Publishing anonymously online

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by juniormelville, Feb 22, 2020.

  1. juniormelville

    juniormelville Fapstronaut

    Just wondering if anyone has any ideas. I've written a satirical article about the industry I work in and I'd like to publish it so that 1. it's anonymous and 2. somebody actually reads it. Number 2 is the more difficult part. It's nothing particularly shocking or sinister, just I'd rather get it out there without my name on it.
  2. juniormelville

    juniormelville Fapstronaut

    Thanks. That looks like it could be useful for my stories, but maybe not for articles.
  3. Yeah, I'm not aware of any site like that for articles. Guest posting on a blog might be an option, but I'm not really sure on the details of doing that. I've looked into it before, but it wasn't my thing, so I haven't learned much about it.
    juniormelville likes this.
  4. for privacy use VPN/Tor ? with temporary account in Reddit.. medium
  5. juniormelville

    juniormelville Fapstronaut

    Yes, I was thinking along those lines myself. Medium security is fine. I don't expect to be disappeared.