Told my dad and brother I had a porn addiction

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by filmit57, Feb 5, 2020.

  1. filmit57

    filmit57 Fapstronaut

    They pretty much didn’t believe me when I told them all my life’s short comings come from my porn addiction and gave me advice on how to do the things I struggle in life with. Thing is my brain is not healthy so their advice can only take me so far. The brain fog, anxiety, depression, low energy levels, low libido, make life very difficult for me to do things that they may take for granted.

    They didn’t take what I said seriously and they think I have more control over my situation than I actually do.

    Luckily I have you guys and my mom who I’ll tell tomorrow.
  2. Arnuld

    Arnuld Fapstronaut

    Many people just don’t believe someone can be addicted to porn. This is the equivalent to telling them that you are an alcoholic or drug addict and your addiction has made your life unmanageable. Im sorry to hear they just didn’t or couldn’t accept that truth. Hang in there man.
  3. PMO is controllable. But this needs to understand how it works and how to treat it. We can't blame others for judging or not understanding us, they don't know how such thing works. But what you need to know is that you can control it. Stay engaged with people who are engaged with this in the community. Learn and share your progress as well as help others. Good luck!
  4. Overforme

    Overforme Fapstronaut

    This is exactly why I fear telling people close to me why I have acted the way I have in the past (like a drug addict).. Almost my whole being believes that they wouldnt believe me either, OP. I commend your efforts, but their reaction proves that nobody gets PMO addiction, unless they're suffering like us.
  5. Overforme

    Overforme Fapstronaut

    Also, just some FYI OP, all the horrible side effects of PMO will get better as you stay cleaner :)
  6. Kligor

    Kligor Fapstronaut

    Hi buddy,i m sorry to hear that.
    I never told my daddy,brother,best friend or anyone else about my porn addiction,because i guess they will not believe me or even make a joke about my porn addiction.For most people being addicted to porn does not sound normal,most people think that PMO is normal.
    People will have better understanding if you tell them that you have alcohol addiction,because it's very often and you can see that through the films,music or someone's life.In real life i never seen or meet person who talk about cutting P and M addiction or talk about how bad that is,but i have seen much people having problems with alcohol or drugs,that's why it is hard for people to believe.
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  7. My dad would have immediately tried to find a solution, while my mother would have just listened. Neither of them is alive now. I've got friends who can listen, so I've shared with them and had a good, supportive response.
  8. filmit57

    filmit57 Fapstronaut

    They think all guys are into porn and it’s not a problem for them so it’s not a problem for me.
  9. SirWanksalot

    SirWanksalot Fapstronaut

    Well, they ARE right when they say that almost all men are into porn. Whether or not it's a problem is for you to decide. Having a strong and authentic support system is VERY important for each man and especially for each addict. So it was a good idea to open up about it in principle.
    That they may be shocked at first is a natural response I'd say and it's simply how most people would react. But if they see you are sincere about it (not a douche bag but sincere hehe) then they will maybe accept that part about you over time.

    Just saying to not hold their reaction against them. As family, they will probably support you at some point if you are sincere about this, not a douche and try to convince them endlessly (not saying that you do, just riffing here).
    Occasionally talk the talk and always walk the walk lol

    Wishing you the best and feel free to reach out here to connect with guys who already know where you are at man (also in person). It's one of the things that helped me the most.
  10. Rev2.0

    Rev2.0 Fapstronaut

    I never had a close enough relationship with my dad that I would have even considered telling him. He was a really good man but put extremely high expectations on me albeit in very subtle ways. He was also very religious and I think me telling him would have upset him a lot. To be honest he probably knew but he passed away several years ago so it's all moot at this point.

    My younger brother was killed in a car accident at age 39. I suspect he had similar issues to me. I know he had CE on his phone (because his widow for some reason decided that was an appropriate thing to share to the whole church during his funeral. :eek:) but we never talked about it. We were close and in retrospect I regret not coming out to him about it cause I think we could have been a good support system for each other. But he idolized me and I didn't want to let him down. Again though he's gone so it doesn't really matter.
  11. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    its good you told your family about it. even i've told my brother about my depression. it sort of lightens the weight.
  12. SirWanksalot

    SirWanksalot Fapstronaut

    Sharing struggle with someone halfs the struggle. Sharing happines with someone doubles it. (with a positive person of course ;-) )
    As a man of taste and a prominent member of The Ginyu Force you surely know about this anyway, but I felt like spelling it out lol
    Deleted Account and recoome like this.
  13. I am really sorry to hear this. If my son told me this I would be very proud and supportive. I hope your mom has a better understanding of your situation.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. filmit57

    filmit57 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for all the support, I was questioning if I should tell them and show them the new me instead. My dad has a old school way of thought so I was going to wait until I was relieved of my symptoms since the proof will be there because I’ve been plagued with negative symptoms from PMO for many years and he would notice the difference as I do on my good days during my withdrawal process, it’s like night and day. I told them anyway and I don’t regret it because someday I’ll be able to say I TOLD YOU SO! 359 day hardmode strong.
    Deleted Account and SirWanksalot like this.
  15. That's what I call brave. Being afraid of something but still doing it. :D
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. Exactly, as a Mexican actor says: "Hero is not who is not afraid, but who overcomes it."

    Just a week ago I spoke with my parents, although in my case it is only MO, thank God not P. Equal, it has not been easy.

    Congratulations because as Terry Crews says, bringing this problem to light causes you to lose your power.

    Hang in there!!!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    Dude of course they don't took it seriously.

    "Father, Brother. I am ashamed to inform you I am a mental slave of the vile pornography industry.

    No one cares if you watch pornography or if you masturbate, those are things you are not supposed to mention.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. llortaton

    llortaton Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Yes, but people care if you're addicted. Do you not take this seriously? It's between his father, him and his brother. It had to be serious enough, so that he'd tell someone so close to him.

    Does it seem okay to tell your father about a meth addiction? Yeah.

    PMO addiction? Apparently no.

    Let him tell his family whatever he wants to tell them. They are his supporting back bone, they won't put him down for it, they'll help him get out of it.

    Come on, bro, I'm only 15, and yet I've got to tell you this? o_O
    spectraltiger likes this.
  19. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    The problem is people don't think pornography addiction is dangerous. but porn can wreck a person's thoughts. escalation of porn to prostitutes or hard core porn. all this messes with a person's thoughts.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    I'm not saying he shouldn't count on his family, but no one takes seriously pornography addiction. If I did the same thing OP did it would be like this:

    "Dad I like watching naked women on the internet"
    "Cool, I was getting worried you weren't into women"

    Maybe his mother will take it seriously as the belief of all men watching pornography is taken as absolute.
    spectraltiger likes this.