Watching p*rn is a sin?

A group for members of all religions, or no religion at all, to talk about religion

  1. IntrovertGuy

    IntrovertGuy Fapstronaut

    Guys, watching porn is sinful?
    blunt.ever likes this.
  2. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    The concept of “sin” is irrelevant to those who aren’t religious. Is watching porn morally right or wrong? I’d say it isn’t, but if consumed too much you could run into issues like porn induced erectile dysfunction. Which is why a lot of people want to quit or cut down.
  3. blunt.ever

    blunt.ever Fapstronaut

    When it was written the Bible and the 10 commandments, porn wasn't released, so... no, is not.
    Cassiel Addams and IntrovertGuy like this.
  4. IntrovertGuy

    IntrovertGuy Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your opinions
  5. Randy Andy

    Randy Andy Fapstronaut

    I think on a slightly different track pornography is selfish and unkind. A famous person who seems very happy has said "my religion is kindness.". That resonates for me, beyond belief into "what feels good" territory. It can be very hard to see because the physical pleasure of orgasm ( I never watched pornography without masturbating and I understand that is by far the most common way of doing it ) and the high of the brain chemicals are legitimate evidence for "this feels good.". It's the other stuff that is very subtle, but maybe it will help to put it very simply. For me it does not feel good to treat people badly. It took me years to sort those out. There's a way in which pm+ go against my nature (even though at the same time it's true that most of what is done or depicted in pm+ is natural). One way I look at it is I am a social animal with sentience on top. Exercising that sentience could be called supernatural in the literal sense of beyond just what is natural. Often the natural thing is very good, animals are very rarely as cruel as humans have often been and do not worry about things humans worry about, but are there any ways they act poorly and if so those are opportunities for me to use higher reasoning to do even better than them. They live in harmony at the system level but look at the case if the Australian Jewel Beetle :)
    Epictetus wrote "freedom is not achieved by satisfying desire but by eliminating it.". I would say "transcending it" in the sense of learning to live with it without being driven to indulge it. That was a couple thousand years ago, I think he was on to something :). He also wrote:
    "Remember that you must behave as at a banquet. Is anything brought round to you? Put out your hand, and take a moderate share. Does it pass you? Do not stop it. Is it not come yet? Do not yearn in desire towards it, but wait till it reaches you. So with regard to children , wife, office, riches; and you will some time or other be worthy to feast with the gods. And if you do not so much as take the things which are set before you, but are able even to forego them, then you will not only be worthy to feast with the gods, but to rule with them also. Take the example of Diogenes and Heraclitus."
    IntrovertGuy likes this.
  6. Lilla_My

    Lilla_My Fapstronaut

    I'm not religious, but I'm pretty sure spilling your seed and covet what others have is a sin, according to the bible. You can of course interpret this how you wish, but to me it's very applicable to pornography.

    The most effective way to quit is probably not by stopping for the sake of God, but for the sake of yourself. A better life is out there waiting for you, if you wanna grab it.
  7. IntrovertGuy

    IntrovertGuy Fapstronaut

    Thank's bruh. But seriously i don't even understand to what is point. I'm sorry because im not good at reading comprehension but i like some of your what you have said.
  8. IntrovertGuy

    IntrovertGuy Fapstronaut

    I like what you said.
  9. Kevoya

    Kevoya Fapstronaut

    "Thou shalt not commit adultery."
  10. Sunijacob

    Sunijacob Fapstronaut

    I'd like to differ on some points bro

    1) Fact that all children of Adam and Eve have a part in sin doesn't necessarily give the excuse for anyone to continue doing morally wrong /sins.
    A person who murdered one individual and A person who murdered a 1000 both have sinned but the extend differs and hence God being all fair and just, will treat them differently ( he judges every action by the intention of it unlike humans who judge by mere result of actions)

    I believe God have given all humans free will to decide to either act on good or choose evil
    Ad he have sent prophets throughout the history of mankind to guide people on what is good and bad... Starting with Adam

    He both punishes and forgives as I believe an all just and true God should differentiate between an arrogant sinner, an ignorant sinner and a pious follower

    2) I think most of actresses come to the industry due to failure of the economy and labour system in creating jobs.

    Which little girl when growing up dreams of being a porn star / being nude in front of the whole world for eternity...
    Usual answer is no one.
    But most of times , the circumstances of life become so hard that this remains the only choice where they can make quick cash

    So their decision to join the industry may not be a well thought out decision after considering multiple options but done rather out of having no other options

    Due to the industry, trafficking for prostitution is on high where the consumers have admitted they most of them are porn viewers who want to experience what they see in porn

    Most of the actresses speak about abuses they have suffered only once they transition out of industry as if they do it whole in the industry, they risk of loosing the only job they have....

    So I believe that in me not watching porn,
    The industry gets one less customer and when done in a larger scale can help bring the industry down while at the same time we should focus on creating other job opportunities

    These are my views and no pun intended
    Views on religion is from Islam which I found to be interesting and more relatable
    NelsonC2022 likes this.
  11. i dont think its sin
    since a world corrupt government take anything from us! , even to do our primitive needs.
    then its not sin,
    would we watch porn if we had partner and enjoy real sex?
    would we masturbate to unreal LCD Screen things when we have real sex experience
    these are all connected systematically

    system not even allow us the `normal human interaction` they call it social distancing,
    what the actual fyck?

    and sheeple are always ruined everything always.
    sheeple buy their lies
    sheeple are submit what is the `right` and what is the `wrong
    they are always like :


    these are all connected systematically.
    if you watch porn you buy fake plastic stuff to getting jiggy with it
    you buy
    you get hungry you buy their mc,donald
    you buy their hair grow back pills
    you buy their depression pills
    after all you are the one actually consumed,
    they make thousend of $ out of you,
    jcl1990 likes this.
  12. Well the OP is probably long gone, and without reading unnecessarily verbose stuff that only seems to refute common ideas that takes no real thought and is also not new to many I'm going to assume nobody has covered the definition of sin even in the biblical etymological context as "missing the mark" here yet especially since a word search of the thread doesn't come up. This is OBVIOUSLY not in the same sense as being bad, it's about imperfection, just like if you don't hit the bullseye you have missed the mark right?

    So what if the original question is viewed THAT way? Yeah watching a recording of people having sex, or pretending to (unless you only care about certain body parts touching and not whether the people are into each other and that they are quite literally actors) is kind of missing the mark of actual sex. Like the beetle who has sex with the beer bottle.

    Of course, in many spheres people really don't care about a more accurate view, hitting the mark is of course about accuracy so it's kind of ironic that way. Then again with online conversations often people don't really care about the WORK of coming to a more accurate understanding, it's really about them. I'll bet a simple, single point like this is just not interesting to many.
  13. Kaladin504

    Kaladin504 Fapstronaut

    I'm a little late to the party here, but I wanted to just throw my two cents in. I feel that a point that is commonly missed is about avoiding sin isn't just a matter of rules (though that is a component). What it boils down to is a relationship with a person. Each time we sin, we damage our relationship with God. Going to hell isn't just a matter of God saying no, it is our choice. The souls that go to hell look at heaven and say "I don't want that". God designed us, and desires our good. Using another person for sexual pleasure is in direct opposition to His plan for the sexual act, mainly that of being an act of mutual self-giving in the Sacrament of Marriage.

    We each are born into this after the sin of Adam and Eve. Between that and the death and resurrection of Jesus, right relationship with God was impossible to achieve. Throughout the old testament, this imperfection is evident. I would also point out that saying "I have sinned" is not saying, "I was am and have been made bad", rather it is admitting "I have done something bad".

    To close, I would like to say that God loves us more than we can possibly understand. I think the image of the cruel taskmaster punishing us for our every mistake reflects anthropomorphization of the Divine. It reflects our understanding that if a person were in that position, they would engage in vindictive behavior and hold us to impossible standards. But the God who is Truth, Justice, and Mercy itself acts justly. He loves everyone, and desires that all be saved.
    Cassiel Addams and smh_fam like this.
  14. smh_fam

    smh_fam Fapstronaut

    Well, pornography is not defined explicitly as a sin in the Bible, but I think it certainly qualifies as one. Would an all-knowing benevolent creator intend our bodies and minds to be used to stare at pixels on a computer, escape into a fantasy world and gain pleasure from it? Sure, we can certainly make ourselves do this, but is it of any benefit to us or those around us? Does this make ourselves better or stronger? Does it actually deliver us from lust and loneliness or does it just leave us thirsting for more?

    This seems to be the best solution to the whole "Why would a benevolent God send people to Hell?" argument.
  15. bestme996

    bestme996 Fapstronaut

    I'm not sure porn is sin. Child porn is sin, because its abuse, whereas adult porn, these women went out of there way and looked to become porn stars for the money, pleasure, possibly travel and fame. They're all adults acting out of there own will because they chose to themselves.

    Is it sexualization, yeah, but we are sexual creatures, its the most motivating human factor is sex. Women want to be sexually appealing you know, but you can still sexualize a women and also see her as a human being as well.
  16. ZombieMan

    ZombieMan Fapstronaut

    Logically in a religious context it should be seen as one.