Exposure response prevention therapy

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Dragydof, May 26, 2020.

  1. Dragydof

    Dragydof Fapstronaut

    I read online about a type of therapy commonly used to treat OCD. This website describes it for porn addiction.

    The mechanisms seem logical but I'm still skeptical. In short, you activate the addcition cycle by thinking about your triggers(both situational and emotional) and make your brain think your really masturbating. Then you cut off the mental stimulation by meditating. Keeping you from finishing the cycle, getting the reward and purposely making your brain get confused, supposedly weakening the brain-paths. Then you would go and look for stimulus that promotes normal emotional behavior such as looking at pictures of your loved ones. This also will leave you feeling good instead of bad.

    I've tried two sessions of it, where I imagine the memories of porn/fantasies for minutes and then cut it of with 3 minutes of breathing meditation. Afterwards I look at pictures of my friends(both men and women) and try to remember the feelings of emotional connection.

    However, I have had a huge streak and my porn cravings were almost completely gone. I only had problems sexualizing women and getting sexually aroused quickly. Now that I did this my porn cravings are back, when it was supposed to reduce them.

    Has anybody had any experience with this ERP?

    Sidenote: I've also been doing edging practice because of my PME. I do this to train myself to keep my arousal down. I do it in the dark without any sexual stimulus and only by physical arousal(because of this I sometimes have hard time getting erect).
  2. yourhomieishere

    yourhomieishere Fapstronaut

    I watched a video on this actually. It says not to do this method if you already have a long streak going.
  3. Dragydof

    Dragydof Fapstronaut

    Yeah could have figured, totally screwed up my streak and now I can't keep a streak longer then 1 week...