Any Fitness expert here?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by CyKage2652, Apr 9, 2020.

  1. CyKage2652

    CyKage2652 Fapstronaut

    I am a 23 y/o guy. I only do bodyweight workouts. I want to buy barbells for weight training. I have never followed any kind of weight training program. I havent even lifted weight on a regular basis either.
    My question:
    How heavy should the barbell be for a beginner?
  2. ItsSeal

    ItsSeal Fapstronaut

    Probelly not to high, first you need to do the excersise correctly (this takes some time), or you have good chance of injuries.
    Leader of ME and CyKage2652 like this.
  3. Mistersofty

    Mistersofty Fapstronaut

    Best to get multiple barbell weights. You’ll need to adjust the weight as you change exercises because obviously some movements and muscle groups will require more or less weight. Also, you’ll want to increase the weight as you get stronger.
    Leader of ME and CyKage2652 like this.
  4. Any expert will tell you... Different beginners have different levels of starting strength in their body, depending upon sports, activity level, age, sex, height, body fat levels etc.

    Usually I have seen people struggle with a proper empty Olympic Barbell as well as with cheap 8-10 kg barbell used for bicep training.

    So, I wouldn't recommend any single barbell to anybody.
    Leader of ME and CyKage2652 like this.
  5. CyKage2652

    CyKage2652 Fapstronaut

    So first I need to do it without any weight , just the stick , right?
    Leader of ME likes this.
  6. CyKage2652

    CyKage2652 Fapstronaut

    I watch Jeff Caveliers video every day . So , learning a proper form wont be hard (I am sure he has a video on how to use the barbell) . But how much weight is safe? Just the stick ? How many days should I work with just the stick? When can I add weights?
  7. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    When I wanted to start barbell training, I purchased a 16kg olympic barbell (normal ones are 20kg but idk I guess I decided that I can save some money for now and buy a better one if I get to weights this one can't handle), a pair of the things the english name of which I don't know but which are put to the barbell to hold the plates on their place, a pair of 1,25kg plates, a pair of 2,5kg plates, a pair of 5kg plates, a pair of 10kg plates and two pairs of 20kg plates. You might want to consider wether you can afford all that at once, but I think that's a pretty good beginner's weightlifting set, which allows you to add small amounts of weight gradually. This may last you anywhere from few months to few years depending on how much you work out, how fit you are already, how much you weight and how easily your deadlift goes up. A squat rack is also recommended, but that shit is expensive and theoretically you can still squat and overhead press if you clean the weight up first. Bench press can be replaced by floor press or weighted dips in lack of proper equipment. I hope this clarifies what you might want to get when starting weight training.
    Leader of ME likes this.
  8. Sherlock told you great .

    It depends on you .
    Can you lift heavy objects ?
    Are you strong ?
    But be real .
    Those questions will lead you .
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    Don't underestimate how hard learning the form can be. It's not rocket science, but you won't become a master just by watching videos. Also in my humble opinion there are better more detailed guides to the big lifts than the ones Jeff puts out. Alan Thrall is usually my go to source when it comes to big barbell lifts.

    The starting weight depends on the movement. With most lifts you can start learning with just the empty barbell and once you understand the form you can add some weight to it. But for instance barbell rows and deadlifts can't be done with a proper form with just the barbell since the radius of the plates elevates the barbell's starting position. For instance the popular stronglifts 5x5 program recommends to start barbell rows with a 5kg plate on each side of the barbell and deadlifts with at least 10kg plates.
    CyKage2652 likes this.
  10. If you have been doing bodyweight exercises for some time, I recommend you to start with any barbell. Also try and learn only one or two exercises at a time. (Don't worry about the weight of the barbell, most are 10-15-20 kg) and I am sure you'll handle it easily. Bonus of empty barbell is that you will never get hurt from it, only injury I can think of is going to come from bad form over long time which I am sure you wouldn't be doing.
    CyKage2652 likes this.
  11. I think if he is that scared of being injured he is better off with Jeff. He will eventually realise that once you are past beginner phase, Jeff isn't the best for hypertrophy or strength and is only useful for injury prevention know how.
    CyKage2652 likes this.
  12. CyKage2652

    CyKage2652 Fapstronaut

    I can do 30 push ups on average. With a weeks training , that goes around 45-50 .
    I can do 15 pull ups on avg. I can push it to 20-22 with disciplined training.
    My max Push up was 70+ , max pull up was 35 (it was a few years ago) .
    Does this help?
  13. CyKage2652

    CyKage2652 Fapstronaut

    I work out in my room. I dont have any equipment except a pull up bar hanging from the ceiling . The most I have spent on training equipment is $3 (used it to buy the steel rod which I use for pull ups and some ropes) .
    And also , I have never been to a gym for routined work out. Yes I have been to gyms , just to see what things can I lift :p
    Like , If I see a large weight laying on the floor , I go on and try to lift it. If I cant , I move on to lift the next lighter load. Thats how my gym exp has been so far
  14. Well in that case I am sure you can use an Olympic Barbell weighing 20 kg for days on end without any issues. Start learning these exercises (pick 1-2 for one week and then slowly add other stuff over time)
    Overhead Press
    Floor Press
    Back Squats
    Front Squats
    Deadlift from 4-6 inch blocks
    Barbell Row (also learn Pendley Row)

    (The exercises at the bottom of this list are some of the technical ones so take care to do them when you are fresh and don't overdo it with these, everything else is pretty much idiot-proof).
    CyKage2652 likes this.
  15. That's the wrong approach lol and one way ticket to snap city. Please never go to a gym and lift anything and everything in sight. I repeat NEVER.
    CyKage2652 likes this.
  16. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    Bodyweight exercises don't necessarily translate well into weighted versions, since the core is activated in an entirely different way. For instance if you could do pistol squats, you might think that you should be able to squat with your bodyweight on the barbell, but that might not be true since in addition to just squatting the weight your upper body and core needs to be stabile enough to hold a good posture with the weight on your back. Start light and add weight from there. There's no way of knowing how much you can lift without trying.
    CyKage2652 likes this.
  17. CyKage2652

    CyKage2652 Fapstronaut

    And guys , should I buy the straight Barbell or the curved one?
  18. CyKage2652

    CyKage2652 Fapstronaut

    I will keep that in mind. thank you .
  19. CyKage2652

    CyKage2652 Fapstronaut

    How light should I start?
  20. CyKage2652

    CyKage2652 Fapstronaut

    will a 10kg be enough for starters?