You'll never F&&&ing believe it.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Fallacious D, Nov 12, 2019.

  1. I was randomly browsing YouTube just now, and I clicked on this Comedy Central video from 2016. YOU WILL NEVER GUESS WHO I FOUND.

    HINT: IT'S THE FUCKING LADY WHO IS TRYING TO TAKE DOWN NOFAP (she's the one on the left in the thumbnail).

    And no, I don't like Nikki Glaser, I don't think I've laughed at a single one of her jokes.
    | Nico | and dankestmemes like this.
  2. Comedy Central is cancer and she's on it.
  3. Exit the Matrix

    Exit the Matrix Fapstronaut

    Porn industry created an army of men incapable of being able to pleasure a woman properly...which lead this woman to do what she does now.

    In the next few years women will become dependable on new emerging technologies to wooo them, while the typical man will be wooed with his left or right hand.

    Oh yes lets not forget that virtual 3D porn in the coming years.
    FellatiousD likes this.
  4. I wonder how many billions of dollars they are pouring into the R&D for this kind of stuff.
    Did you know that there's already a brothel that employs female sex robots? Look it up.
    | Nico | likes this.
  5. I wouldn't mind having android maido bots like in Ex Machina. I would arm them they'd serve as guards and labor.
    FellatiousD likes this.
  6. Exit the Matrix

    Exit the Matrix Fapstronaut

    Sex sells, and to be honest the internet created more less social men than it did a decade ago.

    I mean, why go out there into the world and socialize when you can easily play a game with your friends online, or pleasure yourself. As humans by nature do what they can to conserve their energy, it would make sense for them to get hooked on a screen as it offers many energy conserving benefits.

    You want to visit China ? Youtube.
    Be on a plane? Youtube.
    Go on an adventure ? Play a video game.
    Have a laugh? Watch television.
    See a naked woman? Porn
    Get laid? Your hand.

    There are so many avenues which have not yet been occupied to take advantage of the blind in the coming virtual age.

    Humans work through habit, and very sadly people have weak willpower to change. Those in power know this and take advantage of those that are weak willed.
  7. This is why it's important to go out into nature, own some land of your own, homeschool kids, grow your own food, protect yourself, etc. The big banks and moneychangers are defiling the temple of civilization once again. They want everyone to live in matchboxes and be dependent on public transportation. And don't forget that a large portion of your hard earned money is taken from you every year to prop up this farce. "Looks like you've had too much to think! Now suffer the consequences!"
  8. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    I can understand why she might be angry at NoFap. Because lots of the men on here who break away from PMO and realize their worth, so they don't want to deal with a 4/10 like herself. She also seems to be based in California, so her leftist agenda is obvious and her "scientific facts" are bull shit.
    Enulv, Get_It, brilliantidiot and 3 others like this.
  9. 4/10 is generous, other than that your post is spot on.
  10. Don't pollute my threads with your MGTOW shit please.
    | Nico | likes this.
  11. What is the connection between that post and MGTOW? Men realizing their own worth is a GREAT thing!
    Deleted Account and Demodectic like this.
  12. Judging people based exclusively on looks using a X/10 number scale is not the logical consequent of realizing one's own worth. It's toxic and juvenile. Plus I don't want this to turn into a political discussion. Literally everything in his post was completely devoid of reason and I am not inclined to demonstrate that right now.
  13. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    You've got to be kidding me :rolleyes: Fine, I'll say it: she's a 3/10. That metoo/whiteknight stuff won't get you laid or make you look noble on here my man. She's a 3/10 and stupid as hell. They're giving out doctorates like candy nowadays.

    @dankestmemes I ain't even in mgtow, but his reaction is hilarious. Next I'll be labeled a misogynist hahaha!
  14. I don't care that you're not attracted to her - that's not relevant to anything. And I have no affiliation with the MeToo movement. You've also made a hasty assumption that I'm somehow trying to get laid by posting on NoFap. Hopefully you can understand why that's absurd, but I shouldn't overestimate your ability to use reason. And lastly, she's had her degree for 15+ years, which in my opinion falls outside the realm of "nowadays".
    | Nico | and Deleted Account like this.
  15. Demodectic

    Demodectic Fapstronaut

    Why did you even create this thread if not to bad-mouth the Lady trying to take down NoFap? And then when somebody says something bad about her ugly looks you are calling it political? And hell yeah i will 3/10 her because Women rate men in the exact same format on a X out of 10 scale. Although the female's scoring system is not purely based on the man's looks but rather on what resources he has that she can extract.
  16. You've made a false assumption. Please demonstrate one instance of me badmouthing the lady trying to take down NoFap.
    | Nico | likes this.
  17. My problem was not with @NothingMoreNothingLess using the number scale in itself. Rather, my problem was with his implication that men who have self-worth do not associate with (in his opinion) ugly women. Can you see why I find this to be an issue?
    | Nico | and Deleted Account like this.
  18. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    You're funny man :D I really doubt you would want to sleep with her. Look at that woman! 3/10 easy. And 15 years learning about sexual behaviors. What an accomplishment on wasting her mom and dad's money on a pointless field! She's as dumb as a bag of rocks too. Don't worry, the more you get into your streak the more of that white knight stuff will come off of you. I think you're just confused. That stuff won't get you a girl friend or laid. Real talk though, good job on 55 days. Keep up the good work my man :emoji_fist:
  19. Demodectic

    Demodectic Fapstronaut

    Yes, now I understand you better. But I thought the point of this thread was so we can all "pile on" on top of this witch who is threatening NoFap?
  20. I'll take that last post as your acceptance of defeat.

    Passive-aggressive nonsense.

    Reassertion of a claim that has already been established as invalid.

    Projecting your opinions onto things you know little about - "I don't like X field so it must be dumb and pointless."

    Ad hominem.

    Ad hominem.

    Ad hominem.

    Ad hominem.
    Passive-aggressive nonsense.

    I guess you got me!
    | Nico | and Deleted Account like this.