Why do you guys think masturbating to porn causes shame?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by SuperPowers, Aug 21, 2019.

  1. SuperPowers

    SuperPowers Fapstronaut


    Why do you think masturbating to porn causes shame?

    I've tried to intellectualize it to not feel shame but I don't feel right later on.

    Some of my thoughts were, its just pleasuring yourself to consenting adults having sex, what's the problem?

    As long as its not abusive.

    And the reason is because its done in secret, in isolation, and you're using your private parts and it can't be spoken about openly but then most people don't openly talk about sex with their partners either, and what if your rubbing your knee gave you that much pleasure, would you do it, yes, everybody would and I mean EVERYBODY!

    These were some of my justifications
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2019
  2. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    Because its literal cuckoldry.

    Would you sit in a room, next to the woman you want, masturbating, watching another man f her?
    IAmLegend and LavaMe like this.
  3. userSCP

    userSCP Fapstronaut

    For me, the shame of porn came from the "fear of discovery." But as @ultrafabber said, a lot of it may be cuck training and reinforcement. Most of these fears are totally irrational.

    Places where I can see shame coming from:
    1) Small dick insecurity (true or false). "My dick is so small, therefore I will never get a girl to her sexual heights." [Go here and/or here if you really suffer]
    2) Raceplay. "Women only want big black guys, or rich white playboys, etc. Since I am not those, what's the point in trying?"
    3) Negative feedback loop due to content. "I am so fucked up for jerking off to this content... what kind of girl would want to fuck me?"
    4) An imbalance between the kinkiness of partners. "My SO would never do that with me, but I want to."
    5) Discovery. "What if my wife/dad/mom/sister walks in right now?"
    6) probably more.... I can't think of any right now
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2019
  4. SuperPowers

    SuperPowers Fapstronaut

    Is that what cuckold means. Some guys like that. But no, not with my wife or women I'm serious about, maybe just a random shag but I never thought about that before.

    Yeah I had that in the OP but took it off. Comparison. The average guy does not have a porno dick and does not use male enhancements on top of an already huge penis. Vgra, penile injections, penile pumps, PE.

    Yeah they probably wouldn't want a porn addict who doesn't have his life together. the worst part is if you thing badly of it, and in my opinion there is no escaping the shame, in another thread a guy posted a picture with some study that said it happens in the brain without conscious thought.
  5. bigboibez

    bigboibez Fapstronaut

    Most of my years spent PMOing I didn't have much shame. I barely spent any time doing it and just thought it was normal, basically every guy I knew did it.

    Once I knew that it was screwing up my libido and that it was seriously damaging me, that's when my perception changed. Whenever I relapsed after that, I had immense shame because I knew I was damaging myself and letting myself down.
    LavaMe likes this.
  6. I think it has more to do on a primitive level. Would you watch a man and women at it as hunter gatherers and masturbate in a bush near by? Our brains have not changed too much since that period in time.
    NamaClature14 and bariscan like this.
  7. hubbawulf1234

    hubbawulf1234 Fapstronaut

    For me, my shame comes from not being able to stop. I know how my wife would feel if she caught me. I know all the levels my life would be screwed up. I know everything that I stand to lose, but I couldn't stop.
    SuperPowers likes this.
  8. CS1

    CS1 Fapstronaut

    Because it does
    bariscan and Master Chips like this.
  9. Maybe because you are used to it, when a person keeps masturbating the awareness of feeling guilt gets less, but instead fatigue and aches will start and then it keeps developing. Feeling guilt is a natural thing, no reason for that.. it is just the human's nature to act guilty in doing something wrong.

    But if you enjoy it, then good luck with it!
  10. On the surface, environment and conditioning can cause the shame. But at a deeper profound level it is intimately tied to shame because we know, even if just at a subconscious level that it is not innocent. People are taken advantage of and harmed in the industry and it thrives off of that on both ends. Porn is intricately tied to negative emotional feelings. Whether that be shame, envy, lust, anger; Pornography only thrives in a self defeating and imbalanced mind patterns. It suffocates under a confident, strong-willed, critical thinking individual.
    LavaMe likes this.
  11. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    Because it's wrong? If you are here I assume you are being harmed by it, so why try to get rid of the shame?
  12. Individual is not ashamed of doing it, they are ashamed of others knowing about it. So it is more about personal image in the group.

    So personal image in the group is biologically very important, because it leads to greater power in the group and we are social animals.

    Combining all of the above together we can guess that masturbation reduces status in the group, and reduces chances for reproduction.
    Exact mechanism is probably not as important, we just get a feeling about it, same way when we see odd things on other humans(skin discoloration, blood) we intuitively think they are sick and want to stay away, not because we specifically know, but because we know what they should look like and they look different, so intuitively lower their "safety level"

    It is deep rooted intuition, not logical conclusion.

    Felling comes before logic, so any attempt to explain why you feel specific way is game of probability.
    In fact feeling shapes logic, which is why people will defend their position, because that is how they feel.

    If I ask you what color gum do you like, you may say Yellow. I then ask you why yellow and your response is - I just like yellow.
    Why do you think any other question is different? Why do you feel shame for masturbating is no different from "Why do you like yellow".
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2019
    SuperPowers likes this.
  13. SuperPowers

    SuperPowers Fapstronaut

    I'm interested to know your opinion in why its wrong? Can you put it to words? Its hard.

    That's exactly it, even if my justifications were legit, I would still care what other people think, its not something I or anyone can escape as human social beings.

    Right on. We just know, logically we can't put our finger on what it is. Intuitively we know there's just something not right about it, maybe its just that we care what other people think, maybe that's it.
  14. Dude, don't you see all this community here ?! Check it yourself and see how much people suffer, it's up to you to keep masturbating. One day you will know why "it's wrong" .
  15. LavaMe

    LavaMe Fapstronaut

    A good rule to follow is to not do in secret what you’d feel shame for if it became known to everyone. This is integrity.
  16. hubbawulf1234

    hubbawulf1234 Fapstronaut

    Totally agree. The way I view infidelity is doing something without SO that you couldn't do in front of your SO.
    LavaMe likes this.
  17. It depends to your morality
  18. This goes against principles of competition, if you are incredibly consistent, your behavior becomes very predictable and your ability to predict behavior of others diminishes.
    This is exactly why humans are not rational - this makes it naturally hard to predict what we will do.
  19. SuperPowers

    SuperPowers Fapstronaut

    What is your morality? Can you intellectualize it and put it to words rather than just say I know its morally wrong. Maybe its morally wrong because of what other people think. I'm not trying to justify porn, I'm just trying to show my conscious mind why this needs to stop, and so far its because of what other people think, [edit, its more than that] If I can keep it to cam girls for example its just women pleasuring themselves, sure, its not good for me, I know that, but morally why its morally wrong I don't know. Many, many people say "its evil", I question why? I guess it depends on what type of porn you're watching.

    Again, I'm not looking to justify reasons to go back to porn, its done and over. I'm just trying to strengthen my resolve to quit it for good and i think I have it but I'm interested to hear other peoples opinions in case I'm missing something.
  20. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    It's wrong because it's harming you. Just like doing heroin is wrong because it's harmful to yourself.