thats what rewires your brain: fighting sexual thoughts and feelings..etc..

    There is plenty we can do to ward off sexual thoughts and I have a high sex drive and many others here do as well.
    MadJackMcMad likes this.
  3. DerSchütze

    DerSchütze Fapstronaut

    You secrete dopamine when you eat food, or exercise, or play a video game. You will always be releasing dopamine throughout the day.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2019
  4. Bigwanker

    Bigwanker Fapstronaut

    Dopamine is the thing that motivates you to do anything. It's the motivation neurotransmitter, the seeking neurotransmitter.

    Dopamine actually rises higher before sex than when your having sex, because it's highly motivating you to have the sex in the first place. Dopamine is also the main thing that causes an erection.

    But with high speed internet porn there is always something new to search, so you think about searching more, more dopamine, you search more, more dopamine, you find more, more dopamine. Doing this especially while masturbating causes the brain to release insane amounts of dopamine, more dopamine than our brains were designed to be able to handle.

    Dopamine is the main cause behind addiction. But once your addicted to something what we call super normal stimulus, alcohol, drugs, high speed internet porn, what happens is the brain becomes desensitised, down regulates dopamine receptors because it is getting too much of it. This causes you to not be motivated or enjoy other things in life.

    But it's not about completely stopping dopamine. That can't be done anyway, and you would be better off dead if you had no dopamine, as you wouldn't do anything.

    It's not about stopping dopamine, it's about changing your behaviour.
  5. Dreww

    Dreww Fapstronaut

    Hopefully someone with a scientific understanding of all this will chime in, but if porn addiction desensitizes the dopamine receptors to the point that they are severely diminished, and then you're either thinking about porn, sex, your favorite food, your favorite hobby all day and firing those receptors, does your brain ever get a break? Seems like you'd need to stop doing anything you enjoy to allow it to heal.
    need4realchg likes this.
  6. Dreww

    Dreww Fapstronaut

    If your brain is already exhausted, though, isn't doing additional compulsive, addicting things (like eating certain foods) just going to compound the damage you've already done with porn. For example, before coming down with adrenal fatigue and stopping me in my tracks, I was borderline addicted to exercise and trained at a very high level. Does that dopamine secretion not just make porn addiction damage to your receptors worse?
  7. Bigwanker

    Bigwanker Fapstronaut

    Just avoid things that lead you back to porn. The more time your away from porn the more your brain is changing and healing.

    Really the best way to heal is not doing anything that activates those porn pathways in your brain. It sometimes can be near impossible to not activate these pathways in some way. But as long as your staying away from porn you'll heal.

    Remember if you relapse that's natural, failure is natural. But the more seconds, hours, days your not on porn your healing.

    Don't think you need to get 90 days of no PMO and that's the only possible way you'll heal, it's not true. The more time overall your not using porn the more your healing, regardless if you have relapsed. A relapse, a binge or what ever doesn't undo all your progress. In fact sometimes it hardly does much at all.

    But remember to always make it your goal that your stopping this. If you relapse get back in to the mindset your stopping this.

    I mean you'd get some idiots that think if you went 20 days without porn and if you relapse on porn once your back to square one. Like all the brain changes and progress you have made have been undone just from that. Morons is all I can say.

    The brain is changing all the time on this journey. But don't think you need to be perfect, as perfectionism in this is near impossible. But just make giving up porn your goal.

    Look at it this way. Say in an entire month you masturbate to porn twice in that entire month, are you trying to tell me because that person has masturbated to porn a few times in that month that there will be no healing or brain changes? That they will have undone all their progress? Look at all the time they're not using porn, that their brain is free from porn.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2019
    Iamdone likes this.
  8. Dreww

    Dreww Fapstronaut

    This all makes sense, but would that not be a bit simplistic to say it's only porn? When you get down to it, porn is simply something you look at when aroused and need to quell your urges. So would merely looking at/thinking about things that aren't porn doing the exactly same thing to your brain? If someone is looking across the room at an attractive woman and imagining her with her clothes off performing sexual acts, or admiring a woman in a clothing catalog, how is that any different on your brain from clicking through pictures on the internet with your mouse?

    In my case, I've traded self-pleasure via porn with more frequent sex with my wife, and thinking about/anticipating sex through the day...I would have to think that's harming the brain in the same fashion as porn, right?
  9. DerSchütze

    DerSchütze Fapstronaut

    Your own imagination is nowhere as powerful as the superstimulus of porn, especially high speed internet porn. Ofc these activities share the same pathways, but porn is powerful enough to warp and control the sexuality of the consumer, the unlimited novelty is a large part of this. But porn addiction doesn't exist in a vacuum, often it is a symptom of other problems, a symptom which only exacerbates the original issue.
    Iamdone likes this.
  10. Iamdone

    Iamdone Fapstronaut

    Just stay away from porn, If you only slip up once in a while to masturbation your miles ahead. Porn is the killer so to speak.