chronic depression and relapses

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Steijn van Bellen, Dec 13, 2019.

  1. Steijn van Bellen

    Steijn van Bellen New Fapstronaut

    I've been diagnosed with dysthymia for about 5 years now. I've had it since I was young and is most likely caused by nurture.

    I've tried nofap before
    I have had a 27-day streak without porn and orgasm and then relapsed because my dick wouldn't go up anymore from touching it and I was craving the feeling of horniness.

    the second time I had a streak of 44 days no PMO and then relapsed. That was today.
    I was stressed up and couldn't resist urges after seeing porn flash by on my PC.

    both times I tried nofap, my depressive moods were at an all-time high, even after 30 days. I often felt like it was all in vain. I was still lonely, anxious and unmotivated. Nofap doesn't cure my dysthymia so this time I know not to expect it.

    I exercise daily, go to the gym 4 times a week, eat healthy, do well school, have hobbies including maths, psychology, writing and gaming, have friends, socialize and properly maintain myself and my hygiene.
    Yet I still have symptoms. I admit I do all of these things mostly because I know they will reduce the effects of dysthymia, not because I actually want to do them. I do them because I know that if I don't, I will just be defeated for a long period of time. I don't even do the things I am supposed to do, I skip schoolwork, always turn up late, never have my stuff organized and can't be properly fun in many social situations.

    still I will try to do nofap. I easily get addicted and noticed many weird symptoms both times. It may be hard for me to not masturbate, but it would be even harder for me to look at myself as some coomer. If I truly want to see results, I have to give what it takes, and not back down after I lost one fight.

    today, I'll start again. no PMO
    swordsman163 and rbooting like this.
  2. swordsman163

    swordsman163 Fapstronaut

    This is a lovely message from Tiger uppercut! Hope it helps you "Hello and welcome! :)

    We are glad to have you as a part of our community. Here are some quick links to get you started.

    Getting Started Guide | How to Use the NoFap Forums | Panic Button | Day Counter | Rebooting Resources | Forum Rules | Glossary

    If you wish to keep a journal of your progress you can do so in the appropriate section found here

    You can also take part in one of the many challenges available. It can be a tremendous help. Challenges

    Also, there are groups you can also join if you wish to do so. You can browse through them here. Groups

    There are plenty of wonderful, friendly and knowledgeable people here to help you along on your journey to a life free of PMO. I wish you nothing but the best!"
    Hold it in likes this.
  3. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I am concerned to hear that you experience mild, chronic depression Steijn. But there are things you can learn from being here which help. For example, if you click on The Glossary^ some of the words and phrases unique to NoFap Recovery are listed. For example...

    Flatlining: Many NoFap users report one or more periods of zero libido during their streak, especially in the 2-6 week period. Transitioning from an overexcited, always-eager libido to none at all can be disconcerting and even scary for the experienced masturbator, but many report that it is only a phase in the reboot and will pass.

    So, when your penis was unresponsive in week four of your reboot, it was because your brain was flatlining. When you experience a complete absence of sex drive - no erections; no horniness; no fantasies and no reaction to hot girls - it can feel weird. Now you know what to expect, I hope you can abstain from masturbating to porn for a month and more. :)