Does listening to music give you dopamine high?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by need4realchg, Sep 12, 2019.

  1. At the gym working out wondering if the music does this ??? Anyone know??

    Too lazy to google it...

    Let get back to these massive biceps that need attention ...
  2. sure it does, those chills you get running through your body are dopamine hits.
    need4realchg likes this.
  3. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    Push it to the limit.
    Walk along the razor's edge.
    Don't look down.
    Just keep your head.
    And you'll be finished.

    Yes, one of the few things left that gives me some kind of joy sometimes is music.
    Enulv likes this.
  4. We can produce just about any chemical inside our body with a though or action. I think dopamine release can be used like tool so if you want to feel good crank up the music and make your head tingle listen to a love song and remember someone you love . But the crazy thing is it's just a cause and action that you yourself our creating . What I am saying you can guide your body in any direction you want if your aware . I do this all the time when I want to feel love I crank up the music but it's me creating the feeling not the person I am thinking about . I want to learn how to use adrenaline it can be great way to stay awake and super aware . Example yesterday something disturbing happened to me and it got my addreniline going it woke me up and kept me super alert for many hours the natural release of addreniline was far superior than caffeine .
    need4realchg likes this.
  5. Advocate109

    Advocate109 Fapstronaut

    We shouldnt be entirely avoiding dopamine. Thatd be avoiding happiness essentially
  6. DerSchütze

    DerSchütze Fapstronaut

    EVERYTHING RELEASES DOPAMINE, dopamine is the reason you even like doing ANYTHING. Don't be afraid of dopamine, just don't get it from PMO, heroine, locking people in your basement, burning down buildings, eating donuts ect ect
    Enulv, recon117 and Optimum Fortitude like this.
  7. Locking people in basements scary bro burning shit sounds fun though as long as know one is in danger .
  8. Definitely. Music can enhance both positive and negative emotions. Why else would ufc fighters walk to the octagon with music playing in the background. It gets the crowd going and boosts their confidence.

    There have been numerous studies on the effects of listening to music while exercising. I can definitely attest to feeling more confident lifting heavier weights or lifting for longer with a soundtrack. Otherwise, I get bored and notice that there are people around me and I start to feel self-conscious.
    need4realchg likes this.