How to block nudes on Google images

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Jellyman, Dec 26, 2019.

  1. Jellyman

    Jellyman Fapstronaut

    I have got all porn/inappropriate websites blocked permanently by changing dns. However, how do I do the same for Google images? Safe mode doesn't work bc 1) it's filter isn't that good and 2) it is automatically off in incognito.
    I want a solution I cannot revert when I feel the urge. Changing dns is like this bc, even tho I tried changing it back, it's stuck, and idk how to put it back (which is a good thing). I want something similar for the nudes available on Google images. Something I don't have the ability to switch off whenever I feel like it. Getting apps isn't helpful cuz I can just delete them.
    barron ryounuske likes this.
  2. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    This is why I don't have a smart phone and my friend is the administrator of my laptop and holds all the log in details and passwords to the blockers. I just use a standard account on my laptop

    Because if you can turn a block on or off by your self then it's not really blocked. I do much better when I can't turn it off by my self.
  3. Jellyman

    Jellyman Fapstronaut

    Well, I need a phone for reasons, and unfortunately don't have a friend like that, nor can I really talk about this stuff to anyone irl.

    I know being able to switch stuff on and off is not a block and that's why I posted.