How does one simply do this???

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Ted 123, Nov 7, 2019.

  1. Ted 123

    Ted 123 Fapstronaut

    Read so many things saying that porn is bad and we shouldn't watch it!! But very rarely hear ways of actually quiting for good!! I've been trying to give this addiction up for years but have failed every time unfortunately!!

    Does anyone have any ideas /suggestions for me??

    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. The first thing you should know is that there's no magical solution, you should just quit, it's a decision you have to make
    I think the problem is when you think that it isn't worth it to give up this pleasure ,but trust me, it is, you don't need it in your life
    Read the book your brain on porn, equip yourself with knowledge and understanding of how addiction works and how bad it's on the long run ,and take notes from people's stories about their addiction
    You should always think about the consequences of your actions, be mindful of what you do, that's the way to succed
    It's hard, but when you fight back the habit weakens, and after awhile you notice that you don't need it anymore and your will power gets better
    Porn is there, and it's always entertaining, you can't just get rid of it completely or make it non enjoyable
    So you should be minful and always remember the bad things that porn can do:social anxiety, erectile dysfunction,low libido,less motivation and the list goes on
    As for practical steps, you can use porn blockers, spend time away from your phone and that's it
    Look, my friend, don't wait for major symptoms to be convinced that porn is totally bad
    I always watched, thought it isn't affecting me that much, but guess what? My life got worse, and I was so blind to see the reason, I blamed everything but porn
    I got porn induced erectile dysfunction, and I'm just 20 years old!
    I felt dead emotionally and physically
    I fought the habit, and after a long time trying I achieved a long streak and been clean completly
    Guess what? All aspects of life got better, erectile dysfunction almost cured, I'm much more happy and confident ,feeling things I never thought I can feel
    Bottom line is, put the morals aside, porn is totally bad for your physical and mental health, even if you don't watch it that much it will weaken your will power over time and you may fall to addiction when life throws some stresses in your way
    It's much safer to keep away from it, that instant pleasures ain't worth it
    Keep that in your mind, wish you all the best
  3. Porn abuse is a symptom of major emotional problems and so people cant stop it because when they try to stop they face these major emotional problems, which caused them to begin use in the first place.
    People that are successful tell a different story, they say they stopped and began living a life, they began addressing emotional problems they had and pornography use became manageable.
    They say, I got a girlfriend, I got new job, I have friends, I traveled the world - yep, you got a life and now porn is not interesting.

    Just honestly answer to yourself if any of the emotional issues apply to you
    Feeling alone
    Not comfortable with others
    Little time spent with others
    Cyclical feeling of hopelessness
    low self esteem
    Do not trust others
    Do no display emotions to others
    Feel judged
    Feeling you deserve allot more
    feeling used
    feeling misunderstood
    difficult to say no
    not competitive
    spend allot of time alone
    avfan2992 and Deleted Account like this.
  4. Though i agree generally with you that porn abuse can be a sign or emotional issues. Thats just simply not always the case. I for one have never experiended any of those symptoms you described. I consider myself "normal" as far as that is concerned. My porn use and addiction derived from a early exposure to porn. And due to my cusriousity and my natural interest in sex, I viewed porn frequently because it was fun and pleasurable and I didnt see any issue with it. Obviously, that repeated use became habitual and addictive. Luckily, ive been able to refrain from use and am now over porn
  5. I think we have no conflicting ideas, you say you do not have major issues I described and you also say you were successful at stopping.
  6. You're right but I don't totally agree, trust me I totally felt and dealt with most of the issues you listed, and that's why reboot isn't easy
    I got addicted in the first place because of feeling lonely and out of place, but the thing is that watching porn made everything worse and much more harder to deal with, and made it a constant problem
    my personality changed and I managed to deal with the issues..yet the problem is still there..I still felt lonely even though I was with good supportive company! Until I managed to be clean for a prolonged time
    It isn't easy..but stopping watching porn will help a great deal with dealing the issues you listed and will fix some of them
    I tried and failed a lot during reboot, and the reason was always the same:feeling lonely and emotionally abandoned
    But in the end I succeed, I forced myself to stop, it took me almost 2 years but everything got better in the end
    Most of the things you listed isn't just a psychological has to do with dopamine level which need to stabilize , I have some problems from childhood, but there are major problems that only porn use caused
    And please know that when someone say he stopped watching porn, of course he doesn't mean like this happened overnight, most of people go through a lot to get it right
    I agree that emotional and phsycological issues make everything harder, but it doesn't mean it's impossible, and some of those issues won't be fixed until you stop artificial stimulation for enough time
    Lonliness leads to porn, porn makes you more lonely with time, you try to quit but fail, you think you need friends, you get what you want, but guess what? You're still addicted, and lonely
    It's a vicious cycle, one thing leads to other
    Much love , wish you all the best
  7. Question posed was why people fail when they try to stop. And the answer in short is they do not have the strength of character needed to stop, they need to develop some specific qualities that will make it possible to stop and get rid of some qualities that work against them.
    I simply suggest that people who want to stop focus their attention at problem underlying their personality and not on just the act of stopping. Because the act of stopping relies on their personality and ability.
    I always say this - if you cant keep your room or home clean, which is a result of your behavior - how can you create profound change in your behavior?
    For this very reason one the of the first things people do when they want to change is clean their home, make things neat. All of a sudden they realize - how can I live in this mess?

    People also clean their home if someone else is coming over, because they realize that their image of who they are is rather different from the image they want to present to others. Isn't that an attempt to change? Ops I am doing something wrong?
    Mere presence of others forces us to change, we want to present our best self to others and by doing so we actually become better. And if we interact with people all the time, we can not tolerate abuse.
    You wake up in the morning and your hair may look like a bag or rise hit you. If you stay home you may not even care, but if you go out - you take the shower and fix that hair, tidy up and present your best.

    When people get isolated - they are not forced to be better by their peers, so they begin to fall.

    You can see people who have fallen, because they show their worst - depression, hopelessness, resentment.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Nicely put and said ! I understand your point now
    This is wisdom right there..thanks for taking time to reply
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. Ted 123

    Ted 123 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for all your replies, I really appreciate it!! Truth is do feel so hopeless at times and so weak as a person and can be very hard on my self and others!! These are things I definitely need to work on!!,

    Thanks again everyone
  10. Don't plan to do it. Do it TODAY. Even the weakest person can quit masturbation/porn with the right mindset.