Some perspective on semen retention

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by False promise, May 10, 2020.

  1. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    When a woman is ovulating, the strength of her immune system drops by roughly 80%. This is why women tend to get symptoms around their cycle. This is essentially a woman’s kryptonite as it relates to their health.

    Now, what is a mans kryptonite? You guessed it.. ejaculation of his semen. The loss of all those important minerals and the energy that was required to concentrate them into semen.. gone. Into the tissue, on your wife’s stomach, or your own chest. You’ve just significantly lowered your immune system for no good reason. You’ve just made a sacrifice for nothing more than pleasure, not the creation of life as it should have been.

    Zinc is one of the most important minerals that’s lost in your semen. Essential to immune function, in high demand, and hard to get in our food now a days due to poor soil conditions.

    Yet the most beautiful blessing for us is that we have the choice to engage in this act or not. We can choose to sacrifice our health and well being for pleasure. Women have no choice, it’s bound to come around once a month. Count your blessings men. Take advantage of it and retain your semen.
  2. Captain!

    Captain! Fapstronaut

    Very true they even have skin rashes as they have it in a month. While i'll have hives of acne after I binge in P.M.O.
  3. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    Yeah my skin has improved a lot while abstaining
  4. Davidphd1866

    Davidphd1866 Fapstronaut

    WOW! Brilliant connection. Sure, perhaps difficult to prove, but the apparent parallel is fascinating. I have no doubt that for me personally, ejaculation weakens me. And, zinc IS difficult to eat from the diet. AND, this goofy virus scare has the supply of zinc supplements gone from the shelves.
  5. seaguy44

    seaguy44 Moderator Assistant

    Interesting point... we men have a CHOICE on semen retention while women doesn't have any choice.... Another benefit of being a man
    False promise likes this.
  6. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    You made many good points there!
    Unfortunately, so many men these days are addicted to pleasure, the instant gratifications (of different kinds) that accompany them and busting their nuts that not even the zinc-abundant diet can help compensate the huge loss that comes with a single ejaculation.
    Not to mention the huge energy drainage and multiple side-effects that hits afterwards. No wonder why so many men these days look miserable, drained and tired all the time. Although jizzing alone doesn't cause all of it, I believe it is a huge contributing factor indeed.
    The worst part is that most men are completely blue-pilled about this fact/reality and consistently renounce and reject everything that can't be directly proven by natural science and/or and confirmed by the mainstream news channels (whose purpose in the first place is to have you enslaved by fear, lust, jealousy, ego, and desires of various kinds). They keep on jizzing away their short lives, continue to live a life in mediocrity and age with lots of aches, pains, medications and mental qualms and ghosts because of it.
  7. You mentioned a good point.Even a healthy diet cannot protect you from a lack of vitamins and minerals caused by ejaculation.I had a blood test before my semen retention process and most of my vitamins and minerals were quite low.(Especially B12 and Iron).I usually eat healthy but what was that vitamins and minerals...Huhh...I will share a thread about this in the future.
  8. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    I feel your pain! When looking back at pictures prior to and post NoFap, I can spot a stark difference in my entire physiognomy (no joke). Back during my PMO-days, my skin and hair look fatigued, ragged, oily and sometimes very dry. My facial hair also looked spotted and much thinner.
    One of the most remarkable differences though is the more masculine, balanced and confident look that came with prolonged semen-retention. Before, I looked more like a nervous, fatigued and shaky simp whereas nowadays, I do look way more manly and alpha than I could ever imagine a few years ago. Despite my somewhat higher age (32 years currently), I am the most shredded, lean and healthy-looking I have ever been.

    But the more masculine and alpha-looks you earn over time are not the only and best things. You do also conserve your precious masculine energy, vibrate at a higher energy level and thus gain a lot of power and influence. I have attracted some great people into my life over the past two years since my NoFap-journey (and streak) began and it still continues without a doubt. Last weekend, I got in touch with at least a dozen new great people, a few of which can even assist me with some parts of the business I have started to work on.
    Although many of the benefits from SR might not be present and felt right away, give it a few months and you will notice how many great people are slowly entering your life.
    NICEDUDE, matt2k12, MNViking and 4 others like this.
  9. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    It’s true. I should add that after ejaculation I’ve tried to undo the damage by taking large amounts of zinc supplements. Maybe it helped my immune system, but was definitely unsuccessful at reversing the loss of energy and other negative effects.
    jaybelgium and Deleted Account like this.
  10. The apple contains all of the necessary vitamins and minerals for living.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. seaguy44

    seaguy44 Moderator Assistant

    I have had long streaks of noFap. Months. But I have binged big time for months now I'm back on Day 5...

    What I have noticed is this:

    Every SINGLE TIME I'm retaining my semen - after the intense period of agony/excess sexual energy period (that was Day 3 for me in this current streak), I feel.... deepest calm....So that tells me:

    Every time you ejaculate, it shifts your entire moods. Just like that.

    I know that every time I ejaculate, my work productivity goes down. Every single time.

    When you retain semen, you are really building up energy inside you. Semen retention IS energy. I can feel the energy (not sexual energy) but good energy inside me that's balanced, solid and productive. That only can come from.... retaining my semen.
  12. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    Yes apples are very nutritious, but no food can make up for the loss of ejaculation. It can help, but if you retain and eat those nutritious foods, you only benefit, no making up for anything.
    Absolutely brother.. so many have reported the same effects. It is the secret to enjoying life.. its how we were meant to live. Humans have bastardized sexuality.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Your words impressed me a lot , my brother.Being healthy is something important for everyone here.But the other important thing is to being a honorable, strong and good person.I wish you all the best in your life!
    MNViking and Angus McGyver like this.
  14. Where does the zinc go from the soil? I mean conservation of mass it has to go somewhere. So Why cant we make the soil rich in Zinc again with fertilisation?
  15. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    we probably could. The problem is that synthetic fertilizers, pesticides herbicides rodenticides, all the things used in conventional farming, as well as basic pollution in the air and water, react with zinc in the soil. For example copper based pesticides will react with the zinc in the soil.
    Davidphd1866 likes this.
  16. Yes, but your original post was about zinc. I was not debating that ejaculation depletes a man.
  17. What? Just one day of intensity?

    Man, i was cranked for months...
  18. seaguy44

    seaguy44 Moderator Assistant

    Each man is different, I guess. I have had long streaks in the past (multiple 100+ days streaks) so perhaps this helped me.

    Yeah I know how you feel. It sure can make us be cranky,
  19. No not "cranky". Cranked up, as in, pumped, full of energy.

    But I didn't realize you had long streaks in the past. Yeah, the energy is different

    after the first complete reboot, it's more flatlined, but I prefer it.

    It seems like when I've streaked and relapsed over and over, that

    massive energy like the first time isn't there as much.

    Still I want to complete this reboot, with 16 days to go.
    Davidphd1866 likes this.
  20. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    Though a great accomplishment, 90 days is not enough to reboot. This is a life long journey brother.. remember that.
    Davidphd1866 and Deleted Account like this.