Is high speed internet porn part of the reason for the rise in incels?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by skaterdrew, May 27, 2020.

  1. Absolutely 100% linked to porn and other instant gratification like tv and video games. All 3 are a huge part of why I’m such a scared pussy
  2. Boxerito

    Boxerito Fapstronaut

    Absolutely. 3 reasons for turning young people into incels.

    1. Addiction steals time to meet real partners. If sexual satiety is falsely reached, there is less psychophysiological need for real deal. Now there are less weddings and I attribute it to porn. Look at Japan.
    2. Porn addiction makes you impotent. That's the neurological castration to incel state.
    3. Porn addiction changes your personality for the worse. It makes you irritable, lonely, aggressive, easily frustrated, impulsive, neurotic, etc. All lousy traits when it's time to score.

    More reasons might be added, but enough.
  3. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your insight.

    I definitely think you're right about the rejection thing. I am anxious to approach women and scared of rejection. I have a friend who asked a girl out who was working in a shop the other day. She said no, and my friend didn't think anything of it. He didn't seem upset or anything. My friend has had a lot of relationships and sexual experiences with women. But I guess he puts himself out there. He knows he might get rejected, but still tries anyway.

    I think maybe this a lot of guys problem now a days. Maybe many guys will chat to women on dating sites but never approach any in real life. But like you said many guys actually get rejected in real life, it's normal, but it doesn't deter them. Where as if an under confident guy who never pursues women in real life decided to pursue a woman in real life and got rejected, they would possibly be crushed by this, and think there is something wrong with them because they got rejected. But what they don't actually realize is guys get rejected all the time, even the most confident good looking guys.

    So I think maybe a lot of guys don't pursue women in real life the same as what they used to, because of the internet today. So I think this could be a part of the problem.

    But something else that I actually think could be part of the problem is people can actually find out a lot about someone online these days, through social media ext. I believe this could actually cause men and even women issues these days. Where as before high speed internet everyone in a town didn't know each other, you couldn't find out loads of stuff about someone online. You just went on dates because you liked the look of each other when you met in real life, you liked the persons personality in real life, and this was enough to make you interested in continuing to date them. People weren't going online and finding out loads about the person that could potentially put them off them.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2020
  4. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    I really like your profile picture lol. That's exactly what I think about the internet and high speed internet porn.

    It's annoys me how people don't think the internet and high speed internet porn is an addiction, because it's not classed as a drug. But people don't realize that the same thing is happening in the brain from it, and it causes the same brain changes.

    The internet is seriously addictive. People don't even realize it, and just think it is completely normal and harmless.
    Boxerito likes this.
  5. Boxerito

    Boxerito Fapstronaut

  6. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

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