Why is it so difficult

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by LonelyKu, Mar 16, 2020.

  1. LonelyKu

    LonelyKu Fapstronaut

    So tomorrow I hit 14 days/ 2 weeks but that's dependant on me making it through this evening. Maybe it's just cause it's Monday and it's the beginning of a shitty week but I feel like I'm really struggling at every point I take a minute to breath.
    It probably doesn't help that where I work there are often lots of cute girls walking past. Not sure what the purpose of this post is other than to get it off my chest while I'm at work so if you read it then thanks for reading
    Anatolyi Rybalkin and CanDoe like this.
  2. CanDoe

    CanDoe Fapstronaut

    Is your work still going on? I'm asking because in a significant part of the world due to the virus life came to standstill.
  3. LonelyKu

    LonelyKu Fapstronaut

    Yea it's a computer shop in the UK and I'm yet to see my boss close for any reason considering he's like rl Mr krabs plus I'm "self employed" so I'm not sure how much it'd fuck me up financially if he shut the shop
  4. CanDoe

    CanDoe Fapstronaut

    Oh man, no offense, but UK gov's way of handling the pandemic is very veery risky. In other countries non-essential work is closed or very limited. Be really careful about the virus, even if you are young you might become a carrier. I don't wanna repeat all the stuff you probably heard about which precautions to take but definitely follow them.

    As for abstaining from PMO, do you get urges while working or does it happen outside of work? Is work a limiting place for you to indulge in your urges or not?
  5. LonelyKu

    LonelyKu Fapstronaut

    I'm not offended by that DW I hate the UK gov, the Tories are the worst they don't give a shit.
    In terms of abstaining at work I wouldn't be able to do anything really but all the women still catch my eye and I find my mind feeling similar to when I was indulging. Before I started this I tended to have a habit of doing it when I got home because I felt all the shit from the day pent up. Mornings are rough too but I just try and force myself to just get up have a bath and get dressed for the day ahead.
  6. Max666

    Max666 Fapstronaut

    If the doctor told you you only had a week to live I bet any money you'd start walking up to those girls instead of them walking away. You gotta appreciate where you are and feel comfortable there. You can only attract a girl in your life if she feels really comfortable standing near you. Girls will look for any little excuse to brush a guy off. Dont give them any. Make them feel warm in your presence. That's the name of the game. At the moment you're cold. You just need to ignite a flame. You've gotta be more than just your job and you've gotta do more than just quitting porn. A wise old man once said 'the only way to get rid of a bad habit is replace it with a good one'. Where's your good habit? You still got a void to fill.
  7. chasellau

    chasellau Fapstronaut

    There has sprung up heated debate as to whether we should give up watching Pornhub . Some maintain that Watching Porn is my choice , it's my business ,you have no law to control my thought .However others believe that we should givp up the pornhub.
    Firstly, we should alert anything addictive in our life. There's no such thing as a free lunch. You must pay it off when you enjoy the pleasant sense.
    Secondly , As a adult ,we must control our bad desire. We should put our energy to high-valuable things . We shouldnot complain the unfair things ,We just ought to change ourslves
    Somebody have opposite opinion to me i don't care about it. i just say to those people want to accept my thoughts . you can say your viewpoint, we can debate publicly
    Porn's danger is similar to drug. It's ridiculous that everyone know durg is harmful but don't care about porn.
    The The theory of innocuousness just the we violate the interest of some capital . If you believe it , it's the trap of some capital.