It’s become a problem

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by L-TheGuy, Apr 23, 2020.

  1. L-TheGuy

    L-TheGuy New Fapstronaut

    Basically my addiction to porn is becoming a problem for me because my tastes for it are becoming horrible and often find myself depressed and angry at myself after I’m done. The more I watch the more I get scared, depressed, anxious. I tell myself that it’s going to be the last time I look at it, but my urges are starting to take over my train of thought. It’s just become a problem and I don’t want my life to become revolving around porn, I was exposed to porn at 9-10yrs old. I was intrigued and confused but now it’s an awful addiction that’s turning me into something I hate. I’m new to this but some help/advice would be appreciated. Thank you
    TambourineNThyme likes this.
  2. Yes, you've described it perfectly. I have some advice for you.

    You should try as hard as you can to get one week. After a week, the withdrawal gets easier to deal with (from my experience). I always tell people that the first 7 days are harder than the last 83 days combined.

    I know it's a natural response to get angry at yourself for relapsing but you will need to change the way you think about relapse. Try to avoid the shame and anger and instead try to understand and forgive yourself. Trust me, it sounds lame and cheesy the way I say it, but it will help you develop a better mindset.

    You need to keep yourself happy and entertained. Withdrawal means that your brain will be missing the most fun and exciting thing in your life - porn. You need some other activities to give you pleasure but not cause you any harm like porn does. Want to get shredded or learn a new skill? Now's your chance.

    Personally, I come on NoFap regularly, but I also keep a physical diary at my side. It is very helpful to write down your thoughts. Make a journal on NoFap or do what I do and use pen and paper. The act of physically writing can make you more focused and keep your motivation alive. I can't recommend it enough.

    I have a lot more to say about this issue. Ask me anything you want to know. Of course, I'm still figuring out the best way to avoid PMO myself. Welcome to NoFap.

    P.S. Stay away from Off-Topic
    L-TheGuy likes this.
  3. L-TheGuy

    L-TheGuy New Fapstronaut

    Looks like my journey starts now, I’m glad I decided to actually post something and find help for this. I thought just trying to fight the urges would help but all it did was make things really difficult to do.

    But going to what you were saying about needing to keep myself happy and find something as a hobby, I‘ve always wanted to code or play guitar, so I guess that’s a a start with the free time so I’ll keep myself busy.

    Is it better to keep small goals or aim for something greater?
    TambourineNThyme likes this.
  4. If you'd like some support and people to talk with, you can join our nofap discord:
  5. You will absolutely achieve something great if you stick to this, make no mistake. It has been the most important change of my life, and hopefully it will affect you in the same way. I was glad when I found this community too. Knowing that other people can relate to you is a very comforting thought. I would say that in the beginning you should stick to very manageable goals. Get one day of NoFap, and be proud of it. Don't hold yourself back from being proud of your small victories. After that, focus on two days, then three. Very soon (it will seem like no time at all) the urges will disappear almost entirely. For me this happens after one or two weeks.

    If you relapse, you will be tempted to think "damn it, I will never make it to 90 days at this rate!" But I have learned that it is best to celebrate the small things - I'm at 4 days and I feel like I just climbed a mountain. By the time you hit 90, you won't even care. It will just be another day.

    Do the coding and the guitar, why not? Creating music is such a great thing - I play the bagpipes myself. These activities will give you a sense of accomplishment that porn simply cannot.
  6. Keep this in mind: the goal is not to get to X number of days (sure, you can boast a high streak, and you should be damn proud of it). Rather, the goal is to get into a habit where watching porn is not part of your daily routine, and being comfortable with this. In the beginning, it is not comfortable to live without porn. You feel deprived of a necessary resource. But in as little as a month, sometimes less, the discomfort will subside and you will feel at peace without porn. Urges will still appear from time to time. And of course, it may take you several months to several years to achieve complete neurological recovery. There are threads about Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) which can tell you more about this.

    In summary - the road to 90 days (or X days) is not linear. The hardest part is immediately after your last relapse. The farther you get, the easier it becomes.
    Dragonkmp67 likes this.
  7. L-TheGuy

    L-TheGuy New Fapstronaut

    So far, it’s been a good day, I had urges this morning but I fought them off by just playing a game, or getting out of bed and doing something else. But I feel like I’m able to do this, it’s just the first day but it seems like it’s going well. I fear it’ll get more difficult as the days come but I won’t let this beat me.

    I’ve been trying to wear more clothes when I go to bed to see if that’ll help, it felt like it did because I didn’t really have any urges when I went to bed.

    I also went on reddit and left all the nsfw/porn subreddits I was in, unfollowed all the porn accounts on Twitter, basically just went and cleaned up my accounts to try and suppress the urges. But it’s only the first day, I’m not sure if I should start a journal to try and keep my days logged. But so far today has been a good day.
  8. Good man. You'll succeed with the right mindset. I recommend the journal. Just sitting in silence is also helpful.
    L-TheGuy likes this.
  9. James2James

    James2James Fapstronaut

    This is really good advice right there.
    Dragonkmp67 and L-TheGuy like this.
  10. Jiminy Cricket

    Jiminy Cricket Fapstronaut

    Welcome! I have no great advice or anything. Just a brother on the same journey!
  11. aranxavier

    aranxavier Fapstronaut

    Same thing here. It's been really hard these last couple of days , but it's helped a lot to realiza that you're not alone in this. I am really finding the NoFap forums incredibly helpful and supporting. It's been years since I spent this long without jerking off.
    Jiminy Cricket likes this.
  12. L-TheGuy

    L-TheGuy New Fapstronaut

    I couldn’t even last 2 days, I’m trying to not feel ashamed but it’s difficult. But now I just have to restart, the first day is easy but after that urges start to topple up and it becomes unbearable. I’ve been reading some threads that have helped a lot, I didn’t think this would be so difficult but it is. And I’m determined to overcome this, I’m glad there’s others here that’s going on the same journey.
  13. nikpro

    nikpro New Fapstronaut

    never give up......
  14. aranxavier

    aranxavier Fapstronaut

    This is a decease, it's going to be incredibly hard to get to the reboot , I guess the only way to succeed is getting back up.
    There's no shame in failing, everybody fails, but the really important thing is to say " let's get up again". Stay strong man!
    TambourineNThyme likes this.