These Temptations

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, May 28, 2020.

  1. Hello,

    I always have this weird temptation to do bad things that might feel good for myself. If you know what I’m saying? Haha. Is this some sort of neuroscience thing I don’t know about? Haha. Especially drugs. Crazy weird temptations. Motivate me to not do any drugs at all.

    Thank you,
  2. “Change Your Brain, Change Your Life.” No, my friend you don’t want to down go this path. I have added an image to motivate you. Drugs are Bad News for the Brain. Try to avoid the temptation as much as you can. upload_2020-5-27_21-49-47.jpeg
    goodnice 2.0 and frtyp01 like this.
  3. Here’s additional motivation for you. Remember, your brain is the 2nd most important organ besides the heart. Without your brain, you can’t think.
  4. You don’t need drugs, man. You just need friends, family, a lot of clean drinking water, a shower, exercise, good personal hygiene and a good night’s sleep.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2020
  5. No. It starts out as innocent but then it leads you down a very dark path. You don’t need drugs in your life. You don’t need P either. You just have to create a life where you don’t need and aren’t triggered by them.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Dude, don’t. Your better off for your health and for your finances.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. At least your aware of your triggers. That’s good to hear.
  8. Forgot to mention this. Remember, “what you feed your brain, is what’s it’s going to see in it’s reality.” This is why you have to be careful about your thoughts because they can play tricks on you if you aren’t careful.
  9. Wow. That’s a lot of information. Thanks for the help and insights. Appreciate it. Those images definitely motivated me not to do drugs, haha.