Mission accomplished

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Vendettana, Dec 6, 2019.

After PIED and 5 months without PMO the first sex: should I take ED-pills to be sure?

  1. Yes, take the pills, you never now!

    2 vote(s)
  2. No pal, you're healed, toss those pills down the bin!

    45 vote(s)
  1. I consider this done.
    Thank you all guys, thank you NoFap, I am very happy with my achievement.
    After almost five months without PMO I consider myself healed from porn.
    When I started, I could not get hard, I had almost no sexual interest to my wife and women. I started watching for transwomen and gays.
    I did not have a job, and no place to stay, my wife was far away and could not join me, because I had no income.
    Looking for jobs, I started NoFap. After less than two months, I decided to stop drinking although I did not drink much. I decided to stop caffeine.
    I was desperate, but I started to sleep very well and to have spontaneous erections.
    Suddenly there was a breakthrough and everything came at the same time.
    I have found a very good job in a place that I like a lot and in the same time, my wife got her visa approved, so she can join me. In 11 days, she will be here.
    We will have sex and hopefully kids quickly.
    I will have a real family.
    Everything worked out just fine. I thank god.

    As soon as we are united, my goals go from "no PMO" to "no PM" because I will have healthy sex with my wife.

    I still have three ED-pills. I wonder if I should take them when she arrives. I don't know if my PIED is cured and I don't want to disappoint her. Or should I throw them away?
    What do you think?
  2. Well done brother. U dont need the pills. You have rebooted. How did u fight the urges tho?
  3. alorpothe

    alorpothe New Fapstronaut

  4. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    You don’t need no pill. You have the strength, the power, and the soul that returned during your reboot. I say if you’re going to have sex, do it the natural way with no pill! Good job man, and keep on going with your journey! The NoFap lifestyle is the best!
    Abzu, Niyaz, Freeddom_Taker and 3 others like this.
  5. I just never touched myself, I never went on a porn site. I did not want to reset the counter.
    I think I am rather disciplined, once I came across noFap and realised that I have a problem, I saw it as a great way to improve myself. And that motivation was high enough. Also I saw that there is a chance I could get rid of PIED.

    There is not magic hand that forces you to fap. Just don't do it. Do something else.
  6. Harvey07

    Harvey07 Fapstronaut

    Your story gave me goosebumps brother. Well done. I am on day 2. I want to go a long way too. Hopefully.
    What does PIED mean btw?
    control your life and Vendettana like this.
  7. Okay thx for the tip! Peace
    control your life likes this.
  8. PIED: Porn induced erectile dysfunction.
    It means you've been watching so much porn and masturbated so much that you have desensitized for real sex and natural stimulation.
    You're used to see someone other having sex or to see sex that is so different from the sex you have in real life, that real sex is no longer arousing. And you don't get an erection (erectile dysfunction), your soft penis is not able to penetrate a vagina. And you cannot have sex. In the end, even porn is no longer arousing so you go for harder porn, perverted things, you develop a fetish, like femdom, trans-porn or gay-porn, although you are none of that. There are reports about that all over on NoFap. When you quit PMO, your brain will "reset". But to do so, you must stop the input, you must break the habit of watching porn and masturbate.
    And indeed for me this worked. I no longer have the desire to watch porn or masturbate.

    Erectile dysfunction can be treated with pills that make you hard no matter what, ED pills. Those pills make an erection possible but your brain is still only aroused by porn. So you can have sex, but the pleasure is kind of synthetic and it doesn't feel the same.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2019
  9. control your life

    control your life Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Congrats on amazing streak. Keep strong!
    Vendettana likes this.
  10. I'm so happy for your! You won back your life and wife!
    Vendettana and Freeddom_Taker like this.
  11. Suk

    Suk Fapstronaut

    Could you please inform how it went, I'm suffering from PIED too and i would love a success story which ends with you could have penetrating sex with her. All the best brother!
    Vendettana likes this.
  12. quit@porn

    quit@porn Fapstronaut

    Stay happily married.. Bro
    Vendettana likes this.
  13. I'll post this here, it's anonymous, so it is OK for sure.
    Suk likes this.
  14. redhalon

    redhalon Fapstronaut

    You are an inspiration. Thank you for your story. Good luck.
  15. So I told you, I would report. So here it is. My wife arrived on Tuesday and we had sex several times since here arrival. My first ejaculation after five months of NoFap Hard Mode.
    PIED is gone, I had an erection every time we had sex. It felt intense and sensual.
    The first time I could not hold back for more than a minute and my balls hurt after it. But the morning after we had sex and I had an erection for maybe 15 minutes.

    However I realized that I still tried to perform like in porn. For example pumping like in idiot. I think I don't really know and never improved my sex capabilities because Porn was the bench mark.
    Looks like I need to learn what good sex is. I try to focus on what I feel right now, I try to be attentive to how my wife reacts, what pleases her. I no longer close my eyes or look away. My exercise is to refocus every time when my thoughts fade away and automatism sets in. It is kind of more mentally challenging.
    But I am willing to do so, maybe this is how I can share real intimacy with my wife.

    So short answer to your question: PIED is gone. I had five times sex in five days and had lasting erections.
    No let me change my counter to my new goal: sex only with my wife, so "O" yes, and no "P" and no "M" until I die.

    Edit: And I did not use the Anti-ED Pills
    Suk, Bobske, Abzu and 3 others like this.
  16. Tim Lucas

    Tim Lucas Fapstronaut

    This is great mate,I have been longing to see this your response,I'm glad you can finally control your sexual life even without the use of ED pills,I salute your courage man.

    I have only been addicted with PMO for 3years and I do go on one or two weeks streak sometimes,But I joined NOFAP and started another streak earlier this December which I know will be the final solution to my problem because I'm being encouraged by different testimonies of you guys. But do you think 90 days will be enough for me to get back on my feet just like you?
    Vendettana likes this.
  17. quit@porn

    quit@porn Fapstronaut

  18. Bobske

    Bobske Fapstronaut

    congrats, great to hear and inspirational. We all can do this
  19. Only you can know if 90 days are enough. I don't know if it would have been enough for me, I had no other choice then doing more as my wife was far away. I would say that if you don't get morning wood after 90 days, maybe you should do more.
  20. Porn Craver

    Porn Craver Fapstronaut

    Hats off to you sir. You are really a great inspiration for us.