My addiction

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Feb 27, 2020.

  1. I’ve watched p occasionally since I was 15 When I discovered limewire was more than just for music ahh and I’ve realized my dad was a sex addict too but back then I didn’t know any of anything. I would just rely on one night stands for sex or jus hookups or the online dating Then at 25 i told myself I needed a girl so I worked out better ate better & got a girl, we dated for 3 years. She ended up breaking up with me. After which I have developed a Weed, Binge eating, pmo addiction. I’ve been trying to fight it the last 5 months. I was able to do 30 days in December & relapsed terribly far worse. 2 months in of this terrible relapse and it’s gotten worse mentally and physically with the dark negative thoughts and harmful with my whole pelvic region sore and in pain, weight gain/stomach pains. I feel inflamed and disgusted. Today is my first day of 120. I hope to be healed by summer.
    WilBil99 likes this.
  2. Arjuna's path

    Arjuna's path Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing dude. We have to be powerfull. Sometimes people make bad decisions, but that doesn't define who you are. Together we can do this (quit porn).
    bradmax likes this.
  3. Thank you I’ve never faced anything tougher than this in my adult life ! Good luck brother
    Zolo22 likes this.
  4. WilBil99

    WilBil99 Fapstronaut

    Good luck to you! Do it for yourself though and not for anyone else. You deserve to have a quality life.
    bradmax likes this.
  5. Tinder has sucked me in but I don’t feel the urge to act out This is strange